
Trade magazin becomes Excellent Product and 5-time Business Superbrand

We are happy to report that from May 2020 Trade magazin isn’t only a Hungarian Product but also an Excellent Product trademark user, and it has earned the Business Superbrands...

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New presidency for the Hungarian Marketing Association

On 13 May the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) held an online general meeting. The members voted with yes to a bigger, 16-member presidency as of June. MMSZ has nearly 200...

Read more arrives in the Lake Balaton region now also serves customers in the Lake Balaton region. The online supermarket offers same day delivery to shoppers’ homes…or to the beach! Shoppers in Szántód, Zamárdi, Siófok, Balatonvilágos, Balatonakarattya,...

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COVID generation: has the tension between young and old increased

Recently, Levente Székely’s book Gray Swans was published, in which the professional leader of the large-scale Hungarian youth research – based on the results of the research series – writes...

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K&H for sustainable agriculture grant winners announced

Within the framework of the ‘K&H for sustainable agriculture’ grant programme, young agri-experts were studying the circular economy and the chances for mitigating the effects of climate change. Students could...

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COVID-19 affected Henkel’s first quarter

Henkel’s results were influenced by the coronavirus pandemic in the 1st quarter of 2020. The group’s sales revenue dropped 0.8 percent to EUR 4.9 billion; organic sales were down 0.9...

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New Hell campaign with Bruce Willis

In mid-May Hell Energy launched a 50-country advertising campaign featuring Bruce Willis. The Hollywood star will be the brand’s face for another two years. In the new commercial he not...

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PLMA news

FMCG retail is a pillar of social stability Last time, the monthly video magazine of the Private Label Manufacturers Association was about the influence of COVID-19 on European retail,...

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Magazine: Sales growth in the pet food market

Pet food sales developed by two-digit numbers last year. Dániel Nagy, customer marketing expert of Mars Magyarország Értékesítő Bt. told our magazine that sales are growing month by month, without...

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Szamos: Success story from around the kitchen table

Nearly 100 years of traditions, 500 employees and 22 confectioneries: Szamos is a family enterprise where the 2nd and the 3rd generations work in close cooperation. Our magazine interviewed Gabriella...

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Double-digit sales growth for grocery stores in March

In March 2020 like-for-like retail volume sales grew by 4.4 percent; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was 3.5 percent – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Food and...

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Food prices grew further in April

Consumer prices were 2.4 percent higher in April 2020 than in April 2019. Food prices grew by 8.7 percent. Pork’s price augmented the most, by 28.9 percent. The price of...

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Plastic packaging: About the main culprit from the trade’s perspective

Basically no day goes by without an article about the negative environmental impact of plastics. At the same time, the opinion of the packaging trade is hardly publicised about this....

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AM: Hungary requests the introduction of exceptional EU support measures in the poultry, pig and dairy sectors

At a video conference of EU agriculture ministers on Wednesday, Hungary requested the introduction of additional EU support measures to address the crisis situation caused by the coronavirus epidemic in...

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Because of the coronavirus, we eat more fruits and vegetables

People consume more fruit and vegetables, but also less ready meals, amid restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Antwerp found in its survey carried out in 11...

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GOSZ: wheat prices are rising

Demand in the grain market has pushed up the price of the old crop, while this year’s cereal crop is being negatively affected by water shortages, so interest in the...

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Young people prefer to buy from a Hungarian web storeS

Hungarian young people prefer Hungarian webshops, and although foreign online stores have become more popular, young people think that it is more difficult to shop in them – according to...

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Retail debt continued to grow

According to the MNB’s data, the coronavirus did not discourage borrowing, as the loan portfolio of both households and companies expanded – Privátbanká wrote. Somewhat surprisingly, the retail loan portfolio...

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Meghódítják a gasztrovilágot a génbankból kiszabadított ritka paradicsomok

Borbás Marcsi, Havas Dóra (Lila Füge) gasztroblogger, a Dining Guide Év Ifjú Séftehetsége díj tavalyi győztese, Farkas Richárd és Vajda József pék is kiáll az elfeledett tájfajták mellett. More informations:...

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Two thousand servings of game meat were donated to the staff of the South Pest Central Hospital

Two thousand servings of game meat were donated to the staff of the South Pest Central Hospital, which cares for coronavirus patients. The chilled, ready-to-cook venison products were delivered on...

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Credit insurer: the pandemic causes a brutal wave of bankruptcies in the global economy

Despite rescue packages in individual countries, the number of bankruptcies is growing at a record rate worldwide, among other things, according to Atradius’ credit insurance analysis. According to the study,...

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The delivery of postal items outside Europe has slowed down and become more expensive

The delivery of postal items outside Europe has slowed down and become significantly more expensive due to the coronavirus epidemic – Panulin Ildikó, a spokesperson for Magyar Posta Zrt. told...

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ITM recommends banning additional disposable plastic products

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) would ban the marketing of disposable plastic beverage glasses and light and very light, including biodegradable plastic carrier bags in Hungary from January...

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Global retail spend predicted drop is nearly 550 billion USD

POPAI and Shop!* chapters keep in touch and the member organizations are constantly informing each other about the consequences of the virus situation, with particular regard to the development of...

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First coronaproof McDonald’s in Arnhem

POPAI and Shop!* chapters keep in touch and the member organizations are constantly informing each other about the consequences of the virus situation. We have received news from the Benelux...

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RetailZoom: Private Label on the rise in Domestic Chains

Although the extraordinary surge in stock-up syndrome experienced in the midst of March has been smoothed by the end of the month, Local Chain shops have been successful in keeping...

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Agriculture and the food economy – the challenges ahead in the short and long term

May 28, 2020 17: 00-20: 30 For the first time this year, we will be holding our Business Dinner FMCG Leadership Forum, held almost every last Thursday in May, online...

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Disposable plastics are really over in Hungary next year

It has been known for a year now that from 2021, the distribution of certain disposable plastics should be banned in Hungary as well. All of this was finally accompanied...

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Google has released the Hungarian data: how do Hungarians move during the coronavirus epidemic?

Following the April summary, Google also released its Community Mobility Report in May, which shows changes in user traffic to places visited by users, such as grocery stores and parks,...

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Varga Mihály: Hungarian companies are planning to invest more than 300 billion HUF

In the next three years, an investment worth 315 billion HUF can be realized in Hungary within the framework of large-scale investment support, Varga Mihály announced in a video statement...

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