
FAO: food prices on a six-year low

Food prices fell to the lowest in almost six years, led by plentiful supplies of dairy products and palm and soyabean oil, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation....

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FM: the Italian wine remains under lock until the completion of the investigations

Until the completion of the tracking investigations the 50 thousand hectoliters of Italian wines will be blocked by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture...

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FruitVeB: the effect of extreme heat affected all plant species and varieties

Ledó Ferenc, the president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI that the effect of extreme heat affected all plant species and varieties. Ledó Ferenc reminded...

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Nearly 90 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County

So far, 88 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County on a more than 20 thousand hectares of area. The average yield was 5.18 tons per hectare...

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Cofidis: 40 percent of the population repay loans

Currently, 40 percent of the 18-69 year-olds are repaying loans loans, while the ratio of new borrowers has not changed since last year, compared to the entire population. While in...

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Russians destroy tons of fruits and vegetables

The destruction of products covered by the Russian food embargo begun is in accordance with the recently signed Russian presidential decree. Vladimir Putin signed the decree on the destruction of...

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Illegal tobacco processing plant was found in Kékcse

The National Tax and Customs Authority’s finance guards found an Illegal tobacco processing plant in Kékcse, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. Dávid Zoltán, press officer of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county customs and excise directorate...

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Nitro Circus was an enormous success!

It was a breathtaking show: the Nitro Circus tour first visited Hungary this summer and the motorsport extravaganza was a once in a lifetime experience for spectators. The biggest star...

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Consumers are in a better mood, but they are still also saving money

Hungarian consumers were more willing to part with their money in Q1 2015 than in Q4 2014. This trend is reflected in the fact that the Hungarian consumer confidence index...

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Burnout syndrome and relationships

Basically there are two kinds of relationships: one that lifts you and another that pushes you down. Many people suffering from burnout syndrome neglect their relationships. The big question is:...

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The grape harvest starts in Europe with the Csabagyöngye grape

The grape harvest has begun in Europe with the Csabagyöngye early ripening grape variety in Ordacsehi. A good crop is expected this year. The takeover price of the the grapes...

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The winter wheat seed supply is sufficient

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board announced the indicative price for the seeds of winter cereals. For this year the price is 93,500 HUF. As President Takács Géza...

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Chamber of Agriculture: new opportunities in the support of small farmers

The CAP-Calculator has been updated with new payment options. The CAP-Calculator informs about the new possibilities of the EU's common agricultural policy, and it can be found on the website...

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Refurbished Reál Prémium store opens in Lurdy Ház

On 29 May Reál Hungária ceremonially opened its premium-category store in Budapest’s Lurdy Ház. Zsolt Feldman, deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture was also present. Reál Hungária managing...

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László Pekó receives Cooperative Award

László Pekó, the head of NYÍRZEM group, was honoured with the ‘OSZT Cooperative Award’ for his outstanding work in retail trade by the National Cooperative Council (OSZT). Mr Pekó started...

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100-year-old contour bottle inspires Hungarian designers

Coca-Cola’s iconic bottles turns 100 this year and Design Terminál asked Hungarian artists from five different fields of art to give new functions to the bottle. Many excellent designs were...

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KSH: accelerated growth in retail sales in June

In June, retail sales rose by 7.2 percent in volume compared with a year before, after the 4.4 percent increase of the previous month. The calendar-adjusted data shows an annual...

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Analysts expect further retail sales expansion

On the basis of the June trends the retail sales growth can continue in the coming months – the analyst of the K&H and the Savings Bank believe on the...

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Forbes list of the largest Hungarian family businesses

On the list of the Hungarian family businesses compiled by the Hungarian edition of the Forbes magazine's latest issue, the Kasza-family from Jászberény overtook Csányi Sándor. The list was published...

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A decrease occured in the sales of the Euro Zone and the EU in June

Retail sales in the eurozone fell more sharply than expected in June, a fresh sign that the currency area's economic recovery remains too weak to quickly bring down very high...

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The NAK considers the transformation of the higher agricultural education necessary

The National Agricultural Economics Chamber (NAK) considers the transformation of the higher agricultural education necessary, to provide complex practical knowledge to the students, instead of the current too specialized training...

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The RMDSZ would support a two-step VAT reduction in Romania

The Democratic Union of the Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ) would support a two-step VAT reduction in Romania – Kelemen Hunor the president of RMDSZ indicated on Wednesday in an interview...

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According to Dr György Karmazin, vice president of the Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management (MLBKT), three key factors influence the logistics market. In 2015, due to low...

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Automation is unavoidable

ogistics and warehousing are fields where all relevant informatics solutions are worth using if one wants to increase efficiency and retain their competitiveness. As hardware and sensor prices are going...

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Security audit reveals the weaknesses

In every phase of the logistic process there is an opportunity to steal raw material, semi-finished products or finished goods. Statistical data shows that a business may suffer 1.5-3 percent...

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FM: high-level consultation on the blocking of Italian imported wines

A high-level consultation is going on, on the blocking of Italian imported wines – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture announced on...

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FruitVeB: the use of post harvest processes is a market pressure

The use of post harvest processes that are facilitating consumption should be used to acquire new markets and to retain the existing ones, in case of domestic vegetables and fruits....

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According to the beer price index of the GoEuro website beer is the cheapest in Krakow

According to the 2015 beer price index of the GoEuro website, beer is the cheapest in Krakow, Kiev and Bratislava and the the most expensive in Geneva, Hong Kong and...

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Ownership changed at MOM Park, Westend and EMKE

A large international investment consortium acquired the real estate portfolio consisting of the MOM Park Shopping Center, the corresponding MOM Park Offices, the Westend Business Center Office Building and the...

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The SZTE and the Biomed Kft. developed a new dietary supplement jointly

The University of Szeged (SZTE) and the Biomed Kft. developed a new plant-based dietary supplement jointly. The product is available in the pharmacies and shops for two months. Hohmann Judit,...

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