
Significant improvements are expected in the wake of the food strategy

Significant improvements can be implemented in the Hungarian food industry by 2020, due to the food industry development strategy. According to the plans, the available funding will be about 300...

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The termination of the quota system will be good for the Hungarian dairy sector

The EU milk quota system will be ceased from 1 April. It is not a thread to the Hungarian dairy sector, but rather an opportunity – wrote. The position...

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The KKM does not know that Russia would allow food shipments

Neither the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (KKM), nor Bognár Lajos chief veterinary officer has received any formal or informal notification from Russia, that Russia would allow food...

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GKI: sentiment index remained unchanged in March

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI-Erste economic index remained unchanged in March 2015. The index still represents a relatively optimistic mood; the business expectations have improved slightly, while the...

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Analysts expect further rate cuts

Market analysts expect further rate cuts after the Monetary Board’s Tuesday decision; lowering the base rate by 15 basis points to 1.95 percent, which is a new new historical low....

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A daily bowl of whole grain can save lives

People who consumed around 34 grams of whole grains per 1000kcal per day lowered their risk of premature death by 17 percent A study by Harvard Public School of Health...

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Closely watched freight goods

In accordance with a ministerial decree, the first storage place of imported food products must be reported to the authorities – and this can very well be connected with the...

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What do brands think?

‘Hunguest Hotels is one of Hungary’s biggest hotel chains, the majority of which is in Hungarian ownership. We represent the values promoted by the MagyarBrands programme and are really proud...

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The MagyarBrands programme is 5 years old

The MagyarBrands awards were presented for the fifth time in 2014. In 2010 experts in the Superbrands Hungary Council decided to launch the MagyarBrands Programme to honour the best Hungarian...

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The NAK does not support the public health product tax extension

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) does not support the extension of the public health product tax (NETA) – the NAK told MTI on Monday. According to the National...

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The document about the Sunday shop closure is available

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) has published the public opinion poll carried out in 2011 about Sunday shop closure. The document was uploaded to The Ministry of National...

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GKI forecasts slower growth

In 2014, the performance of the Hungarian economy was much better than anticipated by anyone. Nevertheless, in a forward looking perspective, it did not reach a trajectory that ensures sound...

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eNet: TV watching habits are changing

The online contents and smart devices can put an end to the golden ages of traditional TV watching – according to the joint survey of eNet Internetkutató és Tanácsadó Kft....

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KSH: the number of registered companies increased last year

According to the Central Statistics Office (KSH), at the end of last year 1 million 703 thousand registered businesses were in Hungary, which is 15 thousand more than a year...

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Moscow considers it suspicious that the Serbian apple exports increased significantly

Moscow considers suspicious that the Serbian apple exports increased significantly. The Serbian authorities have promised to investigate the reexport suspicious transactions – the Serbian newspaper Novosti Večerník reported on Monday....

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EU authorities found two and a half thousand dangerous products last year

The European Commission published new figures today, showing that in 2014, nearly 2500 products, ranging from toys to motor vehicles, were either stopped before they entered the EU or removed...

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The customers turn toward webshops due to the Sunday store closure

Those who wish to buy toys and games for Easter are turning to webshops due to the Sunday store closure – according to the survey of Formatex Kft. toy impoter...

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Healthy foods that are often considered as unhealthy

The listed some products that are often considered to be unhealthy, but they are not. For example coffee in small amounts is good for the nervous system, specifically enhances...

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An illegal perfume shipment was found in Nagylak

Finance guards found an illegal perfume shipment worth four million HUF in an Italian car in Nagylak – the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) informed MTI on Monday. Némedi...

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HRL becomes Raben Group member

In Germany Raben Group plans to take over Bremen-seated logistics service provider, HRL Eurocargo. HRL Eurocargo was founded in 1996 and employs 95 people. Its annual sales amount to EUR...

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Eurapid service starts in Hungary

DHL Freight launched its Eurapid service in Hungary: collective consignments below the 2.5-ton weight limit, despatched from Hungary, are delivered anywhere in Europe safely and with a time guarantee. The...

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Magazine: Convenient solutions in cleaning (Part 1)

We are always glad when spring arrives, so women start the big spring clean in a better mood, too. Bernadett Vékásy, brand manager of Henkel Hungary started introducing the category...

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More than six thousand tons of smoked goods will be consumed in the festive period

More than 6 thousand tons of smoked goods will be consumed in the Easter holiday period, in a value of around 7 billion HUF – Mostisch Martina, Executive Secretary of...

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KSH: average earnings rose by 4.1 percent in January

Average earnings rose by 4.1 percent in January, compared to a year earlier, at firms and budgetary institutions employing at least five people and in the non-profit sector – the...

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Sunday store closure without impact study

The Ministry of National Economy published a communication, after the Népszabadság on Friday wrote that in 2011 an impact study was made in the ministry about the Christian Democratic draft...

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The range of risky products may change in the ekáer system

New products may be included among the range of risky products in the electronic control system for road freight (ekáer) that are typically involved in VAT frauds. The draft of...

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If the embargo to be lifted the Hungarian meat products will among the firsts to be shipped to Russia

In connection with the possible lifting of the Russian embargo, Russian experts will inspect meat processing companies in Hungary, Greece and Cyprus from 6 April – a leaders of the...

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The deadline for direct payment applications was extended

The Commission has today proposed the extension of the deadline of aid applications for Direct Payments to Monday June 15. This represents an extension of one month on the original...

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178 tons of contaminated chicken meat was transported to Ukraine from Hungary

178 tons of salmonella and listeria contaminated chicken meat was transported to markets in Ukraine from Hungary According to the communication of the press service of the Kyiv Prosecutor's Office,...

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Sixty-seven percent is the happiness level of the Hungarians

The United Nations International Day of Happiness was launched on June 28, 2012, when the UN called on all 193 member states to give happiness, a “fundamental human goal” a...

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