
Inflation has accelerated in Slovakia

Inflation in Slovakia accelerated further in May, the Slovak public service news agency TASR said on Friday, citing data from the Statistical Office (SÚSR). The Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices...

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Albert Heijn unveils packaging-free concept

As part of its pledge to cut down on packaging use by 2025, Dutch retailer Albert Heijn has a new shopping concept, which will allow customers to do some of...

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Syngenta’s seed and pesticide portfolio opens up new perspectives

Syngenta’s market-leading sunflower portfolio is expanding with new hybrids, but new products capable of serious performance in rapeseed, cereals and maize have made their debut at traditional ser-show events in...

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(HU) Új gazdasági kihívások, új válaszok – ez volt a téma a Szapáry Klub találkozóján

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Zoltán Czellecz: 2021 was a finger exercise compared to what is coming now

This year, the manufacturing and manufacturing sectors, plagued by global raw material supply problems, will face unprecedented challenges. As early as 2021, it was a period of peaks and lows,...

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The manufacturer’s warranty is important – another product recall warns you of this

The manufacturer’s quality guarantee seems to mean more than anything: Pick Szeged Zrt. Responds to the recent product recall, which concerns one of the retail chains’ own branded winter salami...

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Megatrend Index: It is hard to be optimistic

Equilibrium Institute has prepared its Megatrend Index for the second time. At the last meeting of Trade magazin’s Chain Bridge Club Ákos Kozák, the institute’s director of business relations and...

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(HU) Fenntartható Gasztronómia Díjat alapított a METRO

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(HU) A fogyasztók háromnegyede a növekvő infláció ellenére sem tervezi kiadásai csökkentését

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Green Duel – Vegan vs. carnivore: To eat or not to eat?

On June 14, 2022, representatives of the Hungarian Vegan Association and the Association of Hungarian Meat Producers faced each other in a series of environmental policy discussions between the Institute...

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(HU) Maradnak az árstopok – jelentette be Orbán Viktor

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The Chamber of Agriculture announced a day of vegetables and fruits

As part of the European Fresh Team program, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) announced Fruit and Fruit Day for the third time this year on June 17 to raise...

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Hungarian Tomato Day professional program from FruitVeb

The professional program called “Hungarian Tomato Day” will be held in Mórahalom, organized by the FruitVeB Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Product Council – read in the FruitVeb...

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AM: Hungarian agricultural vocational training provides competitive knowledge

Hungarian agriculture in the 21st century can only be successful if as many young people as possible feel that they have found their place in it, Minister of Agriculture Nagy...

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Romania can export grain this year

This year, a huge grain harvest is expected in Romania, from which it will also be exported, according to Romanian Minister of Agriculture Adrian Chesnoiu.   The head of the...

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SPAR teams up with agricultural partnership in Slovenia

SPAR Slovenia has entered into a long-term cooperation agreement with the agricultural cooperative Agraria Koper. The goal is to boost the availability of Slovenian products in SPAR stores, and to...

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We can improve the water situation with digital solutions

Although the situation has improved in recent years, it is estimated that about a quarter of the world’s population still does not have access to safe drinking water. Xylem unveiled...

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Convenience products aren’t simply about comfort

This article calls everything a convenient product that facilitates or simplifies the preparation or consumption of food. Although the principle is the same, the motivation is different at home, in...

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Six start-ups join Purina’s accelerator programme

Nestlé Purina has chosen six start-ups from Europe and North Africa to develop innovative new products and services. These companies will take part in Unleashed – Purina’s first and only pet...

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Much more than krypton: they shot the digital future without the data authenticity provided by the blockchain

When we hear the term blockchain, most people think of bitcoin or the cryptocurrency roller coaster of recent times, while the importance of technology goes much further. In the lightning-fast...

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Ninety percent of the internet is not accessible by traditional search engines

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(HU) Világszerte növekedett az emulgeálószerek használata

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(HU) 6,8 százalékkal nőtt az európai kiskereskedelem a GfK tanulmánya szerint

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(HU) A Frisbo utat nyit az Egyesült Királyság 220 milliárdos piacára

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DélKerTÉSZ expects a good vegetable harvest

The Southern Horticultural Cooperative (DélKerTÉSZ) expects a good vegetable harvest this year, but vegetables will become more expensive due to higher production costs, said Nagypéter Sándor, the head of DélKerTÉSZ...

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Chamber of Agriculture: erroneous applications can be corrected without penalty until June 20

It is possible to correct errors detected during the ex-ante control of single applications without penalty until 20 June 2022, the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) pointed out in a...

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Fitch: inflationary pressures will slow global economic growth this year

The global economy is likely to grow at a much slower-than-expected pace this year due to the demand-driven effects of intensifying global inflationary pressures and renewed Chinese restrictions on coronavirus,...

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Warsaw welcomes Biden’s plan to set up silos to boost Ukrainian grain exports

In an interview with Polish public service television on Wednesday, Polish Agriculture Minister Henryk Kowalczyk welcomed the announcement of Joe Biden to set up cross-border silos to boost Ukrainian grain...

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Virtual is the new reality

Refillable products are more and more popular. Both retailers and brands pursue this sustainable path, e.g. recently Asda has opened four stores offering refillable products. At the same time eco-conscious...

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Hungarian Product launches loyalty website

With prize games for Spar and CBA, the loyalty website of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. was launched on 10 March. Managing director Eszter Benedek explained that serves as an...

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