
KSH: the quarterly trade surplus is close to 2.5 billion euros

In this year's first quarter exports were 7.7 percent higher, while imports were 5.7 percent higher than a year before. The quarterly export surplus increased by 531 million euros to...

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Two Rossmanns were re-opened on the first day of summer

On 1 June two Rossmann drugstores were re-opened after renovations in two different parts of the country. The store in Dombóvár and Csorna are waiting for the customers with extra...

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Although it is more expensive, the majority of the small companies say it is worth to advertise on Facebook

Although the number of the free advertising opportunities are decreasing on the Facebook pages, the majority of firms say it is worth to advertise on Facebook – the latest research...

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VAT on food decreased by 9 percent in Romania

The government decree on the extension of the reduced VAT rate entered into force in Romania on Monday. The manufacturer and distributor companies should use a 9 percent VAT rate...

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Charity football tournament to help sick children

Drugstore chain dm organised a charity football tournament for the first time on 14 March. Cewe Hungary, Colgate–Palmolive Hungary, Primőr Cosmetics Kft., Forest Paper, Prestige Products Hungary, Johnson & Johnson,...

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The positive trend in grocery retail continues

Between February 2014 and January 2015 grocery stores’ sales neared HUF 1,480 billion – 5 percent more than in the base period. At the same time volume sales increased by...

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400 billion HUF will be given to the farmers under the unified agricultural subsidies

The Hungarian farmers can be given 400 billion HUF under the unified agricultural subsidies. Application deadline is 9 June. Gyuricza Csaba the president of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency...

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The annual output of the Hangya Cooperative is around 300-350 billion HUF

The annual output of the members of the Hangya Cooperative (Hangya Szövetkezeti Együttműködés) is around 300-350 billion HUF – Patay Vilmos, co-chairman of the cooperation said in Budapest at a...

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Half of the world's population will go online by 2019 Cisco predicts

Cisco’s latest Visual Networking Index (VNI) forecast has claimed that about half of the world’s population (3.9 billion people) will use Internet by 2019. This is despite the number of...

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The Nébih seized hundreds of illegally sold yield enhancing substances

The Nébih seized several hundreds, illegally sold yield enhancing substances, in a value of 61 million HUF during last week's actions. the NÉBIH told MTI on Friday . The inspectors...

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Plant production in space may start

The German BASF chemical company is backing a student-led research project that aims to examine how food crops can be grown on the international space station – the wrote....

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Scientist found the oldest tea in Britain

The discovery of the oldest known specimen of the nation's favourite drink has proved Britons' love affair with tea dates as far back as the 1700s. The dried green tea...

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Personalised cosmetics from Yamuna

A new service from natural cosmetics company Yamuna Kft. in their online shop: from 20 April body butters and premium, cold-pressed soaps can be ordered with a customised label. Names,...

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Information is power – on product labels too

In the case of special products many manufacturers advertise their products with its composition – ingredients they have or don’t have. László Kun, head of industrial sales with Bizerba Scales...

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CD enters the market

Traditional German cosmetics brand CD enters the Hungarian beauty product market. The CD Reinheitsgebot marking they use on products guarantees that these cosmetics are free from parabens, silicone, mineral oil,...

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Information is power – on product labels too

In the case of special products many manufacturers advertise their products with its composition – ingredients they have or don’t have. László Kun, head of industrial sales with Bizerba Scales...

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The ministry is committed in the promotion of the Hungarian milk

After the termination of the milk quota system, the Ministry considers to stimulate the demand for healthy high-quality Hungarian milk and dairy products as the main task – Czerván György...

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The Parliament adopted the amendments to the advertising tax

The rate on advertising tax remains zero percent after no more than 100 million HUF tax base. But above, every firms will have to pay 5.3 percent tax. The changes...

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The National Trading House would reduce the milk supply by 15 million liters

The state-owned Hungarian National Trading House Inc. is expected to buy 15 million liters of milk powder and butter milk in June and July – wrote. With the transaction,...

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The Millward Brown has published the list of the most valuable brands

The Millward Brown created the list of the 100 most valuable brands, based on wide-ranging consumer surveys – the wrote. Due to the extraordinary popularity of the iPhone 6...

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KSH: 4.5 percent less investments in the first quarter

Due to the high base, the volume of investments fell by 4.5 percent in the first quarter, compared to the first quarter of the previous year, when a total of...

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At least twenty cigarettes will be in a pack from the middle of next year

A cigarette pack can contain at least twenty, but not more than twenty-five cigarettes from 20 May 2016 – the legislative committee of the National Assembly confirmed on Thursday. The...

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Craft beer will be made in the Abbey of Zirc

Craft beer will be made from the middle of the summer in the Abbey of Zirc – reviving this old tradition of the Cistercian order – Dékány Á. Sixtus abbot...

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The “bank of good deeds” was opened in China

A “bank” in northeast China has seen residents flocking to open accounts that enable them to exchange good deeds for services. Citizens in Yanji in Jilin Province can accumulate credits...

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Mass customisation: the next chapter in the FMCG market

Today many industries utilise the concept of mass customisation, providing solutions for companies to tune their offers more closely to their customers’ preferences. The concept is the synthesis of craft...

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OKSZ: consumption may increase in the rest of the year

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) expects growth of household spendings on an annual basis in 2015, but considers that this rate will be lower than in the first quarter of...

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Strict rules against smoking in China

Almost third of the Chinese population are smokers. Now the Chinese government starts to fight against smoking with stricter than ever measures as well as with the increase of the...

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Hungarian CEOs surveyed: the ability to adapt is key

PwC Hungary conducted its Hungarian CEO Survey for the fourth time, in partnership with the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists (MGYOSZ) and the Hungarian Association of Executives (MOSZ). 170...

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Stakeholders’ assessment

Dr Péter Vadász, the vice president of MGYOSZ called our attention to two important things in connection with the survey’s results: 1. there was a great increase in the number...

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