
Investment by SMEs may grow by one third this year

A survey conducted by Budapest Bank found that more than half of Hungarian SMEs realised sales growth in 2014. They implemented 56 percent of the investments they had planned. This...

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Brussels is investigating food chain supervision fee and healthcare contribution of tobacco companies

European Commission has initiated an investigation regarding supervision fee required to pay by food chains and also regarding healthcare contribution fee affecting trade of tobacco products in order to find...

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Nielsen: Retail food sales has grown in terms of value and volume

Retail food sales has reached nearly 750 billion HUF between December 2014 – May 2015 amongst the 90 product categories measured by Nielsen. This means 4 percent increase compared to...

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Hungarian Trade Association (OKSZ) appointed officers

Hungarian Trade Association (Országos Kereskedelmi Szövetség) has appointed officers at its general assembly – wrote This organisation is involved in one third the entire national retail sales and also...

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Syngenta: it would be worth to brand the Hungarian watermelons

It would be useful to brand the Hungarian watermelons to make it easier for consumers to recognize high-quality products – Antal Gyula, the professional manager of the Vegetables business at...

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Scientists from Debrecen to analyse Tokaji wines

As per the agreement between village Mád and University of Debrecen (DE) concluded on Wednesday scientists from Debrecen will be analysing Tokaji wines. During the press conference after signing the...

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More than 5000 packs of smuggled cigarettes found in a garage in Szeged

Customs police found more than 5000 packs of untaxed cigarettes and 2,5 kgs of fine cut tobacco in Szeged in a garage and a vehicle parking in front of it...

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A banana tree in Nagykanizsa bears fruit

The banana is ripening in Nagykanizsa. A local couple has planted a banana tree, which after 8 years of waiting – turned to bear fruit. MTI Photo: Varga György The...

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Chinese economic growth is 7.0 percent again in Q2

Similarly to Q1 results Chinese GDP has grown 7.0 percent between April and June – Hungarian Central Statistical Office informed on Wednesday. Growth of the world's second largest economy slightly...

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What consumers think or feel

In a 60-country study Nielsen asked consumers to finish the following sentence: ‘When you think about buying groceries and personal care products…’ The table contains five types of answers given...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices continued to decline

In May, the price of plant products was 6.7, the price of live animals and animal products was 10.4 percent cheaper, and the agricultural producer prices were 8.1 percent lower...

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EKÁER: problems with the amendment

The EKÁER (Electronic Road Transportation Control System) regulation changed at a relevant point in terms. From June, EKÁER number should be requested in case when the transportation is carried out...

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Hungary is a major beneficiary of EU funds

In terms of funding Hungary remains one of the largest net beneficiary of the EU, over the next seven years – Szűcs Tamás, the Head of European Commission’s Representation in...

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The negotiations can start in the EU about the GMO exemption

The European Union negotiations on genetically modified-free organisms (GMO free) food and feed will begin – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. According to the communication, Nagy...

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The Spanish shipment arrived to Hungary instead of Romania

According to the transport documents, the truckload of Spanish fruit and vegetables should have been transported to Romania, not to Hungary. The ekáer Working Group of the National Tax and...

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The German business sentiment index declined in July

The German business sentiment index declined from the previous month's 31.5 points to 29.7 points in July – the Mannheim-based ZEW economic research institute announced on Tuesday. The long-term average...

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The inter-professional organization is promoting the development of the grape and wine sector

The inter-professional organization is a good tool to promote the development of the grape and wine industry – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), told...

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A drop in US retail sales

The US retail trade turnover suffered an unexpected setback in June – wrote. While the market expected a 0.2 percent expansion on a month per month basis, according to...

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FM: the US authorities are satisfied with the Hungarian Food Safety Authority System

The US authority (FSIS) are satisfied with the Hungarian Food Safety Authority System, so the companies producing and distributing pork and pork products may find additional US export opportunuities. The...

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The producer cooperatives to be assessed

The National Agricultural Economics Association (NAK) in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) will carry out a survey on the economic and social conditions of producers' cooperatives –...

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The amount of the cherry crop is below expectations

One thousand tons were expected, but the amount of cherries is slightly below 900 tons – Pusztai József executive director of Hunapfel Kft., Békés county’s largest cherry producer told MTI...

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53 billion HUF for water management until 2020

In the new EU budget period Hungary can spend 53 billion HUF on water management tasks – Mezei Dávid, Deputy Minister of State of the Prime Minister’s Office The Deputy...

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The harvest of autumn barley and rapeseed has ended in Békés County

Outstanding autumn barley yield occured this year in Békés County – Barabás Béla, secretary of the Békés County Farmers' Federation told MTI on Monday. The average yield per hectare in...

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One glass of red wine is equivalent to an hour at the gym

According to researchers of the University of Alberta in Canada the resveratrol, a compound found in red wine has health benefits similar to those we get from exercise. According to...

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The HNT asks its members to block Italian origin wines

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) draws the attention of its members to block their Italian origin wine stocks and withdraw the already delivered Italian wines from the shelves,...

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More money for the Bocuse d’Or competition

The government doubled the sum for supporting the Bocuse d’Or chef competition from the central budget: next year the contest’s European final will take place in Budapest and the organisers...

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Five a day is OK

The European Food Safety Authority conducted a study with 66,531 participants on the food safety aspects of caffeine consumption. They found that a maximum 400mg daily caffeine intake is perfectly...

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Manufacturer brands stayed strong

Shower gel is in the top 10 of the 70 household chemical and cosmetics categories audited by Nielsen. Sales were worth HUF 15 billion in the March 2014-February 2015 period,...

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When times are hard, product selection and prices become more important

In Q1 2015 consumer confidence dropped further in Russia: it was at 72 points (Q3 2014: 87 points, Q4 2014: 79 points). At the end of last year the rouble’s...

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E-money in the cash registers

More than a thousand cash machines authorized by the NAV were transformed into machines that accept e-money. Soon we can pay with e-money in public kiosks and tobacco shops. The...

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