
New regulations in poultry-farming from 2012

After 2012, the European Union did not authorize the use of traditional poultry cages. According to the new regulations the base area should be increased by 25 percent and less...

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Foreign trade balance can be improved due to a decline in consumption

According to the datas of KSH, the trade balance for the first five months of this year showed 455 billion HUF (1.528 billion euros) assets. According to analysts; foreign trade...

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Germans have not drink so less beer since two decades

Beer consumption in Germany is in a big decline. Germans have not drink from their national drink so less since 1991. According to the Federal Statistical Office, during the first...

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Falling advertising market

In the first half of the year a 7.5 percent reduction on tariff prices had been measured on the domestic advertising market by TNS Media Intelligence. The spendings of the...

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Consistent agri payment system from 2010

According to Gráf József Agricultural and Rural Development Minister, the government decided to introduce the consistent agri payment system (SPS) in Hungary next year.  In the Minister’s opinion the introduction...

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This year, there will be 20-25 percent less cereals production

The harvest of cereals and oilseed rape completed in Hungary. According to GOSZ; that due to the bad weather conditions 25-30 percent less cereals were produced. Vancsura József, Chairman of...

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Shop Network of Magosz offers social bakery and home-made milk

Even social bread and social roll have appeared on the food shelves of the social shops selling food shelves. Some stores operate home-made milk machine as well. In the social...

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Pessimistic consumers in the USA, the UK retail sector in decline

According to the survey of Conference Board the consumer mood of the U.S. population continued to decline in July, due to the worsening of employment situation. In Great Britain, retail...

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Desperate Russian beer producers because of the triple tax increase

Russian breweries asked Prime Minister Putin, that the government should think again the threefold increase of beer tax. The Finance Ministry's proposal for next year would increase from the current...

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Austrian tourism declines during the crisis

According to the Austrian Statistical Office;.32 million foreign guest nights recorded in Austria which is a 8.2 percent declinem, compared to the same period of last year. From Germany, which...

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People drink less beer, more from beer cans, less from glass

According to GfK Hungária ConsumerScan; after the previous year's stagnation, in the first four months of 2009 the household beer consumption continued to decline. The decline affects only glassy products,...

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Billions for comfortable livestock

Pig and poultry holders can submit their claims for 10 billion HUF animal welfare support, to the Agriculture and Rural Development Office. The support this year, can be given from...

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Six out of ten women interested in healthy lifestyle during pregnancy

The Nestlé Lifestyle Center, online portal, after examining the questions of the readers, connecting to healthy lifestyle, found that women begin to pay attention of healthy lifestyle when preparing for...

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Every customer got a bill on the Hungaroring

On the basis of the inspections carried out, in and around the restaurants of the venue of the Hungarian Formula 1 Grand Prix, the inspectors of the Consumer Protection Agency...

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The retail turnover of meat products increased by 6 percent

According to Nielsen market research company, the retail value of meat products increased by 6 percent between July 2008 and June 2009 compared to the similar previous period. The size...

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It is worth to be in environmentally conscious in long-term

According to experts; the companies act good, if despite the crisis do not reduce the range of environmentally friendly goods for the benefit of cheaper products, but rather decrease their...

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Hungarian apricot is popular on foreign markets

The Italian, Austrian, South German, Czech, Slovak and Russian markets are interested after Hungarian apricot. Slowly, but year-to-year the apricot production area in Hungary is reducing. Now drought indisposed the...

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Wine safe at wineries

A growing number of wineries has developed small-sized containers – wine safes – in recent years, which allows professional placement of valuable wines for clients. Usually the the wine safes...

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Retail trade continued to decline in May

According to the communication of the Central Statistical Office; the volume of retail trade turnover in the first five months of 2009 was smaller with 3.6 percent and in May...

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The Hungarian canning industry is in double-fold

The Hungarian canning industry is still struggling with survival. While the demand is declining the production prices of the producers increased by about 20 percent.  Although the Hungarian Ministry of...

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Budapest is one of the best city to live in the region

According to the report of The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) of the London Economic Analyst House; from the EU countries in Eastern Europe, Budapest is one of the best city...

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Most people believes, that ads are economically useful

According to the survey of Nielsen market research company, made by the participation of 50 country; consumers do not hate advertising, so that a large majority of the ads play...

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Hypermarkets choose Hungarian fruit

The hypermarkets in their range of fruit and vegetable products, prefer Hungarian products because the Hungarian consumer usually prefer domestic fruit and vegetables and is more economical to buy from...

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The economic index of GKI improves for the third month

The seasonal adjusted volume of the GKI economy index increases since three months. Accordding to a the survey of GKI Economic Research Company with the support of the European Union...

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The European Parliament does not agree with the Commission in the case of milk

The European Parliament strongly criticized the European Commission, due to the insufficient action list of the dairy crisis. The majority of Specialists believe that the increase of milk quotas caused...

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British retail sector performed well

In June, the British retail datas increased by 1.2 percent, three times bigger than expected. The annual growth was 2.9 percent (2.2 percent had been forecasted). The development of the...

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Fruit juice production – as a family business

In the last period, the fruit processors operating as small family businesses have been multiplied. The increasing unemployment and the extremely low fruit price also play an important role in...

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Food prices remained high in the poor countries

According to an UN report; food prices will never return to the level of two years ago, before the price explosion. Prices will increase in the developed countries, with the...

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Trademark on Hungarian wheat

The National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ) created a trademark called Pannon Wheat that the producers could sell their extra quality wheat at good price on the markets, especially abroad....

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Cafeteria which is a special tool of motivation still worth it

According to the communique of Nexon; although tax will be charged to the fringe benefits, it will be worth to the companies from 2010-to avail themselves of these opportunities. The...

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