Tag "méz"

Beekeeping Association: agriculture will collapse without beekeepers

Without beekeepers, agriculture will collapse, so the European Union must provide them fair market conditions – the president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association told M1 news channel on Wednesday....

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Beekeepers will receive 1.8 billion HUF indirect funding per year

Beekeepers will receive 1.8 billion HUF indirect funding over the course of a year to buy bees, bee health care products, support for continuing vocational training, consultancy and the latest...

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Beekeepers’ Association: beekeepers have not closed a good year

Beekeepers have not closed a good year. Prices are depressed and last year’s yield has been moderate – Bross Péter, president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association told M1 news...

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Magazine: Public sector catering cooks are competing again

In October the semi-finals of the 2019-2020 public sector catering cook competition (KÖSZ) started – the organisers are the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH), the National Association of Public...

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Five hundred kilograms of honey were donated to the Transylvanian orphans as part of the “Make Every Day Honey Day” campaign

The Agricultural Marketing Center offered an additional 100 kilograms of honey to the four hundred kilograms of honey donated by the beekeepers, so a total of five hundred kilograms of...

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The decline in the number of bees causes sevetal billion forint damages to agriculture

The decline in the number of bees causes sevetal billion forint damages to agriculture due to the lack of pollination of plants – Haász Ferenc, chairman of the Göndöcs Benedek...

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More than thirty varieties of honey at the Gyula Honey and Gingerbread Festival

More than thirty varieties of honey can be tasted at the 12th Honey and Gingerbread Festival, which takes place from 6 to 8 December in Gyula, Békés county. Haász Ferenc,...

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Carpathian Basin Honey Festival is held in Zalaegerszeg

With the march of Honey Knights, the 16th Carpathian Basin Honey Festival begins in Zalaegerszeg on Saturday. The two-day event awaits the visitors with honey programs, including a honey beauty...

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Apiary Association: price of honey decreased by 20 percent in one year

Honey prices have fallen by 20 percent in one year, and over the past ten years decreased by sixty percent in euros – the president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping...

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The Minister of Agriculture urges European cooperation for beekeepers

Due to environmental challenges and the emergence of Asian competitors, the Minister of Agriculture called for cooperation at EU level for beekeepers in Budapest. At the event organized by the...

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Nagy István: beekeepers will receive 25 percent more support from 2020

As part of the national apiculture program, beekeepers will receive 25 percent more funding from 2020 – Nagy István Minister of Agriculture said in Gödöllő on Sunday. At the 11th...

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Thirteen EU Member States have supported Hungarian apiculture proposals

Thirteen EU Member States supported Hungarian proposals to strengthen the beekeeping sector at a meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on Monday – the Ministry of Agriculture (MTI) told...

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Apiculture association: about 550,000 tonnes of honey is consumed each year in the European Union

Almost one-third of the world’s honey production, about 550,000 tonnes of honey is consumed a year in the European Union (EU), but EU beekeepers can produce only half of it,...

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The EP asks the European Commission for a new proposal to protect bees

MEPs adopted a resolution on Wednesday calling for greater protection of bees and calling on the European Commission to draft a new proposal after Member States say they have loosened...

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Honey day, every day! – the autumn honey campaign has started

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC), the National Association of Hungarian Beekeepers (OMME) and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) are promoting the consumption of honey...

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Nagy István: honey production should be encouraged

Around 20,000 bee-keeping families, 1.2 million bee colonies are living in Hungary. About 20-25,000 tonnes of honey are produced a year in the country. Honey production needs to be stimulated...

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The Hungarian honey market is in trouble

Due to falling European demand and the cheaper Ukrainian, Romanian and Bulgarian competitors, there is no demand for Hungarian honey – Világgazdaság Online reports. Although accurate data on honey production...

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Honey festival in Kaposvár

Half a hundred beekeepers offer their products at the Kaposvár Honey Festival, which will be held on Friday and Saturday in Somogy County. Mészáros János, president of the Zselic Beekeepers’...

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Beekeepers’ Association: beekeepers can apply for the support of the ministry by the end of August

By the end of August, beekeepers will be able to apply for 600 million worth of support from the agricultural ministry – the president of the National Hungarian Beekeeping Association...

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Nagy István: grants and programs help increase the competitiveness of beekeeping

The Hungarian beekeeping program, the honey promotion campaigns, and the Year of Pollinators announced this year are all intended to boost the competitiveness of the sector and increase the efficiency...

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Beekeeping at ABB for data analysis

ABB’s Krakow-based Corporate Research Center holds bees in beehives on the roof of the building, not just to improve the city’s environmental condition, but also to test computer algorithms. Many...

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Beekeeping Association: heat is bad for apiculture

Extreme heat is not conducive to apiculture because plants are blossoming for a shorter period of time, and bees have to deal with the cooling of the hive as well...

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Minister of Agriculture: supports serve the competitiveness of beekeeping production

The approximately 6 billion HUF subsidy serves the sustainability and competitiveness of production of beekeeping that will be provided to the apiary profession in the next three years – Nagy...

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Sixteen percent reduction occured in the number of bee colonies in the winter of 2017-18, according to an international study

Sixteen percent reduction occured in the number of honey colonies in the winter of 2017-18 according to an international study led by the Strathclyde University of Glasgow. The survey carried...

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Beekeepers expect a difficult season

Bross Péter, president of the Hungarian National Beekeeping Association (OMME) told Magyar Nemzet that although we are at the very beginning of the season, it can already be seen that...

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Agrármarketing Centrum: the results of the autumn honey campaign became better than expected

The autumn campaign to boost honey consumption ended with better than expected results. The message was sent to more than 160,000 children in over one thousand educational establishments – the...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports Hungarian honey production

Hungarian beekeeping plays a major role in rural development, the preservation of the rural population and the maintenance of ecological balance – the Minister of Agriculture said on Sunday in...

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The income generating capacity of the honey sector should be increased

Hungarian honey, in terms of its quality, belongs to the highest category in the world, and it could significantly increase the income generation capacity of the honey industry – Nagy...

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Honey consumption is a valuable nutrient for the human body

With the consumption of honey, the human body has a lot of valuable and essential nutrients – Takács Ferenc, a member of the Kaposvár and the region’s beehive association told...

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Nagy István: a campaign to be launched to encourage honey consumption

A campaign will be launched to encourage domestic honey consumption, which is currently only 7,000 tons per annum of 20,000 tonnes per capita – Nagy István, the Minister of Agriculture...

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