Tag "Horeca"

Plant-Powered Perspectives is Hungary’s number one plant-based food industry conference

The Budapest Plant-Powered Perspectives 2022 conference, an innovative plant-based food industry event already running successfully in the V4 countries, is ready to go, and will be held on 10.11.2022 at...

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METRO’s Board of Directors has appointed a wholesale transformation department manager

METRO Hungary has prepared a new strategy in the past period, the aim of which is to respond to the needs of professional customers and promote real wholesale turnover, among...

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(HU) Fenntartható Gasztronómia Díjat alapított a METRO

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: Sirha Budapest 2022: Hungary’s biggest celebration of the HoReCa sector

Once again Sirha Budapest will open its gates between 22 and 24 March in 2022, at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center. The biggest food and HoReCa trade show...

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Pandemics and rising input prices hit the poultry sector

The world’s poultry meat production has been developing dynamically in the last two decades, with an average annual growth rate of 5 percent. Experts predict that this trend will continue...

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We found heroes!

In August Trade magazin and the HoReCa and Event division of the Hungarian Marketing Association announced the horeca Heroes programme: hospitality units could share how they survived the difficult situation...

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It was exactly 15 years ago, in November 2006 that the first issue of Trade magazin came out, debuting at the Foodapest trade show. You can find the 100-page magazine...

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Exciting careers discussed at the TMC barbecue

Both physical and online presence was possible at Trade Marketing Club’s (TMC) annual summer barbecue, and 80 people registered for participation. Trade magazin’s editor-in-chief and TMC founder Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed...

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Lessons learned from the crisis can help to get back on our feet

The coronavirus pandemic put the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) to a great test, too. Our magazine interviewed NAK president Balázs Győrffy. – How did the coronavirus pandemic influence the...

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‘Let’s not make our dreams the foundation stone of development projects!’

The pandemic showed that the food industry is crisis-resistant. Our magazine interviewed Tamás Éder, president of the Federation of Responsible Food Manufacturers (FÉSZ). What was 2020 like for the food...

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Lidl crosses the finish line first!

There is always a reason why it is worth waiting for Trade magazin’s FMCG retailer ranking every year. Already last year many asked the question: Will Lidl overtake Tesco in...

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Aldi UK Launches Fish Range To Support British Fishing Industry

Discount retailer Aldi has launched a new range of seasonal fish in an effort to support the British fishing industry that has been affected by the closure of hospitality venues....

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Besides keeping you awake, energy drinks ought to be healthy too!

András Palkó, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország’s marketing operations manager reported to our magazine that the retail market of energy drinks grew by 2.9 percent in value and increased by 3.3 percent...

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Waves coming and going in the fruit juice sea

In the 1st quarter of 2020 the experts of Sió-Eckes Kft. observed dynamically growing value and volume sales in the FJND market. Sales were also increasing in the June-September period,...

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Starting over

1. Are you still standing? How are you fighting for survival? 2. Do you have financial reserves left? If yes, for how many more months is the money enough? 3....

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In a mentor role

Ákos Bősze, business development executive (HoReCa) of METRO talked to our magazine about the impact of the virus on the present and the future of the sector. What was it...

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Not only jobs need protection, entrepreneurs too!

In the hospitality sector not only the owners of businesses, but guests are losing patience, too. Still, attempts at reopening without permission can be harmful for the whole trade. By...

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Magazine: K-shaped recession? What is happening in the labour market now and what will happen in 2021?

COVID-19 is a horrible catalyst of the recession but not its root: we already saw last year that the economy was slowing down, for instance sales by German automotive companies...

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Beer industry: Not a good summer

Like-for-like domestic beer sales dropped 10 percent in June-August 2020 – Sándor Kántor, director of the Association of Hungarian Brewers informed the media. In this period beer export fell 3.5...

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Coming, not coming

We can’t be sure at all about what is waiting for us in September. Just like it was the case with the first eight months, we can’t tell in advance...

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UK Shopper Numbers Rise After Launch Of State-Funded Dining Scheme

Shopper numbers, or footfall, across all British retail destinations rose 3.8% last week from the previous week, with the start of a state-funded eating out scheme helping evening traffic more...

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Pam Panorama Launches Online Portal For Suppliers

Italian retailer Pam Panorama has introduced a section on its website for suppliers interested in selling their products to the company. The initiative is part of the retailer’s efforts to...

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Magazine: More exhibitors and visitors at this year’s Sirha trade show

International food and HoReCa trade show Sirha Budapest took place between 4 and 6 February 2020, and it was very successful from both professional and business perspectives. The venue was...

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A tervezhetőség a legfontosabb! – A hozzávalók útja az éttermi konyháig

A HoReCa-szektorban jártas szakemberek egyöntetű véleménye alapján az elmúlt pár évben tapasztalható gyorsulás és a kényelemre való törekvés magával hozta az online lehetőségek felé történő nyitást. Ma már nemcsak a...

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Magazine: Festive desserts: Economising is out of the question!

In the Christmas period traditional Hungarian cakes, pastries and desserts dominate in the market of festive desserts – informed Gergely Németh, Chef Market Food Service Company’s commercial director. In line...

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Improved sales performance from wholesalers too

This year is the second when we asked wholesalers supplying the retail and HoReCa sectors about the market and their own performance. Approximately 20-25 wholesalers talked about their results; their combined...

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Sirha Budapest: Almost half of the exhibition space is already booked

The next Sirha Budapest trade show will take place on 4-6 February 2020. It perfectly shows the significance of the Budapest event that already about100 companies have booked 5,000m² of exhibition...

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Magazine: Mixed Summer

According to Attila Piri, marketing director of Heinemann Testvérek Kft., light and fresh cocktails will dominate this summer. The gin category will continue to strengthen, new gin brands will appear...

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Halker: A new warehouse with extras

Halker Kft. has been active since 1990 and commercial director Gábor Horváth told that last year they had built a new, 1,500-pallet-space refrigerated warehouse. In the new facility there is a show...

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Reliability is the keyword at METRO

METRO has been assisting the successful operations of partners – mainly Hungarian HoReCa units – for 25 years. 2018 was the year of private label products at METRO: METRO Chef top-quality...

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