Tag "Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország"

Mineral waters going greener

According to András Palkó, marketing operations manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország, mineral water volume sales were up 4.6 percent in 2019 and value sales augmented by 7.2 percent in the...

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Magazine: Tasty, fizzy and as natural as possible!

András Palkó, marketing operations manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország told Trade magazin that there were two strong trends in the market of carbonated soft drinks in 2019: a slowdown in...

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Aquarius functional water

Functional water is mineral water that contains added micronutrients too (e.g. minerals, vitamins, etc.) and flavours. Water that hydrates the body, vitalises the mind and the body, and provides consumers...

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New Fuzetea flavours with antioxidants

New Fuzetea flavours: green tea with blueberry and jasmine, antioxidant and added zinc, and white tea with sea buckthorn and ginger, antioxidant and added zinc. Contacts: Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft....

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Monster Pipeline Punch

Monster Pipeline Punch is a mixture Hawaii’s tastiest fruits – passion fruit, orange and guava meet our famous Monster taste. Just like the wave the product got its name from,...

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Changing consumption habits in the fruit juice market

After record sales in 2015, last year brought a slowdown in the expansion of the fruit juice market. This more moderate performance had to do with the 5-percent average price...

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The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 2)

On Thursday the day’s topic was hypermarkets, discounters, drugstores and e-commerce. The moderators of the day’s work were Zoltán Fekete, secretary general of Branded Goods Association Hungary and HD Group’s...

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Vitamin boosting in the winter with fruit juices – only naturally!

Sales increased in the fruit juice market last year, and according to Anita Pusztai, senior brand manager of Sió-Eckes Kft., the trend continues this year too. What is more, the...

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Those companies are making progress that recruit the most talented people

Our magazine interviewed László Békefi, country general manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország. There have been great changes at the company recently – product categories were extended and new managers fill...

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Bitters which are so sweet to our hearts

Bitter liqueur sales are slowly but steadily growing. According to a Nielsen survey done in 2017, Hungarians spend HUF 80 billion on spirits a year – informed László Nagy, CEO...

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Bulldog Gin pushes forward in Hungary too

One of the world’s most popular and famous premium gins is now also available in Hungarian bars and shops: Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország launched Bulldog Gin at the end of August....

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Alcohol-free alcohol

At the end of summer an alcohol-free distillate appeared in the Hungarian market. Its distributor, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország says Fluére is a novelty even at European level and it can...

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Magazine: If you need a bit of élan…

Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország opines that sports drinks are one of the most dynamically developing categories in the soft drink market – in the retail sector sales soared by 43 percent...

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Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország has become the most attractive FMCG workplace in Hungary again

Once again, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország became the first among companies operating in the FMCG sector in the Randstad Employer Brand Survey. The company is not only the most attractive but...

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Magazine: Simple mechanisms, useful prizes

As part of the ‘Most successful promotion of the year’ competition, Kantar-Hoffmann and Trade magazin do a consumer survey every year, getting 32 direct consumer feedbacks on the entries and...

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Magazine: Let’s drink a bit of fruit

In 2018 the fruit juice market produced a record-breaking, more than 10-percent value sales growth. Adrienn Papp-Zelena, Sió-Eckes Kft.’s trade marketing coordinator told: the sales growth of market leader SIÓ...

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Ice cold drinks

Continuing the trend of recent years, ice tea sales grew in 2018 – as a matter of fact the sales growth was faster in both value and volume than in...

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Magazine: Mixed Summer

According to Attila Piri, marketing director of Heinemann Testvérek Kft., light and fresh cocktails will dominate this summer. The gin category will continue to strengthen, new gin brands will appear...

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More than half a billion HUF investment at Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország

Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország has spent about two million euros, which is more than half a billion forints, to develop new NaturAqua bottles from June, replacing quarter-liter bottles with 0.33-liter bottles...

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Magazine: A trendy drink: smoothie

SIÓ-Eckes Kft. is the Hungarian market leader fruit juice company. They define smoothie as a product made from fruits, vegetables, purées or fruit juices, either from concentrate or not, which...

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Magazine: 3, 2, 1… zero!

Value sales augmented by nearly 12 percent in the soft drink market in 2018. According to Dóra Pessenlehner, shopper marketing manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország, the sales growth was driven...

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Magazine: Energy drinks are going in a more natural direction

In 2018 energy drinks produced one of the biggest sales growths in the soft drink category: sales grew by two-digit numbers in both value and volume; only ice teas performed...

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Magazine: Hungarians not only preach water, they drink it too – and they drink a lot!

Last year value sales in the mineral water market grew by 10.5 percent and volume sales increased by 3.5 percent. Szentkirályi-Kékkúti Mineral Water Kft. had a record sales performance: sales revenue...

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Pálinka, blended

Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország bought the Rézangyal brand in 2017. The company changes the packaging of products and reduces the product portfolio. Rézangyal products – they have more than 15 spirits...

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Being lactose-free is useful in brand building

According to Dóra Pessenlehner, shopper marketing manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország, sales of the company’s plant-based drinks have kept growing in the last few years. The company’s new brand AdeZ...

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A more colourful coffee segment

In the last few years the Hungarian coffee market was growing at increasing speed, in terms of both volume and value sales. According to Enikő Boglárka Tóth, key account manager...

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New CEO at Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország

After 5 years of managing Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. as Managing Director, Minas Agelidis has received a new assignment. As a member of the Corporate Management Board, he will be...

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Magazine: POPAI winners in 2018

The winners were ceremonially announced in 5 categories in the POPAI Awards 2018 POP competition on 15 November 2018, at the headquarters of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry....

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Magazine: Growing popularity of juices with fruity bits

  According to Réka Soós, category and innovation manager of Sió-Eckes Kft., in the first half of 2018 sales in the Hungarian fruit juice market jumped more than 10 percent...

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FUZETEA – winter edition

Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. is putting a new limited edition iced tea on the market: FUZETEA Winter Plum is available in 0.5- and 1.5-litre variants. The new FUZETEA product can...

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