
KSH: household consumption increased after eight years for the first time last year

Last year, the per capita monthly consumption expenditure of the households increased by 2.7 percent to 68,609 HUF in real terms, in an annual comparison, after almost eight years of...

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Half of the Hungarian Mangalitsa products are sold in Spain

About 20 thousand of the Hungarian Mangalitsas are processed in Hungary, while the majority of the products are exported to premium markets. Half of all exports, about 500 tonnes are...

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The consumption of four eggs a week can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

Egg consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to new research from the University of Eastern Finland. The findings were published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition....

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Domestic labor migration is the problem and the solution at the same time

It is an increasingly difficult task to maintain the skilled workforce at several points of the country, because of the offers from other more developed areas and from abroad. According...

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Romanian retail started the year well

In the first two months, the volume of retail sales in Romania increased by almost 5 percent, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian national statistical...

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Untaxed Italian wines were found at a former air-raid shelter in Budapest

Several thousands bottles of Italian wines in a value of 22 million HUF were found at a former air-raid shelter in Budapest – the press Officer of the National Tax...

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Water enhancers

Despite the rather cool summer weather Nielsen reported a few-percent improvement in mineral water sales. Still mineral waters continued their conquest and now almost every other water bottle sold is...

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Internet users often buy online

Those who regularly use the internet also like to buy things online: 81 percent purchased something online at least once last year. 90 percent of them bought some kind of...

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Used phones with old data

According to a representative survey by NRC, 37 percent of Hungarians get rid of their old mobiles when they buy a new one. 6 percent of them leave their old...

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The VAT reduction on drinking milk could be an element of utilities reduction

The VAT reduction on drinking milk to 5 percent could be an element of utilities reduction – the president of the Milk Marketing Board Interprofessional Organization told in Budapest on...

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Another tobbacco shop application was announced

The sixth, tobbacco shop tender was published – the ND National Tobacco Trading Nonprofit Company told MTI on Thursday. According to the communication, the applications can be submitted to the...

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Easter apples and potatoes producer fair in Budapest

Approximately 2 tonnes of potatoes, 1.8 tonnes of apples and 300 boxes of 5-liter fruit juices will be sold on Thursday afternoon at the Easter apples and potatoes producer fair...

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KSH: 709 million euros trade surplus in January

The volume of export was 7.4 percent higher in January this year, than in January 2014. The volume of import was 5.8 percent higher. The trade surplus increased by 202...

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The Hungarian Reformed Charity Service distributes five hundred tons of potatoes before Easter

Five hundred tons of seed and eating potatoes will be distributed by the Hungarian Reformed Charity Service nationwide before Easter. So far, the donations were distributed in about 70 settlements...

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Magazine: Breakfast cereals go functional

Last year’s winners were muesli and cereal bars – Klaudia Takács, associate marketing manager with Nestlé Hungária Kft. told Trade magazin. Both categories produced a two-digit sales growth, and the...

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They not only give energy, but great flavour experience too

Since the easing of the public health product tax (NETA) burden in 2013 the energy drinks market has been growing with dynamics of former years. The NETA has also cleansed...

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Szentkirályi nears ten billion

In 2014 Szentkirályi group realised HUF 9.6 billion in sales, performing almost 10 percent better than in 2013. The group’s market share grew to an all time high 20 percent...

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Sales remain concentrated

Mineral water is key in grocery retail: it is the fifth biggest grocery category in the 90 audited by Nielsen. Between December 2013 and November 2014 mineral water sales were...

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Small shops’ share in sales grows further

Energy and sports drinks were sold for HUF 18 billion between December 2013 and November 2014. Value sales rose 16 percent and volume sales expanded by 12 percent. Small shops...

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The Hungarian dairy sector can be the winner of the EU milk quota termination

The Hungarian dairy industry is prepared to work within the new system after the EU terminates the milk quota from 1 April. Czerván György Minister of State of the Ministry...

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Brewers’ Association: the domestic consumption of Hungarian beers increased last year

The domestic sales of the Hungarian beer industry increased by 2 percent last year. The sales of premium beers increased as well, but the expansion of nice-priced beers continued also....

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Nielsen: the personal relationships are increasingly being replaced by electronic tools

Nielsen’s recently released study titled “The battle for viewers all around the world where TV is available everywhere” describes the rapid development of digital technology and what the consumers mostly...

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Easter checks: irregularities became more serious

Inspectors imposed 7.5 million HUF fines during the Easter consumer controls that were launched in early March. Last year irregularities were found at 43 percent of the stores. This year...

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The Hungarian shop-assistants smile more than last year

The quality of Hungarian customer service seems to catch up to the world average in terms of smiling, greeting and related sales. Hungary is still lagging behind the leading countries...

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German retail sales in line with the expectations

The German retail sales increased in line with analysts' expectations on a yearly basis, while compared to the previous month the volume of retail sales reduced in February. According to...

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The future of agriculture

Hungarian daily Világgazdaság organised a conference titled ‘Agriculture of the future – the future of agriculture’ on the most important issues in Hungarian agriculture. György Czerván, secretary of state at...

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No change in the certification fee

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) issues about 9,000 certificates of origin a year for exporting companies. The certification fee has been the same since 2004 and NAK won’t increase...

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Payment solution – for mobile apps

Cellum announced at The App Summit conference, held in Orlando (Florida), that they had developed Plug and Pay: a mobile payment solution that can be integrated into mobile apps by...

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Hungaricum grape varieties go through a renaissance

According to Péter Gál, deputy state secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture, there is great potential in special Hungarian grape varieties. Mr Gál is convinced that Hungarian wines are unique,...

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Wildlife management conference

At the wildlife management conference organised at the FeHoVa trade fair NAK president Balázs Győrffy talked about the concept of the new hunting law. The new law will stipulate that...

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