
Extrem big Christmas Shopping

December retail sales in Hungary may exceed HUF 900 million, the biggest collective Christmas spending spree for the nation ever.  According to National Retail Association Secretary György Vámos this year...

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Year of liquidations comes?

Last year 11,504 firms were liquidated, only in the last quarter more than 3,400.  According to Opten Informatic Ltd. the year 2009 will be worse, because the Hungarian SMEs has...

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Tender for protecting innovation

This special source could pay 45% of the total cost of technology developments. The summ is non-refundable. The aim of the construction is to protect the innovation operation of the...

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Earnings at U.S. retailers will fall 20 percent in 2009

The International Council of Shopping Centers in New York predicts 73,000 U.S. stores may shut in the first half of 2009 after what may have been the worst holiday-shopping season...

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Goverment doubled the state support by Széchenyi Card

The states supported credit facility provides micro-, small- and medium enterprises. In 2002 VOSZ (National Organization of Entrepreneurs and Employers ) and MKIK (Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry )...

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Russian retailers are cautious about new store openings

The most chain is thinking in smaller shops againt big hypermarkets.  Leading Russian retail chains have become more cautious about opening new stores and many companies have abandoned high-cost projects....

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Hungarian consumer confidence plummets

The quarterly Hungarian consumer confidence index slid 22.7 percentage points to 70.9 percent in the fourth quarter, Ecostat told.  The index was nevertheless above 66.5 percent recorded in the third...

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Hungarian food export decreased

In October 2008, both the export and import volumes decreased by 7 and 6 percent  In the first ten months of this year exports increased by 6 percent and imports...

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Men experience less cons

According to market researcher Tarki, every 4th Hungarians must to suffer some trumpery in the last three years.  Researcher said men went trough less humbug as women. Women have more...

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Less Champagne sold

The credit crunch has taken the fizz out of champagne sales which have shown their first major fall for two decades.  The latest figures from France's champagne wine board, the...

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Melamine tainted biscuits from China

More than 1,500 boxes of Chinese biscuits exported to Hong Kong and Singapore have tested positive for melamine as suspects in the protracted tainted-food scandal go on trial in China,...

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(HU) Szabadidőnkről konferenciáznak


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(HU) Akcióban az álruhás vásárlók


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Decreasing retail sales in October

According to calendar adjusted data, the volume of retail sales decreased by 1.4% in October, and by 1.9% in the first ten months of 2008 compared to the same period...

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(HU) Innovatőrök kerestetnek


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(HU) A tejipar fekete éve jöhet


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Consumers Prefer Large, Economy Sizes

In today's struggling economy, more than half (58 percent) of U.S. consumers are “very concerned” about rising food prices.  As consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers and retailers employ options to...

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Campaign for the Hungarian Palinka

Since autumn we can see billboards of Agricultural Marketing Center on the streets, on wich the organisation propagates the civilized palinka drinking.  The Hungarian palinka is a national treasure. It...

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UK Retail Sales Post Unexpected Rise

Latest data on retail sales from the Office for National Statistics show that retail sales volume in the three months September to November rose by a better-than-expected 0.5% compared with...

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Second Hand Shopping going to be fashionable in US

According to Reuters, the sales in second hand shops jump spectacular. Americans buy more and more second hand clothes, toys, eletrical equipments and jewelery.  Goodwill Industries International, which operates more...

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German Business Confidence Hits Record Low

The Ifo index, a widely-followed gauge of German business sentiment, dropped to a record low in December, underscoring prospects for a deepening recession in the euro-zone's largest economy.  The Ifo...

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Research about Hungarian Agriculture

The problem of the domestic agriculture and food industry are first of all horizontal, they came from the Hungarian economy. The survey, was made by Agriculture Research Institute, was showed...

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(HU) Termékpálya kódex készül


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