
Job seekers applying for courier

Many people want to get into big chain stores as a driver and for logistics work, as more and more people order home delivery. Companies have to deal with meeting...

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Situation of blue-collar job seekers

The impact of the epidemic varies from sector to sector and from job vacancy to dissent, while HR and the communication with employees have become more important than ever. Therefore,...

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Half of the employees expect their work situation to deteriorate

Half of the employees do not worry about their jobs due to the difficulties caused by the pandemic situation – it turns out from the summary of sent to...

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Solar refrigerators can help areas without electricity in Africa

Special solar coolers were introduced by a Brazilian company – origo wrote. The equipment is specifically designed for areas of Africa where there is no stable, well-developed central electricity. The...

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Retail sales in Germany fell in March

Retail sales in Germany fell significantly in March due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. According to preliminary data released by the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on Thursday,...

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We can learn a lot from each other in confinement

In the emergency situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the different generations could learn a lot from each other – quotes Steigervald Krisztián, a generation researcher and intergenerational coachtold

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Coronavirus: the number of deaths is approaching to quarter of a million

A total of 3,428,114 people were infected with the coronavirus epidemic worldwide, with 243,829 fatalities and 1,093,137 people recovered – according to summary of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore...

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The euro area economy has shrunk the largest ever

The largest ever gross domestic product decrease occured in the euro area in the first quarter, the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat reported on Thursday, wrote. According to Eurostat...

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FAO Food Price Index falls to 17-month low

Global commodity food prices fell for the fourth consecutive month in May, as supplies appear strong and demand weakens due to economic contractions triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Food...

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(HU) Ugrásra készen, a Család, az Anyák Napja jegyében

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The “Most Successful Promotion of the Year 2019” awards were presented at the online professional day

  The “Most Successful Promotion of the Year 2019” awards were presented at the online professional day. Exciting presentations, great entries, valuable awards, proud winners, and nearly 100 people attended...

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Italian hospitaliy needs to wait until June

According to the largest Italian daily, the Corriere della Sera, Italy is trying to restart after weeks of strict lockdown due to the coronavirus epidemic, which began on February 20th....

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About job searching during crisis

How does the epidemiological situation and the related economic environment affect senior management expectations? What are the leadership qualities that are now gaining in value and can best help you...

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This is how life in Hungary will change from May 4

Orbán Viktor announced on Wednesday that they would gradually start easing the restrictions. The relevant decree was published in the Magyar Közlöny on Thursday night, according to which the curfew...

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Nagy István: The government helps agricultural and food businesses with 25 billion HUF

The government will provide 25 billion HUF to help the agricultural and food businesses to overcome the economic difficulties caused by the coronavirus, the Minister of Agriculture told MTI on...

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Can the supply chain in the food industry be shorter

Nutrition, food safety, ecological footprint and reduction of food loss: all arguments would be in favor of locally produced food. Hungary is still lucky in this respect, but in much...

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Nébih is launching quarantine research

How have our food buying and eating habits changed as a result of the epidemiological situation? What foods have we accumulated? What do we do with reserves? Among other things,...

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Csányi Sándor: This is how the Hungarian companies overcome the epidemic

Csányi Sándor, owner of the Bonafarm Group, president and CEO of OTP Bank, and president of MLSZ was the guest in the latest part of the Brain Bar live video...

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KSH: earnings increased by 9.1 percent in February

In February, average gross earnings were 377,300 HUF, 9.1 percent higher than a year earlier. The economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic have not yet affected the first two months...

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NAV: SMEs can receive VAT back faster

With a significant redeployment of workers, the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) will meet the shorter VAT payment deadlines for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) under the Economic Protection...

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Avian influenza has also appeared in Nébih Békés county

Avian influenza has also appeared in Békés County. The experts have started to liquidate almost 10,000 flocks of geese in Nagykamarás, while in Battonya, the flocks of young fattening turkeys,...

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There could have been hundreds of billions of forints losses in the ornamental horticulture sector

Without government intervention, there could have been hundreds of billions HUF losses in the ornamental horticultural sector – Orlóci László, president of the Organization of Hungarian Ornamental Gardeners told M1...

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The next generation can be dismissed

As a result of the economic shock caused by the coronavirus pandemic, many people could lose their livelihoods even during the summer, according to a recent survey by the Pénzcentrum....

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Five things we didn’t know about margarines

Is margarine hydrogenated and full of trans fatty acids? Maybe plastic, so it has no nutritional value at all? Although margarines are a popular food in Hungary, many urban legends...

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ECB: economic performance in the euro area could reach pre-crisis levels by 2022

According to the most likely scenario, the economic performance of the euro area after the downturn due to the viral outbreak could reach pre-crisis levels by the end of 2022,...

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Further easenings in Austria

All stores can open at our western neighbor on May 2nd. From May 4, education will also gradually resume, and from the middle of the month, restaurants and bars will...

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The state of emergency will be extended until 24 July in France

The French government has decided to extend the state of health declared due to the coronavirus pandemic until July 24, the health minister has announced. The lifting of the two-month...

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The era of handshakes is over?

Handshakes have been put on pause amid the coronavirus pandemic — and they may never come back if some Americans get their way. More than half of Americans surveyed in...

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Irrigation’s cooling effect on crops

In a recent U.S.-based study, a research team led by University of Illinois scientists discovered 16% of the yield increase from irrigation is attributable to cooling alone. “This study highlights...

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Spar Slovenia Launches Online Shopping Service For Essential Items

Spar Slovenia has rolled out a new online shopping service that allows customers to choose from 250 essential food items. The Spar ‘Online Basic’ service aims to ease the grocery...

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