
(HU) Nem fertőző a magyar pulykahús


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(HU) Fentről nézve szebb


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(HU) Új szelek a magyar diszkontpiacon


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(HU) Februárban drágulnak a pékáruk


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(HU) Kompromisszum a vodkacsatában?


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Small tigers

“100 small tigers” is the title of a fascinating publication by Coface Hungary and Üzlettárs magazine. The research data from independent researchers of Coface and Corvinus University is interesting reading...

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POS superlative

Salon POPAI is an exhibition for advertising and information, digital media, store furniture, merchandising and commercial architecture. The most popular and fascinating part of the exhibition was where innovations competing...

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No more superlatives

How can promotions be advertised? Should we emphasises superlatives, or is present Hungarian practice in line with EU guidelines at all? For answers, we turned to dr. Judit Firniksz, of...

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Challenges and answers in the dairy market

A congress was held by the Dairy Products Association under this title on the 7th December. The main topic was market prospects for domestic dairy products and the related marketing...

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