Tag "digitalizáció"

POPAI meeting at Coca-Cola

POPAI Association members gathered at the Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország headquarters in Dunaharaszti on 9 May. Csaba Veres, in-store and event activation manager of Coca-Cola HBC was the host, who gave...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the Hungarian food industry supplies more than ten million people

Currently, the Hungarian food industry is serving more than ten million people, but with technological and other developments, it could provide reliable, healthy food to as many as twenty million...

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EY: How private companies are driving growth

Growth prospects for all major economies are finally swinging upward in 2018, with International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts currently at 3.9% for the year. This rare synchronization of growth across...

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Survey on the state of the digitization of the food industry

The mapping of the digitization situation of the domestic food industry companies is taking place. The survey can be completed until 17 May, 2019, and the results can contribute to...

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Zalavíz Zrt. digitized its operations

The Zalavíz Zrt. digitized its operations. The company installed online communication devices and signaling instruments on its water network and water purification plants that support real-time data and accessibility to...

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Robots on the street

After a test run in May 2018, Co-op launched its home delivery by robots service in Milton Keynes (United Kingdom) in April 2019. The robots – manufactured by Starship Technologies...

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The digitalization survey of food industry enterprises was started with the cooperation of NAK

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK), the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and the University of Debrecen’s Ihrig Károly Doctoral School of Management and Organization Sciences are preparing a survey on...

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Magazine: Whatever fits in!

In the last few years the world of commercial catering equipment underwent great technological development. More and more bar and restaurant owners find it important to use cooking equipment that...

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Magazine: Preparation – and not only for 2019

Hungarian retail trade ended 2018 stronger than it had been at the beginning of the year. The numbers are alright, but this is the time when companies have to start...

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Consumers want smooth, easy-to-carry out purchases

The customers, who are bombed with a wealth of opportunities are constantly striving to simplify their purchasing decisions. In addition to this, the use of digital technology is driven by...

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(HU) Külföldi tapasztalatokról is beszámol a Microsoft Retail Day

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: Year of the Pig

According to the Chinese horoscope, 2019 is the year of the pig, which is good for creative people who are capable of renewal, who are flexible but don’t make hasty...

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Magazine: An exclusive interview with Rustin Richburg, senior vice president of Walmart

Let’s imagine that there is a retailer that employs more people than the population of Budapest. Well, such a retailer does exist: Walmart is the biggest retailer in the world,...

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Agricultural researchers: the output of agriculture can be increased with precision farming

Precision farming is needed in Hungary to substantially increase the output of agriculture. The PREGA (Precision Farming) Conference and Exhibition, which will start in Budapest on Tuesday, will help us...

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According to a research, Hungarian companies trust digitalisation more than the regional average

Hungarian companies trust digitalisation more than the regional average. 87 percent of the Hungarian companies see a clear growth opportunity in the use of innovative technologies, compared to the 83...

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Digitalization is driving the German economy

In Germany, one of the engines of job creation is the digitization of the economy – according to Bitkom’s forecast published on Thursday – portfolio.hu wrote. The IT, telecommunications and...

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The number of Hungarian mobile wallet payments exceeded four million

The Hungarians have already paid with mobile phones more than 4 million times, with only one touch in stores – Mastercard told on Friday. The first Hungarian bank mobile wallet...

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Digitalisation of the economy can give further growth to Central and Eastern Europe

The American McKinsey & Company management consultancy company suggests economic digitization in cooperation for the Central and Eastern European countries to boost their growth. On average, the ten Central and...

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The digitalisation of the financial sector can significantly reduce cash use

The digitization of the financial sector can significantly reduce the use of cash. In Hungary, cash in circulation is 15 percent of the GDP and the cost of cash is...

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The companies do not meet the challenge of cyber attacks

Digital transformation has further increased the cyber threat of companies, but companies do not do enough to decrease the risks – the Global Information Security Survey of the EY shows....

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Self-service call centers cost a thousands less than the traditional

Self-service call centers cost a thousands less than the traditional The cost of handling a phone call in a traditional call center ranges between 390 and 690 forints, while an...

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Digitization could bring nine billion euros to Hungary according to a survey

Up to 9 billion euros can be added to the performance of the Hungarian economy by 2025, according to the recent survey of McKinsey & amp; Company. According to the...

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Magazine: The state of play: digital milestones in Hungarian retail trade

Digitalisation is more and more important in manufacturing, business management and retail trade. The most important market players, developers and retail chains talked to our magazine about the innovations that...

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Shopping trolley with RFID tag revolutionises offline channels

If retailers want to build a loyal group of customers, they must learn about their needs and turn shopping into an experience. The wanzl connect system by Wanzl can help...

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There is a need for digitization in agriculture

Farmers are open to innovations that will help them make more money and revenue without compromising food security – Liam Condon, Board Member of Bayer and Chairman of Crop Science,...

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The Hungarian companies feel better prepared to the digital age

The Hungarian companies feel better prepared for digitalisation than two years ago – Dale A. Martin, president and CEO of Siemens Zrt. told at a press conference presenting the results...

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The digital generation dictates the pace

The growing digital generation is gaining momentum not only online but also offline: they are now present in the labor market and also as the clients of companies. However, their...

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Magazine: Cool places

Today’s refrigerators use much less energy and environmentally friendly technology, but no revolutionary breakthrough happened in cooling technology in recent years – informed Gábor Kisgyörgy, product manager of Assur Kft.,...

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Technology isn’t important for its own sake, it is a competitive factor

Vodafone Hungary has launched its Ready Business Index, an online questionnaire that enterprises can use to measure their own and competitors’ digital development level. Our magazine asked István Király, Vodafone...

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Magazine: Large companies also contribute to the digitalisation of the SME sector

How can large companies support SMEs in going digital? István Király, Vodafone Hungary’s enterprise business unit director told our magazine that they offer tailor-made solutions to business partners, made available...

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