
Companies don’t trust courts in tax matters

Deloitte’s second survey asked companies opinion on tax matter disputes and how they are settled in court. Two thirds of companies have already had tax authority rulings which they think...

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Certified products bring competitive advantage

In the food safety process certifications can create market advantage for companies if they take audits seriously. Lajos Tánczos, senior auditor of ÉMI-TÜV SÜD Kft. told our magazine that a...

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Packaging materials in circulation

Mária Gergely, a representative of the European Pallet Association’s (EPAL) Hungarian office told our magazine that the organisation has 1,600 members all over the world. In 2014 66.3 million pallets...

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Baby bonus programme welcomes its 200,000th member

In August drugstore chain dm welcomed its baby bonus programme’s 200,000th member with a gift pack. Brigitta Magyarné Benkő registered her son Noel in Kecskemét, who is expected to be...

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Nielsen: the sales of household chemicals and cosmetics increased by six percent in value

The retail turnover of household chemical goods and cosmetics was nearly 170 billion HUF in the first half of this year, which is 6 percent more than in the January-June...

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The milk will be the first Hungarian GMO-free food

The milk will be a GMO-free food by replacing imported feed soy – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced in Hajdúböszörmény on Friday....

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KSH: GDP grew by 2.7 percent in the second quarter

Hungary's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.7 percent in the second quarter compared to the same period of 2014. The increase was primarily due to the expansion of the...

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The FM will develop actions jointly with the product council to manage the dairy market situation

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) is aware of the difficulties experienced in the dairy market and will develop mrasures to manage the dairy market situation in cooperation with with the...

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The website of the National Tobacco Store Supply Ltd. has been launched

The website of the National Tobacco Store Supply Ltd. (Országos Dohányboltellátó, ODBE) has been launched. The site contains the condition list of tobacco shops, and the location of warehouses, among...

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Poor apple harvest is expected this year

This year, close to 500 thousand tonnes of apple crop is expected in the country, compared with the more than 900 thousand tonnes of 2014 – the president of the...

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GfK: the turnover of technical durables has increased

The sales of technical durables increased by 4.9 percent in Hungary in this year's second quarter compared to the same period of last year. The engine of growth was the...

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The Savings Bank and the Hungarian Association of Animal Breeders signed a cooperation agreement

The TakarékBank Zrt. (Savings Bank) and the Magyar Állattenyésztők Szövetsége (Hungarian Association of Animal Breeders) signed a cooperation agreement – the bank told MTI. The objective of the agreement is...

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The Nébih closed down a bakery in the capital

According to the communication of the Hungarian Baker’s Association, the closed bakery is not the member of the association. The Nébih carried out inspections at several bakeries in recent days:...

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MKB: the maximum amount of the Széchenyi Card overdraft requests was doubled

The previous ceiling was doubled. The MKB Bank receives Széchenyi Card overdraft requests up to 50 million HUF from Friday – the bank told MTI. As the bank wrote, the...

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Order in the wi-fi chaos

With its new service WifiZone, ACE Telecom intends to create order in the rather disorderly world of wi-fi connections. The service is a professional solution for hotels, restaurants, cafés, shopping...

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New award for young executives

The Young Executives Academy organised its ‘Young executive of the year – 2015’ award programme for the first time. Annamária Tóth, the head of academy operator Coaching Team told our...

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Magazine: Burnout syndrome and relationships

Basically there are two kinds of relationships: one that lifts you and another that pushes you down. Many people suffering from burnout syndrome neglect their relationships. The big question is:...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices fell by 6.2 percent in June

In June, crop products were 3.6 percent cheaper, while live animals and animal products were 10.4 percent cheaper, and the agricultural producer prices were 6.2 percent lower than a year...

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Milk producer organizations ask for immediate measures

The most affected professional associations in domestic raw milk production, the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board, the Hungarian Animal Breeders Association the Holstein-Friesian Breeders Association the Hungarian Simmental Cattle...

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The decline in producer prices calls for an improvement in efficiency

“The agricultural prices are falling much higher than the production costs, which warns that efficiency increasing investments are needed in the sector” – Tresó István, the Head of the Division...

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Food chain management fee: more than 10 billion HUF came in last year

The amount of the food chain management fee was 10.979 billion HUF last year: the development money amounted to 1,097 billion HUF. The Nébih (National Food Chain Safety Office) spent...

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Due to the heat wave, the consumption of the summer seasonal products has increased

The turnover of the summer seasonal products – ice cream, mineral waters and beers – is outstanding due to the heat wave – trading companies told MTI on Thursday. Balogh...

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Heat speeds up the aging of the beer

The heat is good for the beer consumption, but it is not good for the beer. It is worth to pay attention to the proper storage temperature and consumption temperature...

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The British waste the most food in Europe

Britain wastes more food than any other country in Europe, with UK households throwing away 6 kilogrammes of food a week. 12 billion pounds worth food a year. For every...

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The heat causes fish mortality and agricultural damages in Austria

The Austrian Die Presse daily reported about heat-related agricultural damages and fish mortality in Austrian rivers on Wednesday. Because of the high temperatures and low oxygen content, fish mortality is...

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Private label products becoming more popular

PLMA’s 2015 year book analyses the state of play in the field of private label products. In 14 from the 20 countries surveyed PL products’ market share increased. In the...

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Coffee in the warehouses

This year farmers in Vietnam stockpiled more coffee in their warehouses than ever before since 2010. A record harvest is expected in 2015 so prices won’t increase. Vietnamese farmers mostly...

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Our personal finances from East to West

How do you think your personal finances will develop in the next 12 months? – in the 1st quarter of 2015 Nielsen asked consumers this question in 60 countries all...

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Grape growers are expecting better protection from the Nébih

The protesters who demonstrated on Wednesday in front of the National Food Chain Safety Authority’s (Nébih) Wine and Alcoholic Beverages Board of Directors, asked for stricter controls more than ever...

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Analysts: it was expected that inflation will slow down in July

It was expected that inflation will slow down in July. On the basis of the recent data (consumer prices were 0.4 percent higher than a year earlier), however, the basic...

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