
Budapest Wholesale Market: the heart of Hungary’s fruit and vegetable sector

The Budapest Wholesale Market is the place where the products of farmers and wholesalers are presented to serve consumer demand six days a week. It was in 1991 that the...

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17th International Cheese and Curd Festival in Gyomaendrőd

The annual Cheese and Curd Festival in Gyomaendrőd has been one of the main events for manufacturers for many years. Not only they but also winemakers, honey traders and the...

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Magazine: More funds needed for development in the fruit and vegetable sector

According to interprofessional organisation FruitVeb, it is good news for consumers that there will be no major increase in the price of watermelon this season. Last year 90,000 tons of...

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Fazekas Sándor: a campaign will be launched for the consumption of Hungarian dairy products

Fazekas Sándor at a press conference on Monday, that the Ministry of Agriculture launches a campaign to promote the consumption of Hungarian dairy products. The Minister of Agriculture underlined that...

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The Association for GMO-free Hungary has been formed

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture considered that the formation of the Association for GMO-free Hungary has historical significance. The Association for GMO-free Hungary has...

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The NAK calls for the sales of state land to farmers

The National Agricultural Economics Chamber (NAK) would like to see the government take the necessary steps to grant farmers land from the state land property – Győrffy Balázs, president of...

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Wine Communities: the blocking of import wines was an established decision

According to the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT), the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) made an established decision when ordered the blocking of certain imported wines – the HNT told...

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The winemakers of Szekszárd gave their blood and their Bull’s blood

Give blood and pass it! – the Hungarian Red Cross has launched its unconventional community blood donation campaign on Friday with this slogan. Fourteen winemakers of Szekszárd also joined to...

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80 percent of the Hungarian internet users have a smartphone

More than 80 percent of the Hungarian internet user population use smartphones and nearly 10 percent plan to buy smartphone in the future – the research of the Ipsos Zrt....

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New wildlife management act is needed

The old wildlife management is outdated, and therefore it is is necessary to create a new wildlife management law. Bitay Márton, the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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A consumer protection mobile app helps travelers going abroad

A consumer protection mobile app will help travelers going abroad: The ECC-Net: Travel is available in 25 languages and helps in consumer protection problems that may occur abroad. Kriesch Attila...

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Basically, they got stronger: hair dye, lacquer and conditioner

The combined value share of the six hair care categories was 4 percent higher in January-April 2015 than in the first four months of 2014. In the 4-month period sales...

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Apricot varieties exhibited in Tordas

At the end of June NAK and the horticulture directorate of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) organised a presentation of apricot varieties in Tordas. Participants could learn about...

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Less but better quality wheat than last year

Farmers expect the wheat harvest to be around 4.5 million tons – less than the usual quantity but better quality. Experts of the Grain Producer’s Association – Hungary (GOSZ) reported...

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Magazine: Cleaning and protecting

In the washing-up category local trends are the same as global trends. Anita Boros, PR manager with Procter&Gamble told our magazine that washing-up liquid sales are dropping and dishwasher detergent...

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KSH: the cattle and pig population continued to grow

The expansion of the cattle stocks has continued. The cattle population amounted to 818 thousand on 1 June 2015, while the number of pigs increased by 64 thousand to 3.1...

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FruitVeB: good melon season is expected

“The melon season has only just started, it is lasting for approximately two weeks, however, it seems that we have all the ingredients to end this year’s maturation period with...

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The NAV checks the trade of milk as well

The National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) will held controls in order to protect the market position of the dairy industry’s participants. The NAV will purposefully controls the trade of...

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Varga Mihály: special taxes do not conflict with the EU law

According to the Hungarian position, the food chain management fee or the health care contribution on tobacco products, do not conflict with the EU rules – Varga Mihály, Minister of...

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GVH: numerous complaints due to product demonstrations

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) continues to receive numerous complaints due to product demonstrations, and therefore the GVH repeatedly warns consumers of the dangers of product demonstrations – the GVH...

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FM: the TeSzedd! is Hungary's most successful voluntary movement

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture called the TeSzedd! – Voluntary for the Clean Hungary! action as Hungary's most successful voluntary movement. The TeSzedd! (Pick...

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Fifteen thousand bottles of fake perfumes were seized in Northern Hungary

Fifteen thousand bottles of fake branded perfumes were seized by the National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) finance guards on Friday night on the M3 motorway’s north-Hungarian section – the...

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Beer is popular

Hungarian brewers sold 2 percent more (in volume) beer last year and the same sales growth is expected for this year as well. According to data published by the Federation...

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Magazine: The cloud is growing

The cloud is basically turning the most modern info-communication capabilities into public utilities – says Péter Budai, cloud and enterprise business group lead at Microsoft Hungary. Broadband internet connection is...

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NAV: road toll cameras serves EKÁER well

With using road toll cameras in EKÁER (Electronic trade and transport Control System) it is now possible to detect if trucks which – based on transport documents – should carry...

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Nébih: consuming vegetables and fruits sold by public roads do not pose risk to health

Nébih (National Food Chain Safety Office) has been testing vegatables and fruits sold by busy public roads. According to their laboratory tests the products do not or hardly contain any...

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Decreasing price rises during June in European Union

Annual inflation has been decreased in both the euro area and the entire EU – based on results of June compared to May; on monthly basis there was no change....

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Are prices really increasing or is it just how we feel like?

While statistics show minimal inflation for the time being daily impression of people shows harsh price rising – managed to find the root of this symptom. Apparently we pay...

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500 years old wine-grape re-naturalised in France

Vine-pest in the 19th century perished all vineyards in France – except one in Soings-en-Sologne, 35 kilometres from Château de Chambord. At this only vineyard they have preserved some grapevines...

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Carlsberg targets the point of purchase

Priyadarshini Sharma, Carlsberg’s international director of premium brands talked to Marketing magazine about the importance of the point of purchase. In his view most campaigns fail when it comes to...

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