
The vote on the VAT rate cut was postponed in Romania

The Romanian government coalition postponed the parliament vote on the new tax laws on Monday, so therefore the convened extraordinary session was unnecessary. The parliament had to vote again on...

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Canned food: the opening goes well

Canned food sales have been at a standstill for quite a while, but in certain segments several changes took place. Sándor Szórádi, the managing director of Szatmári Konzervgyár Kft. told...

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Increased significance for traditional shops

Retail sales of canned vegetables exceeded HUF 5 billion in the December 2014-May 2015 period. Value sales bettered by 4 percent but volume sales fell 2 percent. The market share...

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POP experience with the latest results

Bert M Ohnemüller founded the Neuromerchandising Group in 2010 in Frankfurt. They combine 30 years of POP experience with the latest results in neuromarketing, physiology and biology. In its work...

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Fresh product tracking in practice

GS1 Hungary and Metro Kereskedelmi Kft. have already introduced the GS1 DataBar system for fresh products. This barcode types contains much more information than ordinary barcodes and can also be...

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CatMan reloaded?

Many people think that category management (often abbreviated as CatMan) is a long and boring analysing process. Judit Hauber, senior client lead of dunnhumby told us that the general main...

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Shopper-centred merchandising

A large part of shopper decisions is made in-store, so how shelves are arranged and whether goods are in stock are very important: it is merchandising that decides what ends...

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Health isn’t tax-free

Fidesz MP Roland Mengyi has suggested that next year’s tax package should include new health screenings offered as benefits by employers tax-free. The MP thinks it is much cheaper to...

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Small segments are showing the big ones how to perform well

Last year coffee’s retail sales had finally grown once again, but by the beginning of this year this momentum was lost. NESCAFÉ’s brand manager Róbert Szuhai explained to our magazine...

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Slight change in the weight of bigger stores

Retail sales of coffee neared HUF 27 billion in the December 2014-May 2015 period. Value sales grew by 3 percent but volume sales fell 1 percent. Stores with a floor...

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The state assistance saved jobs in the meat industry

When the concerned local governments have invested into the meat plants of Gyula, Kaposvár and Pápa contributed to the retention of about 2000 jobs – the Trade Union of Meat...

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KSH: average earnings increased by 3.6 percent in June

Average earnings grew by 3.6 percent in June compared with a year before. Without counting the wages of the public workers the increase was 4.7 percent – the Central Statistics...

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The agriculture ministers of the EU will held an emergency meeting on milk prices

The agriculture ministers of the EU wild held an emergency meeting, due to the dairy market crisis leading to very depressed milk price levels – the European Commission announced in...

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The Romanian parties have agreed in a four percentage points VAT reduction

Following debates, the representatives of the main political parties of the Romanian Parliament have reached an agreement over lowering the general VAT level to 20 percent starting January 2016 and...

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Four cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of colon cancer recurrence

Drinking more coffee may keep colon cancer from coming back, find researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston – the Daily MIrror wrote. “Observational studies of patients with established...

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German consumer confidence declines

Market research group GfK released its consumer confidence index for Germany on Friday. German Gfk consumer confidence index fell to 9.9 in September from 10.1 in August. Analysts had expected...

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Dairy farmers are in big trouble

The Hungarian producers give the milk to the processors for a 75 fHUF per liter price that is below the cost price. Harcz Zoltán, executive director of the Dairy Interprofessional...

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The damage of maize growers may be up to 80-100 billion HUF

The extremely hot weather of the recent days and the subsequent storms caused damages up to 80-100 billion HUF to the maize growers – the President of the National Association...

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MNB: several thousand billion HUF worth resources were flowing to the domestic SMEs

Several thousand billion HUF of resources were flowing to the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the past. According to the comparative study of Hidasi Balázs, Plajner Ádám, Pulai...

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A growth in the trade surplus of the euro zone and the EU

The trade surplus of the euro zone and the EU increased in June as well as in the first half of the year – Eurostat announced. The trade surplus of...

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Complies with religious laws

If a company wishes to export to the Arab world, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore or Dubai, it has to have special Halal certification. As a matter of fact, it is also...

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Magazine: The death of information

Recently I have been contacted by the head of a big company who is often asked to do interviews on the radio. He wanted me to help him and the...

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NGM: Retail trade is constantly expanding for two years

The retail sector is growing continuously for two years. Retail trade in June increased by more than 6 percent, compared to a year before, but the first half-year figures also...

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The NAK is an important partner of the Ministry of Agriculture

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is an important partner in the sector work carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) – the Minister of Agriculture underlined on Monday...

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Bread price increase is not expected

It is expected that new wheat based bread prices will not increase, because the millers will not raise the price of flour and the other cost components will not force...

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Broadband Internet will be available in all of the households

Currently 883 thousand Hungarian households do not have broadband Internet access. According to the Digital Hungary plan, until 2018 the World Wide Web will be accessible in every households. The...

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The rate of GDP growth decreased in the euro zone

According to the preliminary data, the rate of GDP growth decreased in the euro zone in the second quarter, compared to the previous quarter – Eurostat reported on Friday. According...

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The NÉBIH seized relabeled melons

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized relabeled melons at a farm near Nagykálló and banned the marketing of the fruits. According to the communication of...

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Agricultural machinery purchases broke a record

According to the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), agricultural machinery purchases may break a record in Hungary. While the international trend shows a decrease of...

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Security audit reveals the weaknesses

In every phase of the logistic process there is an opportunity to steal raw material, semi-finished products or finished goods. Statistical data shows that a business may suffer 1.5-3 percent...

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