
Gyermelyi Pasta Wednesday ended with great succes again

Guests could taste the pasta specialties of Gyermelyi on the pasta day held on May 13. Ninety-five percent of the involved 325 restaurants were satisfied with the program's success and...

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EUFE suggest lower taxes for the hot food vouchers

According to the Association of Food Voucher Distribution (EUFE) the 32 percent tax rate will result a drastic decline in consumption, therefore proposes a tax of up to a maximum...

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How we can stay healthy

According to the recent survey of GfK Hungária: only one-tenth of the population cares about healthy nutrition. GfK Hungária and TÁRKI examined the public health, nutrition and purchasing habits. The...

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Increasing fruit prices

The dry weather of the recent weeks reduces the horticultural production, so rising prices can be expected this year. Purchasers and processing plants have to deal with the threatening bankruptcy....

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Dunapack Roadshow starts – ’Let’s pack together’ (x)

The Dunapack Paper and Packaging Ltd. which is Hungary's largest paper-packaging manufacturing company, launches a Road show around the country with expert advice, in order to present its products and...

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Improved sentiment in the Euro zone

In May, the Purchasing Manager Index has been increased to its eight-month peak exceeding the expectations of analysts and the rate of economic downturn, further decreased in the Euro zone....

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Open Days of Wine Cellars

This year, for the fourth time Cellar Open Days campaign took place with wine-tasting. The organizers of Open Cellars' were: Association of Open Cellars', Bacchus Arts Studio the Hungarian Wine...

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GINNT EXPO Budapest 2009

This year for the first time International Innovative Solutions Exhibition will be held between 10-11 June in the Europe Congress Center in Budapest. where the newest technologies will be presented....

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Café or Coffee Capsules

The rising Colombian coffee prices do not increase the price of the black coffee in Hungary, it has a marginal role in the domestic merket. In Hungary the price of...

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Chocolate and dog food is crisis-resistant

Many products’ turnover can withstand the pressure of economic crisis. It seems that the consumer does not want to give up everyday comfort feeling. Worldwide, it was found that the...

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Decreasing orders in the packaging industry

With the drop in the Hungarian manufacturing orders for packaging manufacturers also fell 10-30 percent since January. Despite the decline in orders, the prices of raw materials did not change....

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Guest workers return in large numbers

Due to the foreign job losses this year 25-30 thousand Hungarians forced to return home. It is feared that many of them will remain unemployed. According to the datas of...

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Decreasing real wages, but “only” in the budgetary sector

According to Central Statistical Office’s most recent report, real earnings and the number of the employed have been decreased. The biggest losers are the employees in the budgetary sector. The...

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Significantly decreasing cereal harvest to be expected in 2009

Due to the dry weather cereal harvest may be reduced up to 30 percent, compared to last year’s harvest –said Vancsura József the Chief Executive Officer of National Association of...

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A three year peak in the German economic mood

The German ZEW economic sentiment index in May, is, increased 20 points higher than expected to 31.1 points from the 13 points of April. But the subindex reflects on the...

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Shopping malls in Austria – the outbreak of construction fever?

Despite the economic crisis, in the next three years, 46 new shopping center are planned to be constructed in Austria. The territory of Austrian shopping centers would increased to 800...

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Fourty percent of the Hungarians adults has bank loans

Nielsen market research company's representative survey of April states that Hungarians are less pessimistic of their personal financial situation than in March. Compared to March those who think that the...

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Dunapack Roadshow starts – ’Let’s pack together’ (x)

The Dunapack Paper and Packaging Ltd. which is Hungary's largest paper-packaging manufacturing company, launches a Road show around the country with expert advice, in order to present its products and...

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Trade in the euro area has improved in March

The balance of trade in the euro area unexpectedly improved in March, due to the fact that exports decreased at a lower rate than imports. The trade balance showed a...

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Cash instead of meal ticket?

According to two young Economists of ‘Newagegroup’ (Újkorcsoport) organisation, meal tickets should be given to the workers in cash. Kaderják Dániel and Balázs András stated that the free meal vouchers...

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Satisfied inspectors?

According to the spokesman of the National Work and Labor Inspectorate (OMMF) despite the more stringent controls last year, the number of infringements in agriculture did not increase – reports...

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Competition for the retention of jobs

A Competitionhas been announced in order to the retention of jobs with a total of 20 billion HUF for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The companies wit at least five...

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Dunapack Roadshow starts – ’Let’s pack together’ (x)

The Dunapack Paper and Packaging Ltd. which is Hungary's largest paper-packaging manufacturing company, launches a Road show around the country with expert advice, in order to present its products and...

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Who will be the greener?

Students of a Salgótarján school won the “Who will be the greener?” waste deposit competition. The hard-working students’ reward will be a half a million forint excursion thanks to Tesco....

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Decreasing producer prices in agriculture

The producer prices in March decreased by 26.8 percent compared to the same period to the previous year’s – states the quick briefing of the Central Statistical Office. The price...

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Suspicion of carteling in the sugar industry

A number of sugar companies, are under investigation for the suspiction of carteling by the Economic Competition Authority. According to the Economic Competition Authority the alleged agreement could limit the...

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Crisis helps Hungarian wines?

The difficult economic situation valorises domestic tourism, foreign tourists also choose closer locations instead of exotic trips. If they are visiting our country, they surely taste local wines – believe...

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Taxation of the meal vouchers would be a handicap for everyone

Two and a half million workers, and every fourth restaurant would be affected by the taxation of a meal vouchers –states the Food Distributors Voucher Association (EUFE). According to the...

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Dunapack Roadshow starts – ’Let’s pack together’ (x)

The Dunapack Paper and Packaging Ltd. which is Hungary's largest paper-packaging manufacturing company, launches a Road show around the country with expert advice, in order to present its products and...

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Hungarian pork price increases

The remainder of the year the price of pork can increase up to 10-15 percent. The increasing import and the surplus accumulated in the EU, can reduce prices. Slaughterhouses bought...

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