Zoltán Fekete

>Fekete Zoltán

Beosztás: fõtitkár

Cég: Magyar Márkaszövetség

Lánchíd Klub tagsága: a Lánchíd Klub tagja

Cikkek melyekben szerepel

Strong brands, strong Hungary: the Ministry of National Economy actively supports the branding efforts of domestic businesses

We were learning together (Part 2)

The Symbols of Sustainability Awards 2024 Presented

The hour of instant answers

A good day to die hard

Sustainability with reservations

Growing trust in Hungarian brands – the MagyarBrands Programme has been offering guidance for 13 years now

We had both feet on the (play)ground (Part 2)

Brand building with business awards

“I wrote this when the sky was still serene”…

Magazine: Shortages: From microchips to potato chips

Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 2)

Product of the Year 2021

Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…Vol. 3

Brand-building is of greater importance than ever

Magazine: MagyarBrands is 10 years old: The programme that honours excellent Hungarian brands

The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 2)

Magazine: The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 1)

Magazine: Employer branding at its best

The people who decide

Magazine: Once upon a time… Business Days 2018 (Part 2)

Environmental protection product fee: a raise would be exaggerated and disproportionate

Magazine: It isn’t enough to win, the prize should also be retained – but how?

The jury have decided!

From the jury’s perspective

Business Days 2017: focusing on the channels (Part 2)

The jury have decided

The calmness of the land before the storm

Magazine: Business Days 2016: Facts and prescriptions (Part 2)

Old-new ECR SecGen

Magazine: Circus acts and showmen (Part 2)

Business Days 2015

Extended HENT membership

Magazine: Sundays without shopping

Ready, steady, go – Hungary! (Business Days 2014, Part 2)

Business Days 2014 – Ready, Set, Go – Hungary!

Business Days 2013

The first few years

Magazine: Visible and invisible games – Business Days 2013 (Part 2)

Product of the Year Award: the world’s most prestigious system for recognising innovative products

Travels around FMCG – Business Days 2012 – part 2

After the big day out

Magazine: Brands – no pain, no gain

Magazine: Heroes and survivors (part 1)

Branded Goods Association: serving brands and quality for 15 years

Innovations brought results on the margarine market

The law regulating the relationship of suppliers and retailers took off well

The Code and VAT on the menu

Aspects of convenience

Time for exciting flavours

Prophecies and facts in Tapolca (part 1.)


Mission, a view of the future, strategy, tactics