
Client-side encryption

Tresorit Kft. specialises in secure cloud storage with client-side encryption. Company founder and managing director István Lám told us: the problem with server-side encryption is that users lose control of...

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Magazine: Hair care products enhanced with oils and oxygen

Global beauty care trends influence the hare care category too. Debóra Blaumann, Unilever’s junior brand manager informed our magazine that a premiumisation process is taking place: brands formerly targeting masses...

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KSH: retail sales rose by 4.4 percent in May

The volume of retail sales in May 2015 increased by 4.4 percent, according to the raw data, while calendar effect adjusted the growth was 5.4 percent, compared to the same...

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The deferred purchases have increased retail sales

The deferred purchases of recent years increased retail sales -according to analysts polled by MTI, who responded to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) that was published on...

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Nébih: Hungary’s food security level remains good

The level of food safety in Hungary continues to be good, because less than 0.9 percent of the notifications in the EU’s rapid alert system were related to products produced...

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Wheat harvest is expected to be completed in the country by the end of the week

The wheat harvest is expected to be completed by the end of the week in Hungary, because the weather was favorable during the time of the harvest – the president...

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Melon growers are complaining about too low purchase prices

The melon growers of Medgyesegyházam, Békés County are talking about tragically low purchase prices. Many of them told that they are thinking about the termination of their activities for the...

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The fruit and vegetable producer organizations will receive additional national support

Additional national support will be given to the fruit and vegetable producer organizations – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Thursday. According to the notice, the committee approved...

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Shocking images on the cigarette packs in Slovakia

From the next year, Slovakia also introduces the shocking images on the cigarette packagings – the Slovak TASR news agency wrote on Wednesday, referring to the information provided by the...

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Bioenergy has great potential

K&H and Agrár Európa Kft.’s Agriculture Club invited Heinz Kopetz, president of the World Bioenergy Association to talk about Hungary’s great bioenergy potential by comparing our situation to other countries’....

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About WUWM

The World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) was established in Germany in 1958 and its objectives include sharing experiences and emphasising the role marketplaces play in the retail trade system...

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Consumer confidence index above the European average

In Austria the consumer confidence index (CCI) is 82 points, which is a higher score then the European average of 77 points. 53 percent of Austrians think positively of their...

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Successful municipality-owned meat plant in Gyula

After the former financial troubles the now 100-percent municipality-owned Gyulahús Kft. is stable and generates profit. In December 2012 the municipality got HUF 1.8 billion from the government to save...

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The Tokaj Trading House has increased its grape buying prices

This year, the state-owned Tokaj Trading House Ltd., pays more for grapes to the farmers. Major technological developments began at the company, and the unique soil site and plantation mensuration...

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SMEs have not expected such a profit for a long time

The domestic SME sales and profit expectations grew with a huge pace, has not seen for a long time. A price income of 5.7 percent and a revenue growth of...

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Most people plan to buy mobile, cleaning machines and TV-sets

Most of the Hungarians (23 percent) plan to buy a mobile phone in the next three months, 14 percent of them some kind of cleaning equipments, 13 percent of them...

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The rules on smoking to be tightened further in Italy

According to the announcement of the Italian Ministry of Health, smoking will be tightened in Italy, as well as the rules of packaging: shocking images to be placed on the...

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Traditional jam from Környe

They are building a jam factory in Környe, where traditional jams – containing no flavouring or preservatives – are going to be made. Owner Zsolt Kiprich told that the investment...

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Hortobágy geese in Russia

Hortobágy Goose Breeding Zrt. established a EUR 2-million joint venture with Kazan-seated company Ekoferma Zvenigovo. In three years EUR 12-15 million will be invested in the new firm and 1,500-1,700...

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Cattle farms built in Felsőkelecsény

Szuhamenti Agrár Kft. and Szuha-Fauna Kft. built cattle farms in Felsőkelecsény and Ragály from HUF 800 million. 300 cows can be kept at the new farms and as the result...

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One-billion-forint development in Herbro’s hatchery

One billion forints were invested in doubling the production capacity of Herbro Kft.’s hatchery in Hernád. HUF 400 million came from the company, HUF 245 million was from the rural...

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Staff reduction and overtime in retail trade

The number of retail workers further decreased in May, although the rate of decline is far less than in April, which was the first full month after the Sunday store...

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Marketing Campaign to purchase Hungarian dairy products

The government would encourage the consumers with a marketing campaign to purchase Hungarian dairy products. The government aims to help the Hungarian dairy farmers who are in a difficult situation,...

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Hungarian melon consumption increased by twenty percent during the campaign

Melon consumption in Hungary increased by twenty percent during the four-week campaign aimed at the promotion of melon – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told on...

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KSH: average earnings rose by 1.5 percent in May

The average earnings increased by 1.5 percent in May, compared to a year before. Without counting the wage of public workers, the increase was 4 percent – the Central Statistical...

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5 percent VAT not only in the swine sector

The Livestock and Meat Marketing Board and Interprofessional Organisation (VHT) considers the reduction of VAT to 5 percent in the pig sector not only as a sectoral advantage but as...

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There will not be a referendum on the Sunday store closure soon

The NVB made a decision over three referendum questions related to the authentication of the Sunday store closure. The National Electoral Commission (NVB) decided to recognize the question of Wodicska...

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Analysts: real wages will rise slower due to inflation

According to analysts polled by MTI, the real wages will increase slower, due to the rising inflation. According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published on Tuesday,...

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The Nébih checks beef products according to the EU quota

The check of beef products should be implemented according to the EU quota, to explore any horse meat contamination. This could mean hundreds of examination a year – Helik Ferenc,...

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Strategic agreement for disseminating the results of agricultural R&D work

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NAIK) signed a cooperation agreement on disseminating the results of agricultural research and development work; the...

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