
Food retail still dropping

Retail sales were down by 3.2 percent in February 2009, compared to the same month in 2008 and by 0.5 percent, compared to January. Retail sales totalled HUF 958 billion...

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Regional differences in growth

Rates of growth for sales of leading food categories in the April 2008-March 2009 period. Notes: 1. Sales of the 90 categories monitored by Nielsen showed average growth of 6...

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Adam in the focus, following Eve

An increasing number of products intended for men are appearing in the shower gel and body lotion category, previously regarded as rather feminine. The category continues to produce annual growth...

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Food prices dropping except for seasonal ones

Food prices were up by 0.4 percent in April, compared to March. Seasonal prices like potato, fresh vegetables and fruits rose. The same happened to sausages, chocolate and poultry. The...

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Újvidék and London in the AMC program in May

AMC provided support for 16 Hungarian exhibitors attending the 76th International Agricultural and Food Industry Fair in Újvidék held between 9-16. May. A consumer promotion under the „Delikatesno iz Mađarske”...

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Importance of outsourcing felt by many now

There is no need to prove that the logistic sector has been hit very hard by the recession. Logistic enterprises are forced to grant substantial discounts to their clients in...

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No boom foreseen by Atradius for next year

Forecasts predicting a boom for 2010 are not considered to be reliable by Atradius. The credit insurance company expects recession to continue in 2010 as well. According to their country...

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G+H dedicated to „Slow Food”

The 4th G+H exhibition and the 14th Vinex held simultaneously in Brno, between 3-6. March were highly successful. A total of 170 exhibitors from 13 countries attended the two events....

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Great opportunities in the market of refrigerated goods

The logistic market of refrigerated goods is in turmoil. Both local and international enterprises see market gaps waiting to be filled. According to Szabolcs Czifrik from Liegl & Dachser Kft.,...

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Change in VAT to have little effect on inflation

According to a study by KOPINT-TÁRKI Konjunktúra Kutató Zrt. and Agrár Európa Tanácsadó Kft., food inflation is expected to be significantly lower in 2009 than a year ago owing to...

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PROMOTION at the end of September

The PROMOTION exhibition to be held by HUNGEXPO between 22-25. September promises to be the most “talkative” event of the marketing communication sector. “Creativity, innovation and alternative solutions” will be...

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Chance or risk?

On 12. May, a conference was held by manufacturers of dairy products under the title “Chance or risk?” to discuss possible answers to the problems presented by the economic crisis....

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More shoppers from the 50-65 age group in modern chains

According to the Nielsen ShopperTrends survey, an increasing proportion of 50-65 year olds visit modern stores, while the loyalty of this group towards traditional stores has diminished. While in 2007,...

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Higher tax might blacken the food market

The latest government measures are certain to have a rapid and deep effect on the food supply chain. The combination of reduced purchasing power and higher VAT will transform food...

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Foresighted companies invest in development even in times of crisis

It is quite surprising to see that SME-s have reduced their spending on material handling equipment less substantially than large enterprises. Regarding spending on warehousing software, the situation has not...

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One eye laughing, the other eye weeping

According to experts from PriceWaterhouseCoopers Kft, some players in the FMCG sector might be able to reclaim VAT, while the burden on enterprises employing several hundred people could be reduced...

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In May, the first time in a nine-month period the economic index of GKI has been improved.

The seasonally adjusted values of the GKI consumer confidence index has been appreciably increased after last October’s fall and April’s stagnation. According to the survey of GKI Economic Research Co....

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Agreement between the Brand Allience and FEOSZ

The Hungarian Brand Allience (Márkaszövetség) and the National Federation of Consumer Associations signed a cooperation agreement. On the general meeting of Brand Allience held on 25 May, Deák Ferenc the...

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Every third Hungarian purchases in small stores

According to the datas of GfK Hungária, the long-term change in consumer habits, seems to strengthen due to the economic crisis. The number of high rate shopping has been decreased,...

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The European Commission to examine food shop prices

It is observed in many European countries that the decrease in prices in the food market does not follow by a decline in consumer prices. While a large number of...

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Retail trade turnover has been decreased in March

The volume of retail sales decreased by 3.6 percent in March, and declined with 3.2 percent in the first quarter compared to the same period of previous year – states...

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The small meat-processing companies are in hopeless situation

Those domestic meat industries can survive the crisis whivc has own raw material production, has significant opportunities for domestic sales, and has export markets. The smaller companies working with imported...

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Economic Competition Authority inspects the ethical code of food

The ethical code of food was signed by a number of professional organizations and associations in mid-April. The ECA started an inspection because of the suspicion is that there is...

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The joint exhibition of Hispack, and Alimentaria Barcelona ended with great success

Fira de Barcelona's International Packaging Show, Hispack, and Alimentaria Exhibitions' Barcelona Food & Beverage Technologies, Bta, closed their doors last 15th. May with a very positive balance of their first...

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With the heart and soul for our home

The joint action program of CBA and the Procter & Gamble called ” With the heart and soul for our home ” will end 31 May. The CBA campaign started...

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IFO index has improved, but not enough

The IFO index reflecting the business mood in Germany increased to 84.2 points in May however, the improvement is less than the expected 85 points. he participants of the survey...

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Ghost malls in the United States

The huge shopping malls established in the 50’s – which are the basic institutions of American consumer society – are empty, their number is decreasing. The groups operating the shopping...

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Cheaper loans for small and medium enterprises

Government will allow small and medium-sized businesses to obtain government guarantees 25 percent cheaper, if they do not exceed the amount of credit last year's personal efforts. New chapters have...

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Pessimistic forecast of the Ministry of Finance

According to the forecast of The Ministry of Finance, the private consumption decreses with 6-7 percent, exports decreases with 15 percent this year due to the deepening global economic crisis....

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The world's grain production will be lower than last year

This year, 5.7 percent less wheat will grow on Earth, compared to 2008. The expected total weight will be 651 million tonnes. Accordingly, the prices are rising moderately – reports...

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