Tag "vegán"

Plant-based foods are taking over

Both manufacturers and distributors in the plant-based segment are trying to keep up with consumer demand, experimenting with innovative products and sustainable solutions. This article is available for reading in...

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More high-quality plant-based private label products

According to PLMA, European private label sales will reach a record EUR 340bn in 2023. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 V-Label says this is partly...

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Breakfast cereal buyers are looking for new flavours and healthy products

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), consumers are looking for new flavours and various “free-from” products are becoming increasingly important. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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Vegan activist on Forbes’ prestigious “30 successful Hungarians under 30” list

Raul Vida, the founder of Prove magazine, is the first vegan activist to appear on this year’s “30 successful Hungarians under 30” list by Forbes magazine. A cikk a Trade...

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What will you be eating tomorrow?

Plant-Powered Perspectives is a business conference, which took place for the third time last year at the METRO Gastro Academy, and it is also Hungary’s premier plant-based food event. This...

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REWE Opens Its First 100% Plant-Based Supermarket In Berlin

German retailer REWE has opened its first purely plant-based supermarket in Berlin, offering more than 2,700 vegan products. The store is the first vegan outlet for REWE Group, which operates...

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Vegan Food Group acquires Germany’s TofuTown

In its largest acquisition to date, Vegan Food Group has bought German organic meat producer TofuTown, making it a key player in the European plant-based market. This article is available...

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Oatly allowed use of the word “milk” on plant-based drinks packaging

Plant-based brand Oatly has won a High Court case against the UK dairy industry, and can continue to use the word “milk” on the packaging of its products. This article...

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Burger King Germany makes plant-based meals cheaper than meat

In Germany Burger King has slashed the price of all its plant-based menus by 10 cents, making them cheaper than the restaurant chain’s meat-based options. This article is available for...

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European governments promote diets with protein alternatives

Several European countries are supporting plant-based and other alternative protein based diets, according to a PLMA International summary. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 In Denmark...

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Plant-based foam on the cake: RAMA Crema!

Cappuccino, flat white, latte macchiato – they are simply unimaginable without silky, creamy milk foam. The new RAMA Crema product line offers a real, 100% plant-based alternative to cream, free...

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Vertical farming sector could grow to nearly USD 100bn by 2035

A new study by Research Nester suggests that an increased focus on environmentally friendly food production will be the main driver of growth in the global vertical farming market between...

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Tesco: second phase of growth in “plant-based products”

British supermarket Tesco has reported a second wave of demand for plant-based foods after a sales drop last year. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 According...

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Zalaco Vegan Easter Kalács sweetbread

Zalaco Vegan Easter Kalács sweetbread is made without the use of animal ingredients. It offers an alternative for our lactose intolerant customers and for shoppers following a modern diet. Contact:...

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MYKIND by Nánásiék Limited Balaton edition

Plant-based MYKIND by Nánásiék Limited Balaton Edition cleaning products are scented with the popular fruits of the Lake Balaton region, they are environmentally friendly, gentle and have an outstanding cleaning...

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Foodwatch questions the healthiness of plant-based meat substitutes

A „Veganuary” alkalmából a Foodwatch fogyasztóvédelmi szervezet 15 tisztán növényi alapú húshelyettesítő terméket vett górcső alá. Az eredmény: e termékek egészségessége meglehetősen ellentmondásos. This article is available for reading in Trade...

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Majomkenyér celebrates 10th anniversary

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Majomkenyér brand: delicious sweets for people living with food sensitivity. Our magazine talked to Andrea Salgó-Agócs, founder and owner of Majomkenyér. – When...

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Vegan or traditional? Lidl offers them at the same price!

Lidl Magyarország has taken another pioneering step to promote sustainable consumption and nutrition. In January the company started to reduce the price of a dozen private label Vemondo vegan food...

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Mentesfeszt is about to start

The festival of gluten-, lactose- and sugar-free health-conscious products and services opens on February 17. The festival, which will be held in the Northern Block of ELTE’s Lágymány Campus, welcomes...

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SPAR Austria Veggie range sales more than doubled in the last five years

SPAR Austria is cooperating with the international organisation Veganuary for the first time, drawing consumers focus to plant-based meals this January. This is a trend that is reflected both in...

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A kognitív hanyatlástól is védheti a nőket a növényi diéta

Összefüggést találtak a kutatók a növényi alapú étrend és az időskori jobb kognitív képességek között. Egy új tanulmány szerint a negyvenes éveikben járó, túlnyomórészt növényi alapú élelmiszereket fogyasztó nőknél kisebb valószínűséggel...

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Újra növényeket akarnak a fogyasztók a növényi alapú élelmiszerekben

A Whole Foods Market előrejelzése szerint 2024-ben egyre több vállalat fog arra összpontosítani, hogy tiszta összetevőket használjon termékeiben. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/12-01. lapszámában olvasható. A Whole Foods Market...

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Beetroot is a kitchen staple for autumn and winter

Beetroot is the base for many special dishes. Its eye-catching colour makes dishes look better, and eating as much as possible is a good idea, thanks to its nutritional value...

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Mindenhol vegán!

A húsmentes vagy teljes mértékben növényi alapú ételek egyre több kiszállítással is foglalkozó vendéglátóhely kínálatában megtalálhatóak, ezért a Nébih szakemberei novemberben házhoz szállított vegán készételeket vizsgáltak. A cikk a Trade...

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Winners of the V-Label international innovation competition announced!

The third edition of the innovation competition of the most famous international certification mark for vegan products, the Switzerland-based V-Label, has come to an end. On 1 November the winners...

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The price of vegan private label products is falling at Lidl

Vegan products are much more expensive than traditional alternatives. This version is now available at Lidl. Lidl Hungary explains its move by promoting sustainable consumption and nutrition. As of January,...

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Tesco launches new vegan brand

Tesco will launch a plant-based brand called Root & Soul, despite a slowdown in vegan food sales across the sector. The supermarket has applied to register the trademark name with...

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Októbertől csökken a francia kenyerek és pékáruk sótartalma

Az Egészségügyi Világszervezet (WHO) ajánlására Franciaországban csökkentik a pékáruk sótartalmát, ami a Magyarországra szállított import termékeket is érinti. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában olvasható. A WHO szerint egy...

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Október végéig tartott a körteszüret Magyarországon

Egészen október végéig elhúzódott el a hazai körteszezon. Magyarországon közel 2000 hektáron termelnek körtét, melyből az idén a tavalyi aszályos évnél jobb, de a közepes szintet el nem érő termésre számítanak...

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AM: Tovább kell növelni a szójatermesztést, cél ebből is az önellátás

A magyar gazdák agrártámogatásai a 2027-ig tartó időszakban is biztosítottak – szögezte le Farkas Sándor a „Margitta-sziget 92” Kft. és a Magyar Szója és Fehérjenövény Egyesület Szója Roadshowjának homorúdi állomásán Baranyában....

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