
Better than medium quality wheat crop is expected this year

This year, better than medium quality wheat crop is expected, according to the preliminary estimates. About twenty percent of the winter wheat sown on one million hectares has been harvested...

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Lawsuits may also take place due to the GMO ban

Neither the Constitution nor the recent amendment of the genetic engineering law is not capable to prevent from the Hungarian appearance of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – Darvas Béla...

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Brussels is optimistic about the agricultural markets

The European Commission published its short-term forecast on the the agricultural markets on Friday. The forecast projects a positive image of production and the meat industry. Brussels notes that last...

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The climate change is a threat to the survival of bumblebees

Bumblebees already have to contend with lethal infections, deadly pesticides and habitat loss due to agriculture and urban development. A new study shows they have another cause for worry: climate...

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A shipment of illegal cloths was detected with ekáer

On the basis of the data of the ekáer road toll cams, the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) detected shipment of illegal cloths – the NAV told MTI. The...

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Promising start of the year in grocery retail

Grocery retail sales improved once again: sales were up 5 percent in value and grew 4 percent in volume between December 2014 and March 2015 in the 90 categories audited...

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Beer season

Beer sales expanded once again last year, despite that the weather wasn’t always ideal for drinking beer. Zita Szederkényi, senior corporate affairs specialist at Dreher Breweries Zrt. told our magazine...

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L’Oréal growth despite the market uncertainty

Despite the slow growth in Western Europe L’Oréal’s sales expanded by 14 percent in Q1 2015. Sales amounted to EUR 6.44 billion. Luxury products and active cosmetics were the driving...

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KSH: exports grew and imports declined in May

The euro-denominated value of exports increased by 2.5 percent in May, while imports were 0.7 percent lower than in May 2014 – the first estimate of the Central Statistical Office...

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Hungarian-Russian cattle breeding negotiations

Budai Gyula, the Ministerial Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Relations negotiated with Sergei Levin, Deputy Minister of Agriculture about the foundation of a Hungarian-Russian joint...

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The Ministry of National Economy does not expect serious inflation

The consumer price trend is in line with the estimate of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM). The Ministry does not expect serious inflation in the rest of the year....

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Analysts: foreign trade continues to perform at a high level

The Hungarian foreign trade continued to perform at a high level, the dynamics of growth in the longer term will depend on the evolution of export capacities – according to...

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MNB: the NHP contributed to Hungary's GDP growth with more than 1 percent

The NHP is the growth credit program of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB). The NHP is supporting micro, small and medium-sized companies to access credit, to expand investments and...

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Hopefully there will not be yield losses in case of corn

Hopefully there will be yield losses in case of corn as heat has stopped – the president of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Thursday. Vancsura...

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The growth of the Czech retail sales continued in May

The data of the retail index indicated an annual increase of 5.4 percent after the 6 percent of April – the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) announced in Prague on Tuesday....

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Children posters to raise awareness to road safety

The Mercedes-Benz factory in Kecskemét announced a road safety poster competition within the company’s MobileKids Program. The best works were exhibited in the town at 10 busy points to drawn...

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Forbes Top 2,000 global companies

On 6 May Forbes published its latest ranking of the world’s biggest companies. Instead of the former 3 now we find 4 Chinese banks at the top of the list....

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The Kopint- Tárki expects a 3.2 percent growth and 0.5 percent inflation

The Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Intézet Zrt. business climate research institute is expecting a 3.2 percent GDP growth and 0.5 percent inflation in its latest projection. Palócz Éva, chief executive of Kopint-Tárki...

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The price of food and alcoholic beverages have risen

In June, consumer prices were on average 0.6 percent higher than a year earlier, while compared with May consumer prices rose by 0.2 percent – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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GKI Digital: the turnover of the 10 largest web stores exceeded 50 billion HUF in Hungary

The turnover of the 10 largest web stores operating in Hungary exceeded 50 billion HUF, with nearly 3 million purchases – according to GKI Digital’s research which ranked the e-retailers...

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If summer, then melon: the melon season has started without scandals

If summer, then melon: if melon, then melon campaign. The Agricultural Marketing Directorate of the Hungarian National Tourist Office launched a promotional campaign again this year to promote fresh, domestic...

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The dairy market is constantly changing

In the final, 2014/2015. milk quota year (1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015), the purchase of dairy products increased by three percent in the EU, compared to the previous...

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The new catering system helps the parents

The new catering system coming into force from the autumn helps families living in difficult financial circumstances and parents fostering children as well – Rétvári Bence, Parliamentary Minister of State...

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To realise the opportunity

The people who turn to me for advice can usually realise the opportunities in business but they tend to not notice them when they manifest in their private life. In...

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GfK: Consumer expectations improved in the second quarter

The consumer expectations improved and the propensity to buy index also increased in the second quarter in Hungary – the GfK Hungária told MTI on Tuesday. The GfK Compley Consumer...

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The MSZP has re-submitted its referendum initiative

The Socialist Party (MSZP) re-submitted its referendum on the termination of the Sunday Store Closure initiative unchanged on Tuesday to the National Election Office (NVI). The step of the Socialists...

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According to the Association of Hungarian Brewers, a significant increase in demand to occur for beer

Because of the heat, the demand for beer can increase significantly this summer – according to the Association of Hungarian Brewers. The organization in its Tuesday statement describes that last...

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Harvest started in Tolna County with a six-ton average yield

According to the data of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) after the harvest of the ten percent of the sown area of the winter wheat in Tolna county,...

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The results of Hungarian researchers promotes the development of cheaper and more reliable Internet

The researchers of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Budapest University of Technology and Economics promotes the development of cheaper and more reliable Internet. The researchers published their findings in...

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The volume of retail sales in Romania increased by four percent

The volume of Romanian retail sales increased by 4 percent in the first five months of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian National...

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