Zoltán Tóth

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Cég: DigInStore
Lánchíd Klub tagsága: a Lánchíd Klub alapító tagja
Lánchíd Klub vélemény cikkek
Is domestic tobacco retail in trouble?Is domestic tobacco retail in trouble?
A successful community for collective success
2024 is a year of challenges for the tobacco industry and retail
2024 is a year of challenges for the tobacco industry and retail
Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)
Survival strategies
Digital in-store marketing in tobacco shops – how to reach hundreds of thousands of consumers in 90 seconds
Digital in-store marketing in tobacco shops – how to reach hundreds of thousands of consumers in 90 seconds
(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)
Try to find MUCI!
Tobacco shops pass the thousand billion forint threshold
Tobacco shops pass the thousand billion forint threshold
Magazine: Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 1)
Offline and in-store have transformed
COVID-resistant tobacco industry and retail
Magazine: The changing face of retail
Magazine: The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 1)
Tobacco products from a single distributor
Sales Insights 2014 – the efficiency of sales organisations
No reason to panic!
Cikkek melyekben szerepel
“My Love for Trade Marketing” conference returns in one weekBread basket value
A successful community for collective success
2024 is a year of challenges for the tobacco industry and retail
Hungarian name on this year’s V-Label Food Heroes list
“Most successful promotion of the year 2023” awards were presented to the winners
Survival strategies
TrafikTV – where “only the results matter”
Survival strategies
The “I love trade marketing” conference is coming again!
Digital in-store marketing in tobacco shops – how to reach hundreds of thousands of consumers in 90 seconds
(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)
Changing POS tools and new technologies
Try to find MUCI!
Tobacco shops pass the thousand billion forint threshold
Find MUCI! – Most Useful Creative Innovations
Magazine: Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 1)
Magazine: Have a nice breakfast!
Offline and in-store have transformed
COVID-resistant tobacco industry and retail
Successful trade marketing strategies here and beyond the Neverending Sea
Magazine: Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…
Packaging trends: With alternative solutions for the environment
Magazine: More than just a box
Magazine: The changing face of retail
Magazine: The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 1)
The wise man’s cookbook
Magazine: In-store campaigns for sales growth
Magazine: Packaging going greener
Magazine: Once upon a time…Business Days 2018 (Part 1)
Large companies also contribute to the digitalisation of the SME sector (Part 2)
Magazine: Business Days 2017: focusing on the channels (Part 1)
2017 is the year of challenges in the Hungarian tobacco product market
Magazine: Greener packaging trends
Magazine: Circus acts and showmen (Part 2)
Magazine: Machines talking to each other
Business Days 2015
Ready, steady, go – Hungary! (Business Days 2014, Part 1)
Magazine: There is a way forward!
Bakers keep on baking II.
Bakers keep on baking
Business Days 2013
In black and white (and grey)
Most successful promotion of the year, 2010’ – trade day and award ceremony
Warning! Traffic diverted! Business Days 2009 (Part 2)
Sailing out of the crisis – with innovations
We think differently and we do it differently (Business Days 2008, part 2.)
How to find talent?