
Pear against hangover

Drinking pear juice before a night of heavy drinking could reduce the effects of a hangover – a research suggests. Australian government scientists found that for those who suffering from...

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Romanian retail sales increased by 4.8 percent in the first half of the year

The volume of retail sales grew by 4.8 percent in Romania in the first half of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National...

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A KKV-knak kedveznek az új uniós pályázatok

– Jelentős változásokra kell számítani az utolsó uniós támogatási ciklusban, amelynek nyertesei a hazai kis- és középvállalkozások lehetnek. A KKV-k számára legfontosabb Gazdaságfejlesztési és Innovációs Operatív Programban leginkább a komplex,...

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Accounting 2.0 – changes in the financial institutions sector

At a seminar Deloitte organised for the financial sector on the latest developments, important legislative changes and new opportunities. Experts spoke about the positive influence the Lending for Growth Programme...

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Magazine: Budget approved in the spirit of stability and predictability

The Hungarian parliament has given the green light to the 2016 budget, the main objectives of which are the protection of jobs, tax reduction and creating a stable and predictable...

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GKI: On slowing trajectory

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., the growth rate of the Hungarian GDP will drop to 2.7 per cent in 2015, after its temporarily extremely fast rate...

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Less but better quality wheat than last year

Farmers expect the wheat harvest to be around 4.5 million tons – less than the usual quantity but better quality. Experts of the Grain Producer’s Association – Hungary (GOSZ) reported...

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The dairy sector can calculate with 43 billion forints

Next year the dairy sector will receive HUF 43 billion in funding, HUF 20 billion more than in 2010. In 2016 the sector will get transitional funds worth of HUF...

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The mountain village leader expects a similar grape yield to last year

Tornai Tamás President of the Mountain Village Wine Communities told Kossuth radio on Sunday that accurate estimation data will be communicated early next week. The mountain village leader about the...

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It is worth to invest into quality wines

Investing in high-quality wines in Hungary is still a rarity, although a close to 30 percent yield can be achieved with it, which is higher than the annual yield of...

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The inflation of the Euro Zone and Germany was 0.2 percent in July

Euro Zone's annual inflation held steady at 0.2 percent in July, far below the European Central Bank (ECB)'s target and disappointing those who hoped monetary stimulus would provide a quick...

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NÉBIH: herbal tea bags were withdrawn from circulation

Due to its high content of senna, herbal tea bags they were withdrawn from the markets of fifteen EU member states, including Hungary – the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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Half a million people lose their jobs because of the counterfeiting of fashion items every year

Each year more than half a million people lose their jobs because of fashion forgery that causes approximately 13 trillion HUF damages in the European Union – the National Board...

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The VAT reduction did not hit a hole in the Romanian budget

Government revenues have not decreased, despite the June introduction of the discounted 9 percent VAT on food, catering and non-alcoholic drinks in Romania – Victor Ponta Romanian Prime Minister said....

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Go physical stores!

Several articles are focusing on the advantages of shopping the traditional way and stressing the importance of retaining competitiveness when online giants such as Amazon are entering the market of...

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Magazine: We rewarded the best promotions

There were 27 entries in our magazine’s ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ competition. A jury of experts and consumers both evaluated works and 19 of them went home with...

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Nielsen: the companies spent 24 percent more on the TV advertising of foods

The companies spent 24 percent more 78.4 billion HUF on the TV advertising of food products in the first half on list price, without discounts – told the Nielsen Közönségmérés...

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The government to amend the food chain supervision fee

The regulation on food chain management fees will be amended in September. Currently, a consultation is taking place about the level of tax rates with the European Commission. There are...

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The GVH helps the small breweries in market acquisition

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) required the three largest breweries in Hungary, by the end of 2017 to reduce the amount of their sold beer products by 20 percent exclusively...

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Russian embargo: Brussels extends the support measures

The European Commission will extend the scope of the measures, which seeks to ease the impact of the Russian import ban affect the fruit growers and the dairy industry –...

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Economic sentiment improved slightly in the EU

Economic sentiment improved slightly in the 28 Member States of the EU in July, as well as in the Euro Zone – the European Commission (EC) said in a statement...

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Ten billion HUF program to start for people with changed working abilities

The government at the end of the year plans to launch a complex program for the and labor-market integration of disabled people with a 10 billion HUF support – said...

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Finance guards are suspected with the support of cigarette smugglers

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) suspects 18 finance guards with the support of cigarette smugglers near the Ukrainian border. Waltner Rolland, Deputy Attorney General of the Chief Prosecutor's...

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Less tablets sold worldwide in the second quarter

In the second quarter the number of tablets sold decreased by 7.0 percent compared to the previous year. Compared to the first quarter, the number of tablets sold decreased by...

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Masters of tender writing

According to Lajos Lovász, president of the MATERal Group, if a business decides to tender for funding, two things need to be clarified: can the project in question be realised...

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Budget approved in the spirit of stability and predictability

The Hungarian parliament has given the green light to the 2016 budget, the main objectives of which are the protection of jobs, tax reduction and creating a stable and predictable...

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Accounting 2.0 – changes in the financial institutions sector

At a seminar Deloitte organised for the financial sector on the latest developments, important legislative changes and new opportunities. Experts spoke about the positive influence the Lending for Growth Programme...

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Confusion about the VAT payment date rules

It is not the payment deadline as contained in 58. § (1) of the VAT Act but the last day of the settlement or payment period that shall apply for...

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Hundred thousand tons of flour is sold in the black economy each year

About 100 thousand tons of flour is sold in the black economy each year in Hungary with VAT frauds. The cheaters turned towards the flour, after the Government introduced reversed...

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One third of internet users use the web as a professional

Twenty percent of the net using adults have low, 43 percent of them have intermediate, and 37 percent of them have high digital skills – according to the survey prepared...

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