
SAP Plastics Cloud or Technology for the Environment

New global marketplace for companies to use recycled plastics and other alternatives; partnership with an ocean-going sailing expedition of a women’s scientific research initiative; sustainability assessment of the harmful effects...

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Disposable plastic bags were banned in New York State

On March 1, a ban on disposable plastic bags came into effect in New York, where about 23 billion plastic bags have been sold each year – origo wrote. The...

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Amazon Expands Physical Footprint With Bigger Cashier-Less Grocery Shop

The world’s biggest online retailer is set to open ‘Amazon Go Grocery,’ a store in Seattle’s Capitol Hill with four times the shopping space as the first cashier-less location it...

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Edeka To Launch Own-Brand Vegan Patties And Mince

German retailer Edeka has announced plans to roll out a new range of private-label vegan burger patties and mince branded as No Meat. Just in March of this year. The...

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Coronavirus To Cost Europe’s Retailers $4bn In Lost Sales: Study

Supply disruptions caused by the coronavirus is expected to lead to £3.26 billion (€3.8 billion) in missed sales for retailers in Europe in the six weeks to 20 April, with...

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Magazine: Wining and dining ten years from now

Earlier I already told on the pages of this magazine that by 2030 there will be approximately 110 megapolises on planet Earth, each with a population bigger than 5 million....

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AM: irrigation and digitalisation also increase competitiveness

Strengthening the livestock sector, spreading digitization and increasing irrigated areas are also needed to increase agricultural performance – Farkas Sándor, parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture said at a...

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KSH: investments increased by 5.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2019

Investments increased by 5.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2019, compared to the same period of 2018, with the fastest record growth of 14 percent, the Central Statistical Office...

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A new wine law is being prepared

The third wine law has been drafted since the change of regime – the Secretary General of the National Council for Mountain Communities told M1 news channel on Saturday. Brazsil...

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There is huge potential for development in the horticultural sector

The Hungarian horticultural sector has a great potential for development, reaching only 30-40 percent of its capacity for years. The National Chamber of Agriculture, together with the strategic partner professional...

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Analysts: the coronary epidemic may slow down the performance of the economy

Economic analysts told MTI that the coronary epidemic makes economic forecasts in this year uncertain, but they still expect an around 4 percent. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 4.5...

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OKSZ: even though demand for durable food has increased slightly, the security of supply is not at risk

Turnover data for the last 24 hours show that demand for certain durable foods has slightly increased in the member companies of OKSZ, according to the OKSZ announcement. The Trade...

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AM Secretary of State: the Flavors and Traditions competition in Orosháza is a savior of values

The competition of Orosháza traditions and flavors is essential for keeping our memories alive, along with other similar events, said Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States improved in February

Consumer sentiment in the United States improved in February, according to a standard monthly survey by the University of Michigan. According to final data released on Friday, the consumer sentiment...

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Google Shopping is growing at an alarming rate

Google Shopping is growing at an alarming rate. Accounting for 55% of Google search ad clicks in the US, Google Shopping is a huge traffic-driving source, ultimately increasing earning potential...

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A restructuring information and communication technologies market

Tamás Laufer, president of the Hungarian Association of IT Companies (IVSZ) told: In just 5 years the direct and indirect gross value added (GVA) of the information and communication technologies...

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The impact of microplastics on food safety: the case of fishery and aquaculture products

Microplastics present in the oceans and inland waters are unintentionally ingested by a large number of aquatic animals of commercial value. These plastic particles are made of compounds such as...

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Brazil Beef Firms Face Reduced Chinese Demand Due To Coronavirus

China’s beef imports will fall in the first half of 2020 due to fallout from the coronavirus outbreak, which is complicating the circulation of people and trade globally, Rabobank said...

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Lidl Denmark To Introduce Animal Welfare Label For Fresh Chicken

Lidl Denmark has announced that it is to introduce an animal welfare label to its fresh chicken offering from the beginning of March. All fresh chicken sold in the retailer’s...

Read more Has Opened Its Drive-Thru in Budapest

James McQuillan, Chief Executive of posted the following on their Linkedin-page: ‘Shelves are empty across Budapest, but at Kifli we’re still open. Given that Budapestians are keen to quickly...

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Magazine: Spirits 2019

Extending the public health product tax (NETA) to spirits in 2015 entailed a 20-30 percent price increase in the category. Sales were also affected negatively by the law that allowed...

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Nébih: quality and labeling problems have also been found at cheese products

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) has tested 31 cream cheese products in its latest Supermenta product test, and 20 cases have been subject to regulatory action due to...

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The coronavirus is boosting demand for durable foods

Coronavirus disease is on the rise in Europe, prompting people to accumulate durable foods in Hungary as well – wrote. The National Trade Association, which includes members of Tesco,...

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According to a recent K&H study, SMEs remain optimistic

On average, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expect 8.3 percent more revenue and 5.2 percent profit growth this year. The most optimistic sectors are the medium-sized and commercial companies –...

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With full employment, the number of economically active people is decreasing

The labor market is stabilizing, reaching full employment – but the number of economically active people has been falling for four months – according to a quick analysis by ING,...

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A full agricultural census will be launched in May

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) will conduct a full agricultural census between May 15 and June 30, 2020, entitled “Agricultural Census, 2020,” – origo wrote. The purpose of the survey...

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The Győr Philharmonic Orchestra is relaunching its Kékfrankos season ticket series

The Győr Philharmonic Orchestra will restart its Kékfrankos season ticket series at the Fertőrákos Cave Theater in the summer – the orchestra informed MTI on Thursday. The purpose of the...

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Amazon is taking action in case of overpriced medical masks

Amazon has announced that the site will look specifically at dealers who sell medical masks and take action against those who raise the price of medical masks – origo wrote....

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Consumer confidence in the euro area and in the EU improved in February

Consumer confidence in the euro area and in the European Union improved in February, according to final figures released by the European Commission on Thursday. The euro area, which comprises...

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KSH: gross earnings increased by 11.4 percent to 367,800 HUF last year

In December last year, average gross earnings were 406,400 HUF, 13.1 percent higher than a year before, so last year’s average earnings were 367,800 HUF and net 244,600 HUF, both...

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