
Brussels to support the little ones

The EU accepted the Hungarian rural development program. The large estates lost against the small estates, after such an agri-rural development can take place, which reflects the government's desire to...

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42 percent of the Hungarian families throw out food regularly

42 percent of the Hungarian families regularly throw out food, in 8 out of 10 cases due to change in quality, in one-fifth of the cases, due to the expiration...

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The market changes and the weather did not favor the sweet corn growers this year

This year, the domestic sweet corn-growing area decreased by ten percent to 33 thousand hectares, compared to 2014. However, Hungary still has Europe's largest corn processing capacity, and we belong...

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Gemius: online ordering to be fun!

In 2015, 2,803,000 Hungarian net users have purchased from domestic portals, while 833,000 persons have chosen products from foreign sites . This is a clear increase,l compared to last year's...

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Omega-3s may prevent from the development of schizophrenia

Omega-3 fatty acids may prevent the development of full-blown schizophrenia in people who are at high risk of the disease, new research suggests. What's more, omega-3s seemed to prevent the...

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Grocery retail on a growth path

Value sales soared 4.9 percent and volume sales improved by 3 percent in Q1 2015 if compared with the performance of Q1 2014. Both indicators are above the European average....

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Brussels is unable to ward off the damages caused by russian food embargo

In parallel with the extended Russian food embargo Brussels also continues its damage mitigating actions. According to many people; in vain. According to the dairy sector participants the EU’s support...

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Inflation was 0.4 percent in July, while the price of food rose above the average

In July, consumer prices increased by an average of 0.4 percent, compared to a year before, while compared with June have not changed on average – the Central Statistical Office...

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Analysts: trade surplus exceeded the expectations in June

The growth of the trade surplus in June exceeded the expectations of the analysts. The annual export surplus according to the analysts of the Erste and ING Banks is likely...

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OECD: a recovery in the euro zone and a slowdown in the US and China

THe Composite Leading Indicators (CLIs), designed to anticipate turning points in economic activity relative to trend, point to stable growth momentum in the OECD area as a whole. Stable growth...

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Visa: Hungarians use their bank cards more regularly

Card usage increases in Hungary, compared with cash use. According to the survey of the Visa Europe examining the Balaton region, the number of POS transactions grew by 17 percent...

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The DHL signed official logistics partnership deal with MotoGP

DHL announced a new three-year partnership with the world's premier motorcycle racing championship, MotoGPTM. The partnership will see DHL support the logistics needs of MotoGPTM and its sister championships, Moto2TM...

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Harvest has begun in the Sopron wine region

Compared to last year, the harvest has begun in the Sopron wine region one day earlier; on Monday. Kurt Taschner, the owner of the Taschner Wine House told MTI on...

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Hungarian brewers are proud of the quality they produce

On 15 June the Federation of Hungarian Breweries published a statement, welcoming the fact that inspections by the Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection found that each of the 40 different...

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Growth in domestic trade catches up with export

According to GKI Economic Research Zrt., in 2015 Hungary’s economy will grow faster than the European Union’s 1.8-percent average, but it has no chance of repeating last year’s 3.6-percent expansion...

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Sziget Festival: the consumer protectors are constantly monitoring the festival

The consumer protectors are constantly monitoring the vendors of the Sziget Festival – Anita Kiss, press officer of the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) told on Tuesday at a press...

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Field work done the optimal way

Esri Hungary Ltd. has a solution called ArcGis, which relies on spatial data to provide business decision-makers with the latest data they need. Attila Oláh, the managing director of Esri...

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The government will give significant amounts for the development of the wineries

The government devotes a significant amount of technological development to the wineries, from the 1,300 billion HUF rural development program of the coming period – Kis Miklós Zsolt Minister of...

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KSH: a revival in foreign trade in June

The foreign trade turnover increased significantly in June: the value of exports calculated in euros increased by 13.4 percent, while the imports by 8.9 percent, compared to the previous year,...

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The NÉBIH will test the freshly harvested grain

In order to filter out contamination in grains, the NÉBIH will test the mycotoxin ie fungal toxin content of cereals – the deputy director of NÉBIH told M1 news channel...

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Hungary’s fish consumption is lagging behind the EU

The per capita consumption of fish in Hungary is the lowest in the EU – wrote. In fact, Hungary only precceedes such countries as Mongolia, Nepal and Ethiopia. Even...

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No false alarms: Grapevine flavescence dorée in the vineyards

Year 2015 brought an excellent vintage to those in the wine-growing regions that were not affected by hail or vine diseases. However, the professional event of Syngenta, the professionals also...

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The NAV found more than fifty thousand packs of contraband cigarettes

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) found a total of 52 thousand packs of contraband cigarettes in two pickup trucks on the 8th main road...

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Consumers are in a better mood, but they are still also saving money

Hungarian consumers were more willing to part with their money in Q1 2015 than in Q4 2014. This trend is reflected in the fact that the Hungarian consumer confidence index...

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Final stage of the budgetary period’s first round of grants starts

This summer the final stage of the EU’s current budgetary period’s – which ends in 2020 – first round of grants starts. In the time there is left from this...

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Beer is popular

Hungarian brewers sold 2 percent more (in volume) beer last year and the same sales growth is expected for this year as well. According to data published by the Federation...

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Standardised EU data protection regulation planned

The European Union plans to introduce new, standardised data protection regulation. This step would foster fair competition and help businesses to profit from the advantages of the Digital Single Market....

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200m² and smaller

200m² and smaller stores sold a bit more than HUF 11 billion worth of household chemicals and cosmetics in January-April 2015. If we examine the below-50m² channel separately, we can...

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New award for young executives

The Young Executives Academy organised its ‘Young executive of the year – 2015’ award programme for the first time. Annamária Tóth, the head of academy operator Coaching Team told our...

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A baguette crisis is threatening Paris

In Paris, the iconic baguette is so beloved that historic laws insist upon bakers curtailing their holidays to remain open throughout the summer months. Now, those laws have been scrapped...

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