
GKI: Deteriorating business expectations and improving consumer sentiment

May was the fifth month when the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects remained unchanged, with some fluctuations, reflecting a relatively optimistic mood. According to the empirical survey...

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Annual 21 billion HUF can flow into the economy with the growth tax credit

Approximately 18 thousand companies can take advantage of the total of 21 billion HUF worth loans under the growth tax credit program – according to the analysis of Opten business...

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The native buffalo was left out of agricultural subsidies

It seems that the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) made a mistake when the native and endangered animal species like buffalo were missed this year – from the so-called production-linked –...

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Magazine: Analytic Consulting (Part 5) – Promotions: high costs – varying returns

Nielsen vice president Uta Werner and senior vice president Rick Hall are the authors of a study on how to overcome obstacles that are in the way of high-efficiency promotions....

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The NAV uncovered a nearly 400 million HUF VAT fraud

The inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) eradicated the activities criminal organization dealing with meat, who lured nearly 400 million HUF VAT. The financial investigators seized the...

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Subsidized agricultural insurance until the end of June

The Ministry of Agriculture extends the deadline of the grant applications for the increasingly popular subsidized agricultural insurances with one month. The new deadline is 30 June 2015. The agricultural...

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The French law banning food waste would have a global effect

The French law on banning food waste that was accepted last week would raise the law to a global level. The started of the initative Arash Derambarsh, municipal councilor of...

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Hungarian trading house opens in the Sudan

On 21 March 2015 a Hungarian trading house opened in the Sudan. The new trading house also deals with business matters in Libya, Chad, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan and...

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Analysts expect the further expansion of household consumption

Analysts said that due to the low inflation and rising real wages, the private consumption may increase substantially. According to the recently published data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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The cattle exports to Turkey can reach the volumes of the beginning of the decade

The cattle exports to Turkey can reach the volumes of the beginning of the decade – Budai Gyula, Ministerial Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Economy and Foreign Affairs told...

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Millions are affected by lactose intolerance in Hungary

Summer is finally here, the long-awaited ice cream season has started, and soon we can eat from our favourite scones on the beach as well. However, this pleasure can be...

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Nébih: the majority of producers follow the rules

According to the experiences of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in the last two years, the majority of farmers (80-90 percent) became the follower of rules – Helik...

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The growth rate of the German economy is slowing in May

The lower preliminary BMI indicators in May indicate the slowing growth rate of the German economy, compared to the previous month – Markit Economics economy research institute announced on Thursday...

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Mandatory food donations in France

French supermarkets will be banned from throwing away or destroying unsold food and must instead donate it to charities or for animal feed, under a law set to crack down...

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RehabJob: it would be a success for us, if the workers would not need us

The RehabJob dealing with the workplace integration of people with disabilities has launched two new initiatives. The integration of people with disabilities into society is still not solved, in fact,...

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KSH: earnings grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter

At businesses with at least five employees, at financial institutions and at non-profit organizations the gross average earnings increased by 4.1 percent in the first quarter of this year. Without...

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The Nébih has withdrawn 5700 kilogrammes of raw meat materials and products from circulation

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) after checking a small producer in Péterifound 5700 kilogrammes of raw meat materials then withdrew it because of irregularities. The plant was in...

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The conversion of agricultural production can prevent from the loss of biodiversity in Hungary

With reductions in the use of natural resources and the conversion of agricultural production can prevent from the loss of biodiversity in Hungary. It can also help to retain the...

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We have to wait longer for the turnaround in lending

Hungary’s economy performed better in 2014 than it was previously expected, but the country didn’t manage to return to a track that would ensure long-term growth. In 2015 the Hungary’s...

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Magazine: Special cosmetics

In the good old days cosmetics were made from natural ingredients. Later with the development of the market economy the composition of cosmetic products changed. Zsolt Kajtár, owner and managing...

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Fifteen Hungarian companies may export food to Russia

The Russian Federal Veterinary and Plant Protection Service (Rosszelhoznadzor) allowed fifteen Hungarian, two Cypriot and a few Greek companies to export their products to Russia if the food embargo to...

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Hungary’s GMO-free status will soon be guaranteed by law

Hungary’s GMO-free status will soon be guaranteed by law within a few weeks – the Minister of Agriculture announced at a press conference in Budapest on Wednesday. Fazekas Sándor told...

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The increase of freshwater fish production can be a break out point

The fish stocks of the European seas are depleted, Europe will soon look for new sources and Hungary has excellent features in freshwater fish production – Bitay Márton, Minister of...

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Nielsen: growing consumer confidence in Hungary

Hungary belongs to the fifteen European countries where the consumer confidence index rose in the first quarter to 57 points, from the 54 points of last year's fourth quarter –...

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The reduction of bank tax is necessary to the expansion of lending

The government adheres the signed cooperation agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). According to the recent report of the EBRD, the image of the Hungarian economy...

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The self-control on food advertising aimed at children is effective

The latest report shows that the EU Pledge (voluntary commitments of the food companies regarding food advertising aimed at children) has reached significant progress in 2014 in Hungary. The Hungarian...

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Atradius: Hungarian companies are crediting to each other but pay on time

The Hungarian enterprises are using the deferred payment in the Central Eastern European region the most, however the payment deadlines have become tighter and the rate of paid bills also...

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The beekeepers are living from acacia honey

We need to shift the attacks against the Hungarian acacia, because the Hungarian beekeepers are living from acacia honey – the president of the Hungarian Beekeepers Association told the M1...

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GfK: the market of technical products grew by 11.1 percent in the first quarter

The Durable & Electronics sales increased by 11.1 percent in the first quarter of 2015, compared to the same period of the previous year. The growth was mainly driven by...

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The decline in prices has stopped in the European Union

The decline in consumer prices stopped in the European Union in April. The annual inflation rate was zero percent – Eurostat announced on Tuesday. According to the data of the...

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