
Retail sales in the euro area and the EU fell in March

Retail sales in the euro area and the European Union fell by a record level in March, compared to the previous month, according to a report by Eurostat, the EU’s...

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French poured out ten million liters of beer

In France, about 10 million gallons of beer have to be destroyed in the near future because they have become unfit for consumption due to the coronavirus pandemic – index...

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The caring man is the new macho

Gender marketing messages that target men and products for men are using a new language, and they are also ‘speaking’ in new product groups. Men feel there is pressure on...

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Meat shortages and antibody tests in the US stores

Besides restarting economy and reopening stores, meat shortages are the main topics in the US. New York state conducting coronavirus tests at grocery stores to to reach a larger swath...

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KSH: the turnover of retail stores increased in March

According to the raw data, the volume of retail store turnover in March was 4.4 percent, calendar-adjusted was 3.5 percent higher than in the same period of the previous year...

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We leave a fifth more money in grocery stores

We bought 15 percent more in the grocery stores and half as much in the clothing stores as before – – wrote. Webshops have approached the black friday turnover....

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The European Commission expects a seven percent decline in GDP in Hungary

The European Union can expect an unprecedented recession, according to the European Commission’s spring economic forecast published on Wednesday. The eurozone’s economy will shrink by a record 7.75 percent in...

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The problems caused by COVID-19 was taken more easily by those with a business continuity plan

Deloitte conducted a non-representative questionnaire survey on the business continuity (BCP) preparedness of domestic companies in connection with the management of the COVID-19 situation. The main lessons are that the...

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You eat and watch TV – what you show off your quarantine life

How many pounds of baked sourdough bread have we seen on Facebook in recent months? How many free newspapers, publications, yoga classes have we seen in our feed? Shared Zoom...

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Allee also joined the support

The Allee Shopping Center is supporting the healing activities of the St. Imre University Teaching Hospital COVID-19 with a donation of 15 million HUF. The healthcare institution will use the...

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The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated an extraordinary review of the conditions of poultry imports at the European Commission

Minister of Agriculture Nagy István wrote to the European Commission in order to reduce the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the poultry sector and to resolve the current...

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Ipsos: Much more people wear masks than a month ago, and we didn’t give up on hand washing

An online survey of a nationwide survey was conducted by the Ipsos polling company on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The survey was conducted at the end of April...

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These are the stable and developing industries during the pandemic situation

According to a survey of 3,500 global business leaders conducted by YPO between March and April 2020, there has been a drastic change in the vision of companies: management sees...

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Moody’s: Europe’s coronavirus lockdowns cut consumption by a third

The coronavirus lockdown has stopped or postponed around a third of typical average household consumption within the European Union (Aaa stable), creating a contingent consumption deficit that will weaken EU...

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The 2021 budget is outlined

The budget for 2021 is outlined – Magyar Nemzet wrote. Key goals for next year: Restarting the economy Protecting jobs, creating new ones Guaranteeing family and pensioner protection Preservation of...

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The Széchenyi Card Program is renewed

New loan schemes of the Széchenyi Card Program will soon be available at OTP Bank as well. As part of the government’s measures to mitigate the economic effects of the...

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Poultry is also screened in Békés County

Poultry flocks that are not currently restricted are also being screened in Bács-Kiskun, Csongrád and now in Békés county – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on Tuesday....

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Coronavirus: the agri-food sector will receive further subsidies from Brussels

The European Commission has adopted and published another emergency measure, this time to support the agricultural and food markets most affected by the coronavirus crisis – wrote. Private storage...

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Shopping malls in Israel will also open soon

In Israel, the plazas could open from Thursday as another easing of restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The steadily declining number of new coronavirus infections will allow further...

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New measures due to bird flu in Hungary

After Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) also ordered the screening of not yet restricted poultry flocks in the areas of Békés county. The primary...

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Prices in the grain market have changed greatly

In Europe last week, sellers were dominant in the commodity market, with feed wheat prices falling by almost 4% in five days. The situation was not much better in Chicago...

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Gas stations stay open longer

After fuel traffic on all filling station networks in Hungary fell due to the restrictions, most operators introduced shorter opening hours, some wells were temporarily closed, but traffic picked up...

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Legionella is the new deathly disease after coronavirus

Legionellosis is the collective name given to the pneumonia- illness caused by Legionella bacteria. Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia and everyone is susceptible to infection. However,...

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Coronavirus will constrain U.S. meat supply despite Trump order: Tyson Foods

The coronavirus crisis will continue to idle U.S. meat plants and slow production, Tyson Foods Inc said on Monday, signaling more disruptions to the U.S. food supply after U.S. President...

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Walmart China introduces AI-powered self-service produce scales

Walmart China is deploying a self-service fresh produce scale that makes weighing produce more efficient and faster for the shopper, according to a press release. With conventional self-service scales, customers...

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Magazine: The rebirth of gin

In the last 2-3 years gin became a very trendy drink all over the world. In Hungary gin sales augmented by 40 percent in 2017-2018, and forecasts predict that in...

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What’s selling in the US nowadays?

After stocking up on essentials, consumers have begun buying things to make home life more livable. Consumers who were used to purchasing for severe weather events such as snowstorms and...

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RetailZoom: The surge of penetration in Domestic Chains – but what is behind it?

We have examined the changes in Domestic Chains and the shopping habits of its customers already from many aspects, now let’s look at those changes from another angel: basket penetration....

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Analysts: wage outflows slowed at the beginning of the year

At the beginning of the year, the pace of wage outflows slowed down, bonuses fell and real wage growth was curbed by high inflation. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic...

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The number of cash payments decreasing

Landslide-like changes have been brought in everyday life, including measures related to the coronavirus pandemic in banking and shopping, such as curfew restrictions – wrote. The average value of...

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