Tag "Lánchíd Klub"

The missing workforce – Lawyers from PwC Legal, Dr László Szűcs and Dr Melinda Molnár were the guests of Chain Bridge Club

At the end of December, a new law on the entry and residence of third-country nationals was passed. Then we had to wait another two months for detailed procedural rules,...

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Resilience – how far can flexible adaptation go?

The importance of mental resilience has increased in the corporate world. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 In the last year two close friends of mine...

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Új év, új idők

Ahogy szokták mondani, az életben egy dolog állandó: a változás. És milyen igaz ez mindenre, kicsiben és nagyban, láthatóan vagy láthatatlanul, de folyamatosan változik a szűken és tágan vett környezetünk,...

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Az álmok megvalósultak!

A Lánchíd Klub 2003 őszén jött létre. Az egyesületi formában működő Klub küldetése elsődlegesen a kereskedelem és a gyártói oldal közötti együttműködésnek az elősegítése, de tevékenységében fontos szerepet kapott a...

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„Ezt nem gondoltam volna” – Moldova György után szabadon

A 2002 és 2004 közötti időszak nagy reményekkel volt tele. Új tavaszt vártunk: öt évvel NATO-tagságunk elnyerése után azt, hogy 2004. május elsején felcsendüljön az Örömóda, és a tűzijáték feletti...

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What does not kill you makes you stronger

Today there is only one stable factor that is present in the daily lives of market players: CONSTANT change! However, as the saying goes, what doesn’t kill you only makes...

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New StarStore – Év Kereskedője winners and the 2022 award ceremony

This year was the 8th that Trade magazin organised the “Star Store – Év Kereskedője” competition for retailers with a registered seat in Hungary. The award ceremony took place at the...

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An icon has passed away!

On 20 August Péter Magyar, founder and managing director of food and drug product wholesalers Interfruct passed away, at the age of 76. In 2007 he was the first to...

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Megatrend Index: It is hard to be optimistic

Equilibrium Institute has prepared its Megatrend Index for the second time. At the last meeting of Trade magazin’s Chain Bridge Club Ákos Kozák, the institute’s director of business relations and...

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Sure points in uncertainty

Possible responses to changes in the economic environment were discussed at the Business Dinner professional event on May 26th. Nearly 70 people, including several members of the Chain Bridge Club,...

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The Chain Bridge Club welcomes: Zoltán Poór, general manager of Puratos – Taste Tomorrow research: New trends on the horizon

At the February Meeting of the Chain Bridge Club Zoltán Poór, general manager of Puratos shared the latest European results of the Taste Tomorrow research with participants. The research series...

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Magazine: Future-resistant food industry: What does crypto mining have to do with stevia?

Rethinking is necessary Food futurist Júlia Dalmadi was the guest at the January 2022 meeting of the Chain Bridge Club. She told that there is growing demand for the food...

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Help today, because tomorrow is too late!

The Chain Bridge Club was founded in 2003 and in 2016 members decided to establish the Chain Bridge Foundation – and together with it the ‘Join us and be the...

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Magazine: Online retail: The big picture

In early November Chain Bridge Club members gathered and listened to Norbert Madar, the head of GKI Digital talking about how COVID changed the relationship between online and offline retail...

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Magazine: A little bit personal

This year, the Lifetime Achievement Award founded by Trade magazin went to László Hovánszky, one of the members of the presidency of Chain Bridge Club. As I missed the occasion,...

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Exciting careers discussed at the TMC barbecue

Both physical and online presence was possible at Trade Marketing Club’s (TMC) annual summer barbecue, and 80 people registered for participation. Trade magazin’s editor-in-chief and TMC founder Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed...

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What would have happened if…

At the moment there are 7 billion and 830 million people living on planet Earth and 10 percent of them are malnourished. UNICEF’s estimation is that due to the economic...

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Counting tanks and moon dust tiramisu

Foreign policy expert Botond Feledy was the guest of Chain Bridge Club and gave an online presentation. First he talked about the social context and the general loss of trust...

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Magazine: The 15th of March from a different perspective

A national holiday spent in a lockdown. But the pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg: it is the effect, not the cause. Plus it very much seems that...

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Magazin4: Apropos of an anniversary

Soon it will be 30 years that I have been working in this sector. I started as a filling station attendant, but so many things have changed since then. The...

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Magazine: ‘Life in the time of Covid’

I have lived through many decisive years throughout my career, from the political transformation in 1989 to Hungary’s accession to the EU in 2004. But I think the spring of...

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Magazine: Fifty-three years in retail trade

Upon my request the Budapest Wholesale Market Zrt. accepted my resignation as CEO as of 30 April 2020. But how did I end up in retail trade? I was 10...

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Agriculture and the food economy – the challenges ahead in the short and long term

May 28, 2020 17: 00-20: 30 For the first time this year, we will be holding our Business Dinner FMCG Leadership Forum, held almost every last Thursday in May, online...

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Love in the Time of Cholera aka a warning from Mother Earth

The famous book by Gabriel Garcia Márquez has become topical from a different perspective recently. Perhaps the most important conclusion that can be drawn from it is there is only...

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The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 2)

On Thursday the day’s topic was hypermarkets, discounters, drugstores and e-commerce. The moderators of the day’s work were Zoltán Fekete, secretary general of Branded Goods Association Hungary and HD Group’s...

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Magazine: The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 1)

This year our magazine organised the Business Days conference in Tapolca under the name Trade Parliament, between 16 and 20 September. A record-breaking 750 FMCG experts and decision-makers came to learn...

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Magazine: Parliamentary reckoning

The Business Days conference has become ‘the’ conference of the trade by now, a real ‘PRIME EVENT BRAND’ of the Hungarian FMCG sector. It is needless to say that this status...

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Business Dinner 2019: Focusing on agriculture

Trade magazine and the Chain Bridge Club invited Minister of Agriculture Dr István Nagy and Bonafarm CEO Attila Csányi to the traditional end-of-May Business Dinner, where more than 60 food...

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Magazine: Growing importance of modern channels in fruit and vegetable sales

Eszter Kocsis, Nielsen’s retail services senior manager spoke about the results of the company’s fruit and vegetable buying habits survey at the 5th Zsendülés conference in Szeged. She revealed that the...

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Factory opening ceremony

It was a good feeling to be present at the ceremonial opening of VIRESOL Kft.’s new factory in Visonta: they built a modern, high-capacity wheat processing plant that can be...

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