Posts From trademagazin

Hungary's new tourism attractions

Multi-level indoor zoo and Oceanary, giant slide bath, thematic adventure bath: Hungary's new tourism attractions are preparing by full power which can be built by EU supported billions of forints....

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The new President of the Meat Guild focuses on consumer confidence

According to new president Babati Zoltán; The Association of Entrepreneurs Meat Industrialists and Meat Traders (Meat Guild) would increase competitiveness and strenghten consumer safety and consumer confidence. The organization aims...

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Negro will be produced at a new loacation

The new sugar confectionery plant of Győri Keksz Ltd., built from 1 billion HUF investment, was handed over at the Győr Industrial Park. Győri Keksz Ltd. bought a ten thousand...

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Wine is still a good long-term investment

On the wine market, the signs of prosperity continues to appear, especially with the rising demands of the Asian markets. Since January, prices have increased by 14-18 percent, only in...

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Dairy success story from Kapuvár

Crisis did not affect the additive-free milk producer, the Cserpes cheese manufacture. The company's sales are increasing from month to month. While because of the economic crisis an increasing number...

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New directions at Hungexpo

Ganczer Gábor Hungexpo’s recently appointed CEO came from the Hotel industry, and started to develop the new business policy of Hungexpo with this professional background. The company famous for its...

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Wine tasting from United Brands

The United Brands held its partners meeting linked to product tasting in late October, where beside the well-known and popular J.P.Chenet wines, presented its significantly expanded portfolio of wines and...

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Goods shortages due to the shy merchants

A lot of products ran out of stock in the U.S. stores, because the merchants despite the Christmas season are too shy to order large stocks, because of the crisis....

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The Consumer Confidence Index improved by 6 points in Hungary

The Consumer Confidence Index improved by 6 points to 58 points in October compared to April. Thus the indicator but is still far from the pre-crisis level. The improvement is...

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The promoting of the quality Pálinka consumption continues

The campaign aims to change general consumer attitudes to one of the most important Hungarikum, the Pálinka. The project developer the Agricultural Center (AMC), promotes conscious consumption. Everyone can find...

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CBA innovates

CBA started the introduction of a new business type, the soft-discount. In a couple of years, CBA plans to introduce 150-200 units of CBA Cents. The first store opened on...

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Decline in agricultural prices

According to the Central Statistical Office’s report the decrease of the agricultural prices continues. The prices are close to the low point of the decade. Az agrártermékek termelőiár-szintje 2009 szeptemberében...

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The cafeteria will stay, benefit will be reduced

According to the survey of Sodexo Pass; two-thirds of the firms plan with the same cafeteria budget, for next year as this year. This means a one fifth reduction in...

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Sensory novelties at the Invisible Exhibition

The still succesful Invisible Exhibition Budapest is trip to a special unseen world. Thanks to the largest domestic sensory marketing agency, one can live the everydays of the blinds more...

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Health day: free screening and blood donations in the Tesco

Tesco organises health day for the third time this year. On the afternoon of 13th November, Tesco is waiting everybody with lifestyle advices, free screenings and blood donations in 15...

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New SPAR supermarket opened in Debrecen

The SPAR Hungary Ltd. opened a new SPAR supermarket on 12th November 2009 in Debrecen. The new store is the city's seventh SPAR unit. Six Spar supermarkest and one Interspar...

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Rio Mare at a new distributor

The Italian Rio Mare will work with a new distributor, from 1st January in Hungary. The Győr-based Infood 2000 Ltd. will take over the exclusive domestic distribution rights of the...

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Great Wal-Mart report

Beyond the expectations of analysts, Wal-Mart's preliminary results reports of 0.84 USD per share profit. Revenues meets the expectations. The management increased the company’s profit expectations for this year, predicting...

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The inflation data is better-than-expected

According to the Central Statistical Office; the consumer prices increased by 4.7 percent in October compared to last year and remained unchanged compared to September. Analysts expected a 4.9 percent...

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A hundred billion was spent on web purchases

Although barely one percent of the annual domestic trade revenue comes from web, this amount is still close to100 billion forints. In 2009 Bookline became the Best Internet Trader.The quarter...

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This year's new wines are promising

Autumn harvest’s first wines can be tasted from the beginning of November. Expectations very high among the professionals. This summer was good for grapes, the experiences of the new wine...

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Low goose prices in Germany

Goose breeders who are exporting mainly to the German Market are in a difficult situation. Due to the previous animal rights campaign, and the dramatically falling prices. According to the...

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Holiday checks are popular

Employers purchased holiday vouchers for 40 billion HUF until the end of October. This amount is 20 percent higher, than a year earlier – informed the Hungarian National Holiday Foundation,...

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The 400th SPAR store in the store of today

SPAR Group’s 400th business opens at a legendary place, the former site of “Budai Skála”. The new store expects customers, and those who consume less and choose more rational than...

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Sense and sensitivity in the call centers

Due to legal obligations the telephone customer service operators have to record the dialogue, and store it for five years. With the usage of an analysis software the companies can...

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Bath development in Makó for 3.6 billion forints

Makó won more than a half billion HUF from the EU for bathdevelopment. The construction has been started – announced the city's mayor. Buzás Peter said: the official notification has...

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Consumer rush Budapest's newest mall

Costumers in thick lines were waiting in the pouring rain, for the opening of Budapest's newest mall, the Allee on 11th November at 11 o'clock. Among the five large shopping...

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The third-quarter profit of Henkel increased by seventy percent

The German retail consumer goods manufacturer Henkel's profits increased by 70 percent in the third quarter of 2009, thanks to lower restructuring costs. According to the preliminary datas Henkel’s third...

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Fall in the price of pork

The purchase price of pork decreased drastically within a few weeks by 15-16 percent – said the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture. The decrease occurred, despite the fact that the number...

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There is still no trend change in domestic tourism

According to the Central Statistical Office; between January and September 2009, the number of foreign and domestic guests decreased by 11 and 6 percent, compared to the same period the...

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