
Public consultation about the Hungarian fisheries management program

The Prime Minister's Office sent the first version of the Hungarian Fish Operational Programme (MAHOP) to public consultation. The Prime Minister's Office expects the textual comments and suggestions of the...

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Menthol cigarettes to be banned from 2020

From 20 May 2020, the selling of menthol tobacco and menthol cigarettes will be prohibited in Hungary – Zombor Gábor, Minister of State of the Human Resources Ministry announced on...

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Printed foods to come

Special printers were presented on 21 April in Venlo, the Netherlands at the World’s first 3D Food Printing Conference. The special 3D printers are able to print foods –

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Give the bees a world day!

The agricultural ministers of the EU was discussing in Brussels within the framework of the GMO-free Europe initiative and supported the prohibition of the cultivation of genetically modified plants –...

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The national trading house is promoting Hungarian start-up companies in Singapore

The national trading house in Singapore is promoting Hungarian start-up companies, to help the companies breaking into the South East Asian markets. Szőke István, advisor of the trading house that...

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An increase in consumer prices in Germany

According to the provisional figures, the consumer prices in April stagnated in Germany on a montly basis, while increased by 0.5 percent in an annual comparison – the German Statistical...

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Are the employers to blame only?

A client of mine is working for a municipality company in a city. She is in an executive position and despite the fact that she is a top professional too...

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GfK: the households' spendings on fast moving consumer goods have increased

According to the Commerce Analysis study of GfK the households' spendings on fast moving consumer goods have increased last year. The population’s own more pessimistic assessment of its financial situation...

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Analysts say that the foreign trade outlooks are favorable

The outlooks of foreign trade are favorable – according to analysts interviewed by MTI who pointed out that the surge in exports can be mainly explained with the increasing performance...

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The chief veterinarian ordered inspection in the milk sector

On the basis of the reports of the Milk Interprofessional Organisation and Product Board, the Hungarian chief veterinarian ordered inspection in the milk sector from 6 May. The food safety...

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FM: the government supports the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy

The government supports the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), in order to protect the Hungarian producers – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. According to...

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Excessive administration against VAT frauds hampers growth

VAT frauds cost nearly 200 billion euros for the EU member states every year. In Hungary 25 percent of the VAT is swallowed by the traders. However the increase of...

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The National Consumer Protection Authority tested hair dyes

During the test of the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) none of the hair dyes contained harmful substances – according to the release of the NFH, which was sent to...

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We do not sleep enough and we do not rest while working

The Hungarian workers spend not enough time with relaxing. The manual workers sleep the least, an average of 6-7 hours. In contrast, young people sleep much more – the survey...

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The proportion of obese young men has grown significantly in the past five years

In the past five years, the proportion of obese young men increased from nine to twenty percent in Hungary – Martos Éva, the Deputy Director General of the Food and...

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Five billion forints for tobacco growers

In 2015 the government earmarked HUF 5 billion for supporting tobacco growers through the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry for National Economy. Thanks to the support nearly 20,000 people...

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Smooth skin is the winner

Smooth, hairless skin is what women consider to be aesthetic these days, what is more, a growing number of men also use various hair removal solutions. Szilvia Papp, the brand...

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EU-funded projects tour Hungary

This spring the most exciting EU-funded development projects tour the country and between 28 March and 26 April they visit 70 towns and villages to inform the public about their...

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The NGM would check the price of pork

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) will chech whether the 22-percentage-point VAT rate cut will appear in the price of pork or not, and if necessary, will take action –...

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OKSZ: the advertising tax is a heavy burden for the traders

The advertising tax is a serious burden for the dealers, because a a significant proportion of it burdens the consumer goods trade directly or indirectly – the National Retail Federation...

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KSH: the foreign trade turnover increased in March

In March the value of exports in euros was 12.9 percent, while the value of imports increased by 9.8 percent, compared with the previous year, while in February the exports...

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The deadline for the food chain supervision fee is 31 May

The renewed form food chain supervision fee is already available on the website of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH). The deadline is 31 May 2015. The agency's new...

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Two billion HUF support to the sheep breeders

The tranfer of 2 billion HUF support has begun to more than five thousand sheep breeders in the scope of a de minimis support – the Agricultural and Rural Development...

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Two-digit sales growth in both value and volume

Demand for grill sausage has grown considerably: value sales increased 30 percent and volume sales soared 31 percent in the March 2014-February 2015 period. The annual market nears HUF 2...

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The best thing since the invention of the internet’

These days more and more people talk about the cloud, but much fewer use it – despite the fact that the cloud offers corporate solutions at small-business prices. However, there...

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The stores are not allowed to open at the World Heritage areas on Sundays

The stores are not allowed to open at the World Heritage areas on Sundays – according to the amendment of the Act on the prohibition of Sunday working in the...

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Technological change is pulling the Hungarian tomato growing upwards

Although the growing area of the domestic greenhouse tomato was halved in the last ten years to 400 hectares, the crop yield has increased steadily: in the past year exceeded...

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Five energy drinks a day can be consumed safely

Authentic and uncompromising test results came to light in connection with energy drinks. The European Food Safety Authority conducted extensive studies with the participation of 66,531 people, on caffeine consumption...

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Three tons of unmarked tomatoes were destroyed by the finance guards

The finance guards destroyed three tons of unmarked tomatoes: the product were found in a truck on the M1 motorway during a check – the Mid-Pannon Regional Criminal Investigation Directorate...

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1 billion forints for IT development

This year HUF 1 billion is available to enterprises for IT-themed research, development and innovation projects through the GOP 3.3.4 ‘Development of a Competitive ICT Sector’ programme. The main goal...

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