
Trade Fairs Brno want to start the interrupted season in September

“I am hoping the situation in the Czech Republic and Europe in general will calm down in the coming months and we can start the trade fair season from the...

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CSAOSZ again!

The National Association of Packaging and Material Handling (CSAOSZ) also announced the HUNGAROPACK Hungarian Packaging Competition in 2020.   The 2020 national packaging competition will be held during an extraordinary...

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Magazine: Tasty, fizzy and as natural as possible!

András Palkó, marketing operations manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország told Trade magazin that there were two strong trends in the market of carbonated soft drinks in 2019: a slowdown in...

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Pandemic highlights the limits of store-based online fulfillment

The huge growth in demand for online grocery shopping services driven by the coronavirus is poised to redefine the supermarket business’ approach to e-commerce. While before the “stay home” provisions,...

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Irish online grocery store Buymie adds new services

Dublin-based online grocery delivery company Buymie has raised EUR 2.2 million from investors to expand its service in response to demand during the coronavirus pandemic. Thanks to this the company will be...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 2.4 percent in April

In April, consumer prices were on average 2.4 percent higher than a year earlier. Compared to March, food prices rose 1.4 percent more than usual, which may have been due...

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Food became more expensive again

Buyers and traders are increasingly adapting to the pandemic situation, while prices continue to rise in domestic hypermarkets – albeit at a slightly slower pace than a month ago –...

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Advertising Alliance: a 38 percent decline in the media and communications market may occur this year

In the media and communications market, industry players expect an average decline of 38 percent this year, the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) said in a joint statement with its affiliates,...

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The online sector is the big winner of the pandemic

In mid-March 2020, the coronavirus redrawn the everyday life of Europe and Hungary overnight. Most people were completely unprepared when, almost simultaneously with the outbreak of the epidemic in Hungary,...

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Despite the pandemic, the sentiment of the world’s population has improved a lot

The global crisis has taught us to value our everyday lives. The COVID-19 virus also casts a shadow over the number one problem, unemployment. At the same time, a sharply...

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Mastercard: Nearly eight out of ten people choose contactless payment

According to a recent global consumer survey conducted by Mastercard in 19 countries, 79 percent of shoppers choose contactless payment, mentioning security and cleanliness as the most important motivation, the...

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Foreign seasonal workers can come

The severe labor shortage in horticulture can be resolved in a short time. According to an amendment to a government decree published the other day, seasonal workers can come to...

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Minister of Agriculture: we still don’t know the real fallbacks of coronavirus

Every day, new losses are caused to Hungarian agriculture by trade and other restrictions due to the coronavirus epidemic, but effective control and the restart of the economy reduce the...

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Retail sales in the Czech Republic fell by 8.9 percent in March

In March, retail sales in the Czech Republic fell by 8.9 percent year-on-year; In February, growth reached 7 percent – the Czech Statistical Office announced in Prague. The sharp decline...

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EU-borders do not open until mid-June

The European Commission would extend the ban on entry into the EU until 15 June, as the coronavirus situation is “not even stable in Europe and the world,” the Eurologist...

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German Chancellor at least until the end of the year

Even the most optimistic estimates suggest that the coronavirus epidemic in Germany will last at least until the end of the year – the German chancellor said in an interview...

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Neither footballers nor their market value are immune to the pandemic

The total value of players on the teams of the ten largest European football leagues could fall by as much as 10 billion euros if the season is not completed...

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The goverment shares more EU-grants than ever

A tremendous amoun of EU grant decisions have been made as since mid-April, and the payment of grants has visibly picked up since the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis in...

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Life in Europe is gradually relaunched

Life is gradually being relaunched in many countries in Europe, but they are very careful everywhere. True, there are places with seemingly strange decisions. At the same time, the restart...

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There is a huge difference between the perceived and official inflation now

Officially, the annual rate of price increase in Hungary is below 3%, but in the meantime we can find inflation of almost 10% when we enter the store. There has...

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Prices continue to rise in domestic hypermarkets

Shoppers and traders are increasingly adapting to the epidemic, while prices continue to rise in domestic hypermarkets – albeit at a slightly slower pace than a month ago. There is...

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How COVID-19 is changing consumer behaviors

The EY Future Consumer Index on behavior and sentiment across five key markets shows how the pandemic is creating new consumer segments. Daily life for people around the world has...

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People are boycotting Costco for requiring shoppers to wear masks in stores

Costco is the secon biggest US grocery retailer. Starting May 4, Costco shoppers will be required to wear face coverings in stores. After the announcement of the new policy, angry...

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GKI Digital: online retail business grew by 21.4 percent in the first quarter

E-merchants fulfilled about 9.9 million domestic orders in the first quarter, with a gross value of 149.6 billion HUF, which represents an increase of 15.9 percent in the number of...

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Deloitte: a government decree protects food suppliers

New government decree protects food suppliers when selling to larger traders in times of emergency due to the coronavirus, allowing traders not to unilaterally reduce the purchase price or threaten...

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At the initiative of the Chamber, it will be possible to employ foreign seasonal workers

The amendment to the government decree, initiated by the National Chamber of Agriculture, allows harvesting works. This will be of great help to the horticultural sector in particular in mitigating...

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Opten: 42 percent drop in the number of company foundations in April

In April, 1,442 companies were established in Hungary, which is a 42 percent decline from the previous month and 35 percent from a year earlier – Opten told MTI. Opten...

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Print advertisements are more efficient

The total press market revenue in 2019 is HUF 106.524 billion. In line with the previous trend reversal, the print advertising segment remains a major factor. The biggest strength of...

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FAO: food prices are falling constantly

Since February, the prices of the most important food products have been steadily declining due to the significant drop in demand generated by the economic and transport effects of the...

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AM: game meat to the health workers

The employees of the Balassagyarmat hospital were among the first to receive the 100 kilograms of processed, high-quality domestic game meat that game farmers voluntarily use to help doctors and...

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