
EMBALLAGE 2006: practical ideas, design, environment

The professionals of the packaging, advertising, and food industries focused their attention on Paris in the autumn of 2006. An incredible number of international participants and guests attended the SIAL,...

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Tougher income tax, more lenient special taxes

In 2007, a number of allowances related to income tax will disappear. Income tax rates will not change, but the 18 per cent tax base will be HUF 1.7 million...

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GKM counting on the Brand Association

The Ministry of Economy and Transport is counting on suggestions from the Hungarian Brand Association to help in the development of the economy. According to an internal survey, the five...

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Damocles’ sword and in-store marketing

Efficiency of in-store promotional tools had been considered to be immeasurable for a long time. This is changing however, as a result of trade marketing methods becoming more widely used....

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Rising, falling and returning

Registration tax which was introduced in 2004 to replace consumption tax and compensate for the effects of VAT reductions, turned out to be a Janus-faced tax. Regulations regarding registration tax...

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Joint action against counterfeit of branded products

The Hungarian Brands Association and the National HQ of the Customs Office have signed an agreement about co-operation in the fight against illegal business activities, such as counterfeit of branded...

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Cover up?

POS tools in Hungarian stores are far inferior to those used in Western European stores. The question is: why? Manufacturers and their agencies complain that quality is of secondary importance...

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Kissing tortoises and the environment

Germans are less enthusiastic about spontaneity in food stores than other European nations. Though they watch prices, they are more concerned with “more value for the same price”. This is...

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Conference about ideas and experience

Competition getting ever tougher in all categories, growth opportunities becoming more scarce and radical cost reductions call for new ideas every day to bring tangible results at minimal costs. Trade...

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Digital future

The development of IT systems holds many possibilities for retail chains. Modern, self-service technologies are rarely used in our region yet. But changes are coming. We asked Romulus Steinbinder about...

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Russ Chapman was right

Since sales organisation change constantly, the task is to achieve and maintain a “dynamic balance” where we adopt to market conditions, but also meet internal, corporate expectations. Sales activities should...

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Post-Christmas promotions: starting before Christmas

Retailers are trying to compensate for the “low season” following the end of year shopping craze with various promotions. Discount sales play a major part in the success of these...

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Something has begun

More characteristic shelves, more versatile scales, more attractive refrigerators; Hungarian store furniture is beginning to catch up to Western European standards. This is not only a question of money. Attitude...

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Trade marketing planning: exemplary!

Below-the-line promotions are not very common in the meat industry. Sampling is simple and popular but it is questionable, if a cheap product can generate enough sales to cover the...

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Sweeties have caught up with table chocolate

Retail sales of sweeties are growing dynamically. Value has grown by 13 per cent, while volume has increased by 19 per cent in the October 2005 – September 2006 period...

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Dry wines finding their way to the consumer

Domestic wine consumption continued to grow last year. Half of the households buy wine occasionally, while 41 per cent never consume wine. Average consumption was 20,1 litres per household in...

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Foodapest 2006

Awards for success All products continuously present in the Hungarian market since 2003 and exhibited at FOODAPEST 2006 could be nominated for the FOODAPEST awards for success by HUNGEXPO Zrt....

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Season of seasons

According to marketing books, one of the tools that can be used for boosting sales is creating new opportunities for purchasing. The sweets industry seems to be good student. In...

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Higher customer requirements

Though quality, price and assortment are still the most important customer considerations in Hungary, the possibility of using debit cards for payment became significantly more important for customers in 2006,...

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Another 26 Excellent Hungarians

József Gráf , the Minister of Agriculture handed over the Kiváló Magyar Élelmiszer certificate for 26 products of 16 manufacturers. Foodapest exhibition has traditionally been the scene of the handing...

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Modern store types dominate

The retail trade of frozen products is growing. Sales of meats exceed HUF 12 billion, frozen potato sales are over HUF 3,5 billion, while frozen pizzas represent a market of...

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Flood of imports from the EU

According to KSH data, the volume of foreign trade between January and October 2006 increased compared to the previous year. In terms of volume, exports grew by 16 per cent,...

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The National Packaging and Conveying Federation organised a conference about environmental regulations for packaging during Foodapest. After the event, awards were handed over to the winners in the 23rd annual...

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Escape to victory

Very different strategies might all be successful in the market of frozen products – this is the conclusion I came to after analysing the answers I got from market players....

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Destination: Romania

At the moment, there is no sign of the dumping of cheap food in Romanian and Bulgarian markets which took place in Hungary after accession to the EU in 2004....

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Europe and wine

Major changes are coming in EU regulations for the wine market. A surplus of wine has accumulated in the EU and exports are growing more slowly than imports. The reforms...

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The market has expanded both in terms of value and volume

Fruit tea has become more popular than black tea, according to November 2006 – October 2006 retail figures. Herbal tea and green tea have also gained market share at the...

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The brakes are on

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. published on 27. December 2006, inflation is rising but balance is starting to improve. Investor confidence and the HUF are both improving...

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Lánchíd Klub open meeting again

The ACNielsen gave a review of the most important product categories on the Lanchid Club open meeting. Growth was recorded for three-quarters of the 86 categories, mainly as a result...

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Teas are not all black nowadays

The tea market seems to have benefited from the myth that black teas are not as healthy as other types, because attention turned to these other kinds of tea, which...

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