
The Catholic Caritas collected one hundred and eighty tonnes of foods for the needy

More than 180 tonnes of food products arrived to the Lenten permanent food collection of action of the Catholic Caritas. The organization will also make Easter gift packs to the...

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This year 830 billion forints are available for economic development from the EU

Within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme (GINOP), the Ministry for National Economy publishes nearly 70 calls for tender in the value of HUF 830 billion....

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Declining retail sales, job troubles

FMCG retail sales hit a 2-year nadir in Greece: value sales dropped 5 percent and volume sales diminished by 4 percent in Q4 2014. These indicators are the worse in...

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The brokerage scandal doesn’t jeopardise EU-financed projects

According to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), those who are unable to meet deadlines or make payments due to the brokerage scandal will get special treatment if...

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Central heating

In the first 2 months of the year central banks continued their ‘competition’ to weaken their own currency, in order to speed up their economies by means of liquidity expansion...

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Magazine: New markets, new opportunities

According to an evaluation by the Ministry of Agriculture, between 2010 and 2014 agriculture’s output increased by 30 percent. The processing industry also made progress and agriculture’s weight grew in...

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KSH: the retail sales in January increased more than it was predicted in the preliminary estimates

In its second estimate, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) improved the growth rate of the retail sales in January from the forecasted 7.7 percent to 8.2 percent. The Central Statistical...

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The Nébih has checked 1,500 tons of food since the start of ekáer

The experts of the government agencies and the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) carried out the controls of 1,500 tons of food products at more than 100 consignments, since...

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The Hungarian Dairy Industrial Association signed an agreement with the Dairy Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board

The Dairy Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board and the Hungarian Dairy Industrial Association have signed a cooperation agreement on 20 March 2015. Under the agreement, the Hungarian Dairy Industrial Association...

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Fish shopping smart guide: pay attention while purchasing

Fish foods contain essential unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins as well. In addition fish is easily digestible, it is not a threat to our lines and delicious. However, in...

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British Trade Center: deals were made in a value of more than two hundred thousand pounds

Hungarian and British companies carried out deals in a value of more than two hundred thousand pounds (£ 1 = HUF 406.64) in the past one year with the contribution...

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Trans fatty acid use limited

From the middle of February no food product with trans fatty acid content higher than the limit is allowed to be sold. This refers to oils, fats and fat emulsion...

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Three SMEs won the ‘Exporter of 2014’ prize

Three SMEs won the ‘Exporter of 2014’ prize of the Hungarian National Trading House Zrt. (MNKH): pump technology firm Elpumps Kft., sweets manufacturer Stühmer Kft. and wool trader Hungarowool Kft....

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Hungarian firms passed the Russian exam

At a recent examination all Hungarian firms met the Russian food safety requirements, so when the ban is lifted we can start exporting to the Russian market straight away. Moscow...

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Hungarian white acacia left off the list of alien invasive species

Hungarian white acacia tree (one of the so-called Hungaricums) will most probably be left off the list of alien invasive species, compiled by the European Union – informed the Ministry...

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Men are more loyal to their favourite deodorant

As the temperature keeps rising, unpleasant body odour and sweating are becoming a problem to many. Viktória Tantics, brand activation manager with Beiersdorf Kft. told our magazine that the company’s...

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The sales of higher than average quality ham expanded last year

The retail sales of ham and smoked meat products reached revenues of approximately 7 billion HUF in the two months of the Easter period in 2014. That's 15 percent more...

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GfK: a further boost in willingness to buy

The GfK Consumer Confidence Index remained virtually unchanged in March 2015, compared to the end of last year. The GfK Consumer Confidence Index is standing on 164.8 points in March...

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The NGM investigates the possible effects of the VAT reduction

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) is examining the financial and real economic impact of the reduction of the value added tax (VAT), but the primary goal is to make...

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Varga: the Hungarian economy remains on the current growth trajectory

The Hungarian economy will stay at the current growth trajectory in the next 1.5 – 2 years; According to the latest calculations the Hungarian GDP may grow by 2.8 to...

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NGM: the use of online cash registers would be mandatory for money changers

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) would require that the use of online cash registers would be mandatory for money changers mandatory use of online cash for the money-changers –...

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The rules for product presentations would be tightened further

The Ministry of National Development (NGM) would further tighten the rules on product presentations. Therefore the ministry initated consultation with the partner authorities and civil organizations – was said at...

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Contraband cigarettes were seized in an Italian van

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) seized Contraband cigarettes in a value of five million HUF in an Italian van in Zala county – the...

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Integrated oenology and viticulture sector

Actors in the oenology and viticulture sector need to cooperate in an integrated network, using their knowledge base collectively – Zsolt Feldman, deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Hungary is a net pig exporter

According to the Agricultural Economics Research Institute’s (AKI) latest report, in the European Union the price of ‘E’-category pig was EUR 1.35/kg in December 2014 – 21 percent less than...

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GMO-free Hungary

Hungary is getting ready to produce GMO-free milk, meat and egg products and the first steps have already been taken in the case of milk – reported the Ministry of...

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Successful safety mark

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) made it compulsory for members to put a safety mark on wines that lack geographical indication. This proved to be an excellent idea:...

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Magazine: Two-digit growth in value and volume sales alike

In the two-month Easter period of 2014 ham and smoked meat were sold in the value of HUF 7 billion. This constitutes a 15-percent increase from the category’s performance in...

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The sales of Easter sweets may grow by 3-5 percent this year

The candy manufacturers are optimistic before the Easter season. According to the Association of the Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers, the sales of Easter sweets can grow by 3-5 percent this year....

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Stores should be closed at World Heritage areas on Sundays

The government expands the Sunday store closure to shops situated in World Heritage areas in a bill submitted to the National Assembly on Tuesday. The parliament voted for the introduction...

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