
According to a research the third of the Hungarian companies do not plan ahead

The results of the representative research, made with the involvement of almost five hundred companies were described by Veres Rita, managing director of Aon Hewitt. Thirty-two percent of Hungarian companies...

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The farmers would increase the size of the irrigated area with more than 200 thousand hectares

The farmers would irrigate on more than 330 thousand hectares if they had the opportunity. Now the size of the irrigated area is about 130 thousand hectares – the Director-General...

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New EU rules on grape planting

The European Commission adopted a regulation about the extension of the wine-growing areas and about the introduction of a new grape planting licensing system – according to the committee’s website....

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A trampoline park was opened on the top of the West End

The first outdoor trampoline park in the Central-Eastern European region was handed over at the Westend City Center’s Millennium roof garden on Thursday. It is the largest trampoline park in...

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Robust growth in China’s e-commerce market in 2014

2014 brought record levels of growth in the e-commerce market in China. The professionals predict similar trend in the coming years. According to newly released data of the Chinese e-commerce...

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Finally a growth in household chemical and cosmetics volume sales

Last year retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics were worth HUF 333 billion, 6 percent more than in 2013. It was back in 2010 that volume sales had grown...

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A Code of Agricultural Marketing is being prepared

Hungarian Tourism Zrt.’s Agricultural Marketing Centre prepared the draft of a short-term agricultural marketing strategy. The discussion of this draft by the trade started in late February at a Budapest...

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Hungarian FMCG retail dynamics among the best in Europe

In the 4th quarter of 2014 Hungarian FMCG retail turnover expanded faster than the European average: in terms of volume sales 3.2 percent more groceries, household chemicals and cosmetics were...

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Television commercials of the FMCG sector reach more viewers

According to Nielsen Audience Measurement Kft., in 2014 the television commercials of FMCG products had 1 percentage point higher Gross Rating Point (GRP) index than in 2013. The GRP index...

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Magazine: Promising start of the new year in tobacco retail

Last year tobacco retail’s revenue was HUF 535 billion, way below expectations. However, the start of 2015 was promising: in January 2015 partners realised 12 percent higher sales than...

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Different expert opinions about the retail outlooks

Suppan Gergely, the analyst of the Savings Bank told that the lively retail sales increase can continue in the coming months, while Vámos György, the Secretary-General of the National Trade...

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KSH: consumer prices fell by 0.6 percent in March

Consumer prices decreased slightly in March, after the 1 percent decline of February. Consumer prices were an average of 0.6 percent lower in March, than a year before – the...

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KSH: the trade surplus was 935 million euros in February

The value of exports and imports calculated in euro exceeded by 7.4, and 6.3 percent in February compared to a year earlier, while the surplus increased by 128 million euros...

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Analysts: the acceleration of European economy contributed to exports boom

According to analysts, primarily the acceleration of European business situation contributed to the acceleration of exports. According to the preliminary data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) the value of...

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Euro zone’s retail sales decreases

A decrease occured in the euro zone’s retail sales in February, compared to the previous month, but it remained stable in the European Union. The EU's statistical office (Eurostat) announced...

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December brought robust retail sales

In December 2014 retail turnover is estimated to have improved by 5.6 percent (adjusted for calendar effects) from the same period of 2013. Food and food-type retail sales expanded by...

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January prices were 1.4 percent lower

In January consumer prices were 1.4 percent lower than one year ago. Compared with December 2014, consumer prices fell 0.2 percent on average but groceries cost 1.3 percent more in...

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The Hungarian food chain safety system meets the challenges

The integrated system of the Hungarian food chain safety is capable of meeting those challenges that have occurred over the past few decades, as a result of the scientific and...

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Chocolate prices may increase significantly

Yet, the chocolate bunny prices were not particularly scary, but maybe during the next Easter, many of us have to buy fewer or smaller ones. Over the past few years,...

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A recovery is expected from 2016 in the markets of the Balkans

New doors can open in front of the companies that are seeking to expand in the former Yugoslav countries. The situation of the economy is likely to recover in 2016,...

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Local radio advertising revenues may increase by five to ten percent this year

This year, the advertising revenues of the local radio stations may grow by five to ten percent – according to the chairman of the advocacy organization. Szilvay Balázs, the chairman...

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That is how community gardens operate

Peppers, tomatoes and basil in the shadow of the block of flats. After Budapest, community gardens are created in more and more rural settlements. How we can create blooming small...

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A sharp increase in retail sales in the Czech Republic

Retail sales rose by 6.3 percent in the Czech Republic in February. This is the largest February increase since 2008 – the Czech Statistical Office noted. In February, the Czechs...

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VAT on food to be reduced from June in Romania

The VAT on all the food products and non-alcoholic beverages will be decreased to 9 percent from June in Romania – Victor Ponta Prime Minister announced on Tuesday at a...

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Eight thousand poults could die in a fire near Kistarcsa

According to the informations, eight thousand poults could die in a fire in the Nádor manor, located between Kistarcsa and Csömör. The estimated loss is tens of millions of forints...

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Working from home, in a secure way

Zsolt Horváth, the head of IT management at the Bell group’s Hungarian affiliate reckons that IT’s task is to make the life and work of employees easier. The group, which...

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It costs more without ads

In the USA those subscribers have to pay USD 30 more for AT&T’s ultrafast internet service who don’t want to see personalised ads when they are online. The company told...

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Knowers of secrets

Mitch Barns, president-CEO of Nielsen told German daily Die Welt that in his view online retailers aren’t retailers any more but marketing and advertising platforms. Mr Barns spoke about how...

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Digital natives and power

In mid-September SAP organised a trade day where participants discussed the present and future of shopping. Pat Bakey, general manager of SAP’s retail division told that not only digital natives...

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Contactless payment

Apple Pay contactless payment was introduced at the right time. Last autumn Apple put its iPhone 6 and 6 plus models on the market. Together with them the company announced...

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