
Malls: the longer opening hours will not compensate for the Sunday closure

Since the law on Sunday store closure entered into force, the Friday, Saturday traffic strenghtened at the malls, but this do not compensate for the lost Sundays – Balatoni Judit,...

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Cetelem: European consumers are more and more conscious

The European consumers are buying more and more conscious, especially the Hungarians, who use comparison sites when purchasing – the Cetelem Körkép 2015 (Cetelem Panorama 2015 reveals). The Cetelem Körkép...

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IAB Hungary: the largest advertising market may be online this year

The largest segment of the domestic advertising market may be online this year surpassing the television advertising revenues if the trend of the recent years will not change – Novák...

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A growing number of branded food products in the shop of local products in Kaposvár

Within the Kaposvár Kincse (Treasures of Kaposvár) program more and more branded food products are added to the range of the shop of local products in Kaposvár. The program is...

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The economic sentiment improved further in the euro zone in March

According to the report of the European Union's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (EcFin), the economic sentiment improved significantly in the euro zone in March. The analysis was released...

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The market of online industrial auctions increased dynamically

Last year, the total sales volume increased by 100 million HUF, compared to 2013. The number of registered customers has doubled in one year – told the Intergavel Aukciószervező Kft.,...

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The Nébih has no informations about the paprika tests

The ministry and the Nébih have no informations about Greenpeace’s pepper-assessment. It was said that Moroccan and Jordanian shipments contained several contaminated samples. Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State of the...

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The Romanian grape harvest fell by more than one-fifth last year

Last year, the grape harvest in Romania decreased by 20.8 percent. The planted area shrank by 0.6 percent compared to the year before – the Romanian national statistical institute announced...

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Magazine: Convenient solutions in cleaning (Part 2)

General cleaners can be found in practically all households. These products are most frequently used for large surfaces, for instance when washing the floor. According to Henkel’s expert Bernadett Vékásy,...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the food industry can become more competitive by innovating

Innovative, efficient and modern technology-using food industry enterprises can count on HUF 300 billion in funding from the European Union’s budget. The Ministry of Agriculture announced that HUF 200 billion...

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The OKSZ expects strong Easter turnover

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) is expecting similar strong commercial traffic this Easter as last year’s. Vámos György, Secretary General of the Organization told MTI that experience has shown that...

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Dairy Product Council: the dairy sector needs 40-50 billion HUF

The EU milk quota system that was established 31 years ago will be terminated within a few days. From 1 April, only the possibilities and the capabilities of the Member...

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Lázár: state intervention would be needed in food trade

State intervention would be needed in food trade, in the favor of small agricultural producers Lázár János told in Földeák. The livestock in Hódmezôvásárhely and the onion growing of Makó...

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Vegetable production in soil-free system

A covered farm was set up in the US without soil, that can serve as an example that crops can be produced economically even in cities – wrote. According...

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A campaign to consume ugly fruits and vegetables

A campaign specifically encourages the customers to consume ugly fruits and vegetables. The campaign is becoming more and more popular in many countries – the wrote. The initiative aims...

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Varga Mihály discussed with the head of the Chinese tourist office

Varga Mihály, Minister of National Economy (NGM) discussed with Li Qin Cao, the head of the Chinese Tourism Administration (CNTA) in Budapest within the China-CEE (Central and Eastern European countries)...

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About 1,250 billion forints available for agricultural rural development

About HUF 1,250 billion is available in Hungary for financing projects in agricultural rural development. Young farmers are the main target group of the programme: for establishing new businesses they...

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State administration is the guarantee that there is no corruption

PMO Minister János Lázár is of the opinion that the former system is wrong: it is the state administration which should make the payments of funding coming from the EU...

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Strategic alliance with rural enterprises

Deputy state secretary Nándor Csepreghy recently told at a forum in Kiskunmajsa that in the period ending in 2020 HUF 12,000 billion would be available for Hungary to finance projects...

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First round of the TiJöttök! innovation competition is over

There were more than 50 entries in the TiJöttök! Innovation Project Competition and the first round was a real success. One of the categories was the agri-food industry. EVH Enterprise...

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One and only chance

This is a one and only chance for horticulture! In the 2014-2020 EU budgetary period the sector is one of the areas entitled to receive special support. Despite this it...

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Magazine: Former students can foster Vietnamese-Hungarian relations

In the 1970s and 1980s there were many Vietnamese students studying at Hungarian universities. By now they have become decision-makers in the Vietnamese business sector and in public administration, and...

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No egg price increase before Easter

Sufficient quantities of good quality eggs can be found on the Hungarian market before Easter. Prices are also balanced. Molnár Györgyi of the Poultry Product Council told that the Crown...

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NGM: the Hungarians have more purchasing power

The January retail sales increased by 8.7 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, which shows that the the Hungarian consumer purchasing power became higher. The growth...

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The Liga and the VOSZ turned to the Constitutional Court because of the Sunday store closure

The Liga Trade Union and the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) turned to the Constitutional Court (Ab) because of the Sunday store closure. According to the Liga and...

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The Hungarian Easter lamb prices are higher than in 2014

The price of a kilogramm of a Hungarian Easter lamb is about 15-20 euro cents higher than a year before, while the export shipments may reach the level of the...

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2015 is the year of local products

The Hungarian customers’ interest is steadily growing towards the locally produced, controlled products. The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) aims to strengthen this positive trend and declared 2015 as the year...

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The bus will stop at malls open on Sunday

The buses will stop at shopping centers that will remain open on open Sunday – the Budapest Transport Centre (BKK) told MTI on Friday. According to the notice, on the...

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“Madár” will promote Hungarian pork

Erdei Zsolt (“Madár”) European and World champion boxer will be the campaign face of the Hungarian National Tourist Office’s program, which promotes the Hungarian pork – wrote. The Hungarian...

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The risk of Alzheimer's disease can be reduced with diet

According to the study published in the Alzheimer's & Dementia magazine, a proper diet can significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The study was based on the ten year...

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