
From September, 90 percent of the nursery, kindergarten children can eat for free

From 1 September, 90 percent of the nursery, kindergarten children ie 321 thousand children will receive free meals, compared to the current 27 percent – the press officer of the...

Read more an international comparison about the lowest earnings

In Hungary, the proportion of workers who work for less money than the poverty threshold, (ie 50 percent of the average income) was 7.2 percent, while in Austria 7.8 percent,...

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The growth of smartphone sales is slowing globally

The growth of smartphone sales will slow globally in the coming years – the U.S. International Data Corporation (IDC) IT and telecommunications market research company announced on Tuesday. The International...

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Ten thousand bees were equipped with tracking sensors in a global research program

Miniscule sensors have been glued to the backs of 10,000 healthy honey bees around the world to help understand why huge numbers of bees are dying. Like electronic tags that...

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Whisky found in time capsule from the nineteenth century

Construction workers found time capsule that was buried in the 1800s in the Scottish Highlands. The shoe box-sized capsule was found buried deep inside part of the Ruthven road bridge...

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Milk’s production price dropped by the quarter

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that the production price of Hungarian broiler chicken was HUF 264/kg in May 2015....

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EXIMBANK lending programmes in the limelight

Loan products offered by state-owned Magyar Export-Import Bank Zrt. (EXIMBANK) can be of great help to Hungarian enterprises in financing export activities. EXIMBANK’s goal is to raise the number of...

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Knowledge park to be built in Debrecen

The University of Debrecen successfully tendered for HUF 583 million to build a knowledge park for the rapid practical utilisation of the results of innovative research projects (pharmaceutical, food, electronics...

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Lips that brave the weather

Lip care product sales are characterised by seasonality because the autumn and winter periods make lips more vulnerable – we learned from Viktória Tantics, brand manager with Beiersdorf Kft. Szilvia...

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We spend more and more despite the Sunday store closure

Expanding sales, outstanding results: the Sunday store closure did not break the year-long success story of the Arena Plaza – the latest GfK Hungária Exit Survey reveals. Although one can...

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The Sunday store closure affected the advertising market

The introduction of the Sunday store closure moved the commercial chains’ advertising spendings as well – wrote. In the first half of this year the retail chains operating in...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the support of the farmers' markets is a priority area

Papp Gergely, technical deputy director general of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told M1 news channel on Tuesday that the support of the short supply chains, farmers' markets is a...

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The apple harvest has begun

The apple harvest has begun in the orchards and the concentrate maker factories are also operating – the Chairman of the Apple Marketing Board told MTI on Tuesday. Takács Ferenc,...

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The consumer protection authority will launch a series of events to develop environmental awareness

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) to launch a nationwide series of events to develop environmentally conscious customers approach – NFH’s Director General said at a press conference in Budapest...

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Analysts say that the increase of earnings is stable

According to the senior analyst of ING, regular wages grew in accordance with the current trends in the private sector. The analyst of the Savings Bank pointed out that real...

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The new rural development program offers more opportunities for the farmers

The new rural development program, provide more opportunities for the farmers – the Vice President of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told M1 news channel. Hubai Imre told that the...

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Manufacturer brands improved their position

In January-April 2015 toothbrush sales were worth more than HUF 1 billion. Value sales stayed put but volume sales fell 3 percent. Drugstores’ share from value sales was even higher...

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Efficient oral care every day

In the last few years the oral care category was growing above the average in terms of value sales. According to Beatrix Károly, consumer shopper activation mass market manager of...

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A wifi network that works well for everyone

With WifiZone’s professional wifi network restaurants, cafés, hotels and other busy public spaces can offer such wireless internet access to guests which is comfortable and safe for both sides. In...

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Increased share for drugstores

In the first four months of 2015 Hungarian consumers spent HUF 4 billion on toothpaste, 3 percent more than in the same period of 2014. Volume sales didn’t change if...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index at its peak this year

In August the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects increased slightly over July and reached this year’s peak. The previously measured positive sentiment prevailed among companies and households,...

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Hungary's food-retail is on podium

The value and volume of food-retailing in Hungary has increased more than the European average during the second quarter, compared to the April-June period of the last year. In terms...

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The VAT fraud may reach 1,000 billion HUF

In Hungary, approximately 1,000 billion HUF VAT is cheated every year, while the rate of tax evasion can reach 22-25 percent of GDP – Farkas Gábor, Manager of PwC drew...

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More wine in the cellars than last year

The amount of new wine this year may exceed last year's harvest – the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) estimates. According to the predictions of the National Council of...

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Beekeepers will close a good year

This year’s honey harvest will be one thousand tonne more than in 2014, despite the drought and the extremely hot summer – Napi Gazdaság wrote. Although the volume of sunflower...

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The GMO-free product indication comes during the autumn

According to the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, the legislation that allow the marking of the GMO-free products may be issued during the autumn. Nagy István...

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The EU support of the SMEs may reach 3-4 percent of the GDP next year

The amount of the European Union subsidies that the government will send to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may reach 3-4 percent of annual GDP next year – Karsai...

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All the examined face creams were corresponded to the consumer protection checks

All the 20 kinds of face creams have passed on to the consumer protection test, carried out by the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH). The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH)...

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French wine producers expect average yield and very good quality

Because of the drought, the yield is slightly lower than last year, but the French wine producers expect very good quality wines this year. “Good vintage is expected this year...

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Euro Zone’s composite BMI indicates the continuation of the economic growth

The preliminary value of the Euro Zone’s composite BMI increased in August – the Markit Economics Economic Research Institute announced on Friday in London. The preliminary value of the Euro...

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