
Alimentaria Lisboa 2009

The exhibition promotes the food and hospitality channel to its offerings and presents the Intervin show for the first time.  Alimentaria Lisboa, which is shaping up to be the most...

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Hungarians drik champagne first of all at the year's end

According to GfK ConsumerScan research consumers buy 50% of the yearly champagne in 12th month. Eight time more households buy this category in December as in an average month. Hungarians...

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More Shoppers Continue To Go on-line

According to the latest figures from IMRG (Interactive Media in Retail Group) and Capgemini show that online sales in UK were up 16% in November on last year as consumers...

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New market opportunities at GIDA 2009

Organized by ITF – Istanbul Trade Fairs Co., the 17th International Food Products and Processing Technologies Exhibition – GIDA 2009 will be held between 28 – 31 October 2009 in...

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Profitable year for Hungarian Agriculture

This year the profitability grow by 5-6%, the value is HUF 150-152 billion. The value of agricultural export till September was 4.2 billion euros. Last year it was 4.6 billion...

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Slovenian winner at Art Award

This year’s winner of the EUR 7,000 Henkel Central Eastern Europe Art Award is Miha Štrukelj from Slovenia. A total of 500 works have been entered for the competition....

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Growing demand for frankfurters sold by weight in spite of higher price

Retail sales of frankfurters exceeded HUF 24 billion in the September 2007–August 2008 period. Sales showed stagnation in terms of quantity. Sales of pre-portioned products were down, while that of...

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Latest products awarded the EHF title

For the products awarded the Excellent Hungarian Food title on 18. November, see the Hungarian text....

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The financial crisis

We will probably soon begin to feel the effects of the financial crisis. A brief overview of what we can expect has been prepared by my colleague, Balázs Lapis. „It...

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Walking the rope like no other

The Golden Dove awards of the direct marketing business have been handed over in nine categories this year. The Rope Walker agency received an award in both the lifestyle and...

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Wide gap in frankfurter prices

The market of frankfurters serves as a good example of complex and often incoherent consumer behaviour. Though consumers are increasingly concerned about the healthiness of ingredients, private labels show expansion....

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Superbrands – for brand-conscious consumer

The main objective of the Superbrands program is to increase awareness of the best brands and to promote brand-conscious shopping decisions. Superbrands are selected from the PIPACS data base of...

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Merry digital Christmas!

As the end of the year is here, we’ll take a look at the future. Today, we see digital solutions wherever we look, because electronic media is highly flexible and...

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One third of the population using internet

At the end of the first half of 2008, over 49 percent of the Hungarian population above the age of 14 had access to the Internet. 3.09 million was the...

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Private labels generating growth in market of frankfurters made from poultry

Sales of frankfurters were up by 4 percent in the first nine months of 2008, compared to 2007. According to data from the ConsumerScan of GfK Hungária, this was the...

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Sales stagnating

Retail sales were down by 1.4 percent in August 2008, compared to August 2007. Sales showed stagnation compared to July. Food retail units generated 0.7 percent lower revenues in August...

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Thorough preparations – half way to success

We have asked a number of display manufacturers what in their opinion ideal trade marketing or marketing professionals are like. The answer was: those who know their job, know what...

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Silver EFFIE for Invitel

Invitel has received a silver EFFIE award for its autumn ADSL campaign designed and implemented by Neo Interactive. A total of 30 awards were handed over at the EFFIE ceremony...

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Sweet white champagne enjoying outstanding popularity

Sales of champagne totalled HUF 11,5 billion in the October 2007–September 2008 period, showing year on year growth of 5 percent. Modern store types account for the largest part of...

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Meat prices to drop by end of the year

Trends in the world market of meat and poultry are monitored by Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI). Data from the Market and Price Information system operated by AKI and KSH...

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What briefs should contain

What is our target group? What kind of stores is the display intended for? How long do we intend to use the display? What kind of display do we want?...

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Sweet billions as seen at ISM

Sales of sweets are growing world-wide. The ISM sweets and biscuits exhibition will be held between 1-4. February in Cologne. According to Márta Kakuk, Budapest representative of the exhibition, everybody...

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Glasses to be clinked this year as well

The market of champagne is a stable and predictable one. Demand for cheap imported products is up as a result of the recession. The minimal decline seen in recent years...

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Economy in recession, Euro coming

According to a forecast made by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. with Erste Bank, the Hungarian economy will be forced to change course as a result of radical changes in the world...

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Lemon substitute had been a popular product in the socialist era, owing to the popularity of tea made with lemon. Apart from lemon substitutes in the form of tablets, liquid...

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Fondants for six billion

Fondants are to be sold in the value of HUF 6 billion in the 4-5 weeks before Christmas. 821 tonnes of Christmas figures worth HUF 2.2 billion and accounting for...

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Medals from France

Champagnes of the Törley group (BB Zrt. Chapel Hill Chardonnay Brut, Törley Chardonnay Brut and Francois President Rosé) have won three medals at the Effervescents du Monde competition held in...

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Accommodation generally booked without agents

The number of nights spent by guests in commercial places of accommodation was down by 1.3 percent in the January-September 2008 period, compared to 2007. Revenues of the sector showed...

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Over 10,000 visitors at leading event of the food industry

The number of visitors at the IFE FOODAPEST and FOODATECH exhibitions held between 18-20. November was more than 10,000. This was the second IFE FOODAPEST organised jointly by HUNGEXPO Zrt....

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