
EU on alert as report warns of bankruptcies across bloc

The end of the EU transition period at the end of the year is set to have detrimental consequences for EU member states, according to a report by insurance company...

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Customers Embrace Produce Without Plastic

Customers in three Countdown stores are experiencing a very different-looking produce section from today, as part of a ten-week plastic reduction test which will see more than a tonne of...

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Farmstead expands grocery discount program

Online grocer Farmstead is expanding its refill and save program that provides reduced prices on certain staple grocery items including milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables and bread. The discount program is...

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Lidl expands warehouse operations in Wales

Lidl has announced plans to expand its warehouse operations in Wales to further support its growing network of stores in the home country The British arm of the German discount...

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The agricultural ministry is developing a strategic plan for the use of the CAP

The Ministry of Agriculture has begun to develop a strategic plan for the support system for the period 2021-2027, which will include the framework, directions and justifications for the utilization...

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YES! – for advertising self-regulation and the relationship with CSR

Professional thinking about CSR often leaves out the question of ethical marketing and commitment to ethical advertising. Can you really be called socially responsible if your advertising is not ethical?...

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Household food security is encouraged by the Nébih campaign

This year, the National Food Chain Safety Authority (NABIH) draws the attention to the importance of household food safety and food hygiene – Nébih told MTI on Monday. The program...

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There will be jelly festival in Miskolc again

There will be another jelly festival in Miskolc, the nationally renowned event will be held between February 14 and 16, featuring a variety of gastronomic and cultural programs – the...

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The Nébih recalled a sesame oil product from Singapore

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) has recalled the Oh Aik Guan sesame oil product, – the authority told MTI on Tuesday. According to the information, Nébih received an...

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The price of pork increased significantly in China

In China, pork prices rose 116 percent in January, compared to a year before. According to the Chinese Bureau of Statistics, the rise in prices contributed to the 20.6 percent...

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European Commission: EU excise duty on tobacco products has not contributed to reducing consumption

The EU minimum excise duty on tobacco products did not contribute to discouraging consumption, although the current rules work well for the predictability and stability of Member States’ budget revenues,...

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Unemployment rate is unchanged in the OECD member countries

Unemployment remained unchanged in December, with unemployment averaging 5.1 percent in OECD member countries. According to the OECD website, there were 32 million 563,000 unemployed in the OECD area in...

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ALMA -The International School of Italian Cuisine

Each young chef was carefully picked by ALMA -The International School of Italian Cuisine, where each of their signature dishes were assessed according to the same 3 criteria, the Golden...

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Lidl Belgium Introduces Digital Loyalty Card

Lidl Belgium has announced that it has rolled out its first customer loyalty card through the Lidl Plus app. The loyalty programme will allow shoppers to receive their cash register...

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Coca-Cola Products Removed From Colruyt Shelves

A number of Coca-Cola products have been temporarily removed from the shelves of retailer Colruyt, after the Belgian operator said that it had not reached agreement with the soft drink...

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Supermarket ‘dark stores’ dealing with online-only orders are “the future model of grocery in the UK”

UK supermarkets are increasingly converting shop floor space into areas for online order fulfilment in their largest branches as rents continue to rise. ‘Dark stores’, areas attached to supermarkets which...

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Magazine: Consumer perception of innovations

In the 2nd quarter of 2019 nominal value sales were up 7.7 percent from the level of the 1st quarter. The market share of discount supermarkets reached 28 percent –...

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(HU) A vendéglátás egyben országimázs is

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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New managing director for FÉSZ

As of 1 January 2020 Attila Vörös is the new managing director of the Federation of Responsible Food Manufacturers (FÉSZ). Mr Vörös earned a degree in economics at Corvinus University...

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(HU) Új digitális program a UPS-től

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New business model in e-commerce

Webshippy launched a new service in 2020, called Dropshippy. Drop shipping is a business model, in which a retailer can operate an online shop without keeping goods in stock or...

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More digital information in the agri-food sector too

On 12 February the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) hosted a conference at Szent István University in Gödöllő, titled ‘Digital Information Services and Technological Development’. Experts talked about 5G, IoT,...

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Auchan makes French operations simpler

Auchan has announced 677 redundancies, which is about 17 percent of the total number of workers at its head office. The redundancies are part of a plan to save EUR...

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Online vagy? Védd magad! – Információbiztonsági programot indított a K&H

A digitalizáció kényelmesebbé, egyszerűbbé, gyorsabbá teszi számtalan mindennapi tevékenységünket, azonban az online tér számos veszélyt is rejthet, ha nem vagyunk elég elővigyázatosak, elég csak az adathalász kísérletekre vagy hackertámadásokra gondolnunk....

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Colgate to buy US vegan toothpaste company

Colgate-Palmolive Co would like to buy Hello Products LLC, a company that makes eco-friendly and animal cruelty-free toothpastes – some of which are infused with hemp seed oil. This step...

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Nestlé launches plant-based sausages

Nestlé will launch plant-based sausages that look, taste, and cook like their meat-based counterparts in Europe and the United States. In Europe the food giant will introduce the soy-based Garden Gourmet...

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Tesco removes plastic from canned food multipacks

Tesco has announced: they will remove plastic packaging from tinned multipacks from 2 March. Plastic packaging will be banned across Tesco’s multipack private label and branded products such as Heinz and Beanz....

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Aldi opens 6 new stores in Scotland in 2020

Aldi has announced plans to open 6 stores in Scotland this year, as it continues its expansion across the UK. The discount supermarket’s new GBP 25 million storage and chill...

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Coca-Cola to spend 1 billion euros in 5 years on French operations

Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola European Partners (CCEP) are to invest up to a EUR 1 billion over the next 5 years in its French operations. The investment will include the introduction...

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Amazon considers opening stores in Germany is considering opening stores in Germany, its second biggest market after the United States. Amazon already operates stores in the USA and the UK, including the Whole Foods grocery...

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