Tag "vegán"

Medicine in grass, wood, functional

Fizikai és mentális egészség, nyugodt alvás, hangulatjavítás, energiapótlás – jólléte biztosításához, egészsége megőrzéséhez a ma embere már nem feltétlenül a gyógyszertárban keresi a segítséget, inkább az élelmiszerüzletek polcain. És még...

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HiPP Prémium Gyümölcsök teljes értékű gabonával

A HiPP bemutatja a Gyümölcsök új generációját, a Prémium Gyümölcsöket. Az új HiPP termékek egyedülálló módon, tiszta bio-direktpürével készülnek, azaz: a kézzel szedett biogyümölcsöket frissen lefagyasztják, majd kíméletesen pürésítik. Az...

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FINO VEGAJÓ vegan products

This autumn 5 new products are added to FINO-FOOD Kft.’s vegan product selection. FINO VEGAJÓ vegan products are made with coconut fat and added calcium, and they are soy- and...

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Meat and dairy imitations of plant origin: stricter EU regulation is needed

Plant-based products imitating animal-derived foods must be significantly different in name from those of animal origin. In their description and advertisements, they cannot refer to the untruth that their nutritional content...

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Automation, private labels and veganism – international retail in 2022

Workforce shortage? Automation! This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. In 2022 the workforce situation in FMCG retail wasn’t any better than in the previous year: both...

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Vegan strongman Viktor Jakab finished second in the CESA competition

On 29 April the 2nd round of the Central European Strongman Association’s (CESA) STRONGMAN LEAGUE was organised in Bodrog, where vegan strongman Jakab Varga finished 2nd. The athlete has been following...

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Survey on the Hungarian consumption of plant-based foods

In April Danone and NMS did a representative survey, which revealed that today the main reason for eating plant-based food is health, but only 8% of consumers are forced to...

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Violife offers vegan alternatives with a diverse portfolio

In May Violife appears on the shelves of Hungarian stores with a wide range of plant-based, dairy-, gluten- and preservative-free products. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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Hungarian name on this year’s V-Label Food Heroes list

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Zoltán Tóth-Czifra, the founder and CEO of Barcelona-based Real Deal Milk – winner of “Start-up of the Year” in Catalonia...

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HELIA-D unveils new product range

HELIA-D has introduced its latest innovation, the new HELIA-D Hydramax range. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. The Hydramax range is a new generation of deep...

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Today free-from already means high quality

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/5 Gyopár Géger, brand manager of PICK: “There is a difference between one kind of meat and another. Bonafarm Group and MCS...

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Dole rolls out dessert range

Dole Sunshine Company has launched a Fruit & Cream dessert range, combining sun-ripened fruit with plant-based cream. The new range is gluten-free, halal and vegan, and it is available in...

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Totally dairy-free

2022 was full of challenges in the lactose- and dairy-free product category too, mainly owing to different economic effects and the high inflation. This article is available for reading in...

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PENNY products for a healthy diet

Lactose-free On the “Health Island” shelves of PENNY stores customers can find organic, gluten-free and sugar control products, while in the refrigerators there are lactose-free and vegan foods too. As...

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A wide selection of plant-based cheese alternatives is now available here as well

Every third of our compatriots follows a special diet, i.e. vegetarian, dairy-free, and the vast majority are increasingly aware that the people involved choose gluten- or lactose-free food not for...

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British Army chefs attend vegan cooking class

Personnel from the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force and Civil Service attended a plant-based culinary training workshop, held by Humane Society International/UK (HSI/UK), Veganuary and Plant Future. The...

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Instead of keto, vegan is now America’s favourite diet

A new study claims that for the first time in five years, plant-based diet is now more popular than keto in the USA. Keto – a diet low in carbohydrates...

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Spain’s Eroski rolls out private label for vegan products

Spanish supermarket chain Eroski has put a new range of private label vegan products on the market, as it aims to promote a healthier and more sustainable diet. The Eroski Veggie organic...

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Vegan dishes are now served in nearly half of US restaurants

Plant-based eaters in the US can be happy, as 48.4% of all restaurants across the country are now offering vegan dishes – says the Plant Based Food Association (PBFA), a...

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The Netherlands: masterplan for accelerating the switch to plant-based protein

The Dutch agri-food sector is planning to implement a “masterplan” to speed up the protein transition. Their initiative focuses on ensuring that farmers achieve greater vegetable yields, grow plant-based on...

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Start-ups are developing vegan salmon fillet and crab cake

Toronto-based start-up New School Foods is working on developing vegan seafood. With three years of work, they invented cutting-edge technology, utilising target freezing to create structures similar to the muscle...

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The veggie is a winner!

The Ceres, Hame, Green Factory and Queen of Peas brands launched a joint promotion with this title in Tesco stores. Customers can win valuable prizes by purchasing at least 2...

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IKEA fights for sustainability not only with its furniture, but also with its food

IKEA wants to become a climate-positive company by 2030, but for this it needs to produce more plant-based food. In 2022, approximately 520 million guests tried IKEA’s food offering, which...

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Continente Launches Vegan Alternative To Yoghurts

Portuguese supermarket chain Continente has launched a new product range, Vegegurtes, a new vegan alternative to yoghurts that forms part of the retailer’s ‘Powered by Plants’ offering. The new, 100%...

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They are developing vegan salmon fillets and crab cakes

Two Canadian startups will get government help to further develop the technology needed to produce the next generation of vegan seafood. Toronto-based startup New School Foods has received funding from...

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Development in the vegan beauty market is explosive

A new study released by the UK’s leading vegan charity has revealed that interest in vegan beauty products is at an all-time high after growing steadily over the past 10...

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More vegan products, the same amount of meat

Researchers say supermarkets “play an important role” in encouraging consumers to choose plant-based foods. What is more, during Veganuary 2021 the researchers at the University of Surrey discovered: while the...

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American peanuts: the formula for success

Peanuts are part of our lives not only in the form of snacks or peanut butter, but also as a source of protein, as they and their derivatives offer many...

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German Shoppers Buy More Vegan Products From Discounters, Survey Finds

Shoppers in Germany are buying more vegan products from discounters, according to a survey by Appinio commissioned by Aldi. The study also unveiled that 90% of respondents rated the price-performance...

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This year, dm will also join the Veganuary challenge

Starting in January, a separate subpage will be dedicated to the topic on the dm.hu interface, Start small in your household! and they invite their followers to play in a...

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