
Every year one million tons of food products are thrown out in Austria

Every year one million tons of food products are thrown into the trash in Austria – according to a study presented on Monday in Linz. The study was made by...

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Mixed flavours are flying high

There are added vitamins in these low-calorie products, which offer a fruit-vegetable taste. At and on the SIÓ Facebook page the company continues its loyalty programme. New packaging designs...

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Sunday opening may be easier

Within weeks, the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) may change the decree which lists the specific qualifications required for the sale of products – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. If certain...

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The Book of Red Wine Excellences has been published

Five hundred and eighty items were included into the Book of Red Wine Excellences in 2015. In the book, published by the Ministry of Agriculture the red wines of Szekszárd...

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The Nébih seized 9 tons of potatoes

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized 9 tons of edible potatoes sold as seed potatoes during the spring checks -the Nébih told MTI on Monday. The Nébih drew...

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An exhibition presenting Hungarian products was opened in Yemen

The world-class Hungarian products and services need to be introduced in a concentrated way – Magyar Levente, Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs told...

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Insect chips are available in Hungary

We can spice up our dinner with insects even in Hungary – the wrote. True, these are bought as funny gifts yet, but who knows, maybe in the future...

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A record volume of garbage was collected in TeSzedd! action

A record volume of 2300 tonnes of garbage was collected from Friday to Sunday afternoon within the nationwide TeSzedd! Action – the National Environment and Nature Protection Inspectorate (OKTF) told...

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FruitVeB: the support framework for gardening machinery was sold out on the first day

The support framework for gardening machinery was sold out on the first day – Ledó Ferenc, president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI on Monday....

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The NAV launched an investigation against VAT frauder meat distributor companies

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) launched an investigation against Hungarian and Slovak VAT frauder meat distributor companies. According to the tax authorities, the investigation was launched after checking...

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21 Székesfehérvár-based companies are supporting the Community Value Creation Program

When it was started in 2013, ten enterprises were involved in the Community Value Creation (KÉPES) Program in Székesfehérvár, now 21 locally-based companies are supporting the pioneering social responsibility community...

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More thorough transfer price checks

According to audit and tax consulting firm Baker Tilly Hungária’s latest report, last year the tax authorities performed more transfer price inspections than in the previous years. Transfer price errors...

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Food retail sales to grow this year

Food retail sales grew again both in value and volume. The shops reached revenues of around 490 billion HUF between December 2014 and March 2015 in the Ninety categories measured...

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In the past two years the number of online shoppers has increased tenfold in Hungary

The proportion of online purchases is strongly rising in Hungary: in 2014 almost the quarter of the households purchased daily consumer goods online at least once. The best-selling products on...

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The growth of the digital advertising market is slowing

The growth of the digital advertising market decelerated in the first quarter – the statement of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) reveals. According to the data, in the first three...

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Twenty billion HUF to the wine sector by 2020

The Hungarian wine industry receives twenty billion HUF until 2020 – Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State of the Prime Minister's Office announced on Friday in Jakabszállás. Kis Miklós Zsolt...

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42 percent of US bee colonies died in the past one year

More than two out of five American honeybee colonies died in the past year, and surprisingly the worst die-off was in the summer – according to a federal survey. Since...

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A thousand euros donkey cheese was produced in Serbia

A Serbian producer offers its donkey cheese for a surprisingly high price, for one thousand euros per kilogramme. The staff of the Zasavica-based plant told MTI that the donkey cheeses...

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The EKÁER system in practice

As of 1 March the Electronic Freight Goods Tracking System (EKÁER) has been operational. In the last days of February the legislators reworked the regulation, making changes based on the...

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Magazine: Mixed flavours are flying high

Fruit juice sales have been growing for many years. The key drivers behind the 7-percent volume sales growth and the 12-percent increase in value sales were the following: willingness to...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices continued to decline in March

The price of plant products was 9.1 percent lower, while the price of live animals and animal products was 6.6 percent cheaper in March, so the agricultural producer prices were...

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VAT on pigs: a price decline in consumer prices may come

After the VAT reduction on live pigs, the government may reduce the VAT on pig carcase meat as well the next year. The Meat Marketing Board told that this measure...

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Shrinking financial expectations for the SME sector

The sales revenue and profit expectations of the domestic SME managers have significantly declined since the end of last year. The domestic SME managers expect a 4 percent increase in...

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The NAV destroyed five tons of eggs

The ekáer inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Authority checked a truck carrying 80 thousand eggs near Rajka. The consignment had no ekáer (Electronic road freight traffic control system)...

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The Hungarian National Trading House opened its local office in Tel Aviv

The local office of the Hungarian National Trading House in Tel Aviv was opened on Wednesday, in the center of technology of the Middle East region. This Hungarian National Trading...

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The proportion of Slovakian foods fell to a record low rate in Slovakia

The proportion of Slovakian foods continued to decline in Slovakian stores last year. The proportion of Slovakian foods fell to a record low level to 40 percent in April 2015...

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Willingness to purchase gains new momentum

In March 2015 the GfK Complex Consumer Index was basically the same as at the end of last year at 164.8 points. The Consumer Expectations Index was down 5 points...

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Market increase for premium category bottled waters

The latest report from Zenith International – the world’s leading food and drink consultant – reveals that global sales of premium waters are growing year after year: at world level...

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KSH: GDP grew by 3.4 percent in the first quarter

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 3.4 percent in the first quarter, compared to the same period of the last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced its...

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The supermarket chains may pay multi-billion HUF advertising taxes

The government significantly underestimates the expected revenues from the new advertising tax – wrote. Népszabadság calculates that it will exceed the planned 7-9 billion HUF, and it will be...

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