
Retail of clothes is bipolar

Last year an average Hungarian family spent HUF 108,500 for clothes and shoes. Most of them for overclothes.  According to FashionScope research by GfK Hungary customers used both pole of...

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Conference about falsification and corruption

17th KRIMINALEXPO IT-SEC, organised by Assotiation of Hungarian Attornies co-settling of Ministry of Judge takes place between 5-7 May 2009 in Europa Congress Center Budapest.  This year the topic of...

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Investigation into retail prices

A report by EU Parliament's Agriculture Committee calls for a Europe-wide investigation into retail prices, a database of food prices to be set up to allow comparison and a telephone...

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Balance between economic growth and protecting the environment

While the environment remains a significant issue for Americans, there has been a shift from broad-based green thinking to more practical green action and a focus on activities that have...

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Auchan's net sales grow by 7.5%

French retailer's net sales reached EUR39.5 billion and EBITDA increased by 9.2% to EUR2.26 billion.   A good performance was registered in France, posting a 3.1% increase in net sales...

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Sales decreasing under 3%

According to Hungarian Central Statistic Office's calendar adjusted data, the volume of retail sales decreased by 2.8% in January compared to the same period of the previous year.  In January...

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The „JÓFEJ-campaign is continuing

Campaign inviting to a temperate and guilty automobile driving, it is one of the continental activities, which breweries of Europe started in struggle against ruinous effects of irresponsible consumption of...

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Less people buy OTC products in stores

According to Business Superbrands awarded reseracher Szonda Ipsos, 95% of the Hungarian adults lay OTC products in pharmacies. But some of them are also open for other solutions.   90%...

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Hungary’s GDP to contract 4-5% in 2009

Economic think tank Kopint-Tárki projects a 3% drop in euro zone exports this year, including a 3.0-3.5% decline in exports to Germany.   The think tank Kopint-Tárki expects Hungary’s GDP...

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Signing the Food Codex?

According to business daily Világgazdaság the dealers, the adapters and the producers also agree with established variant of the codex. Partners could study the initiative once again after 23 March....

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Scottish doctor urges “fat tax” on chocolate

In Scotland, nearly one in four people are obese, and chocolate is a root cause of increasing obesity. "If the British government is serious, they should tax chocolate in the...

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‘World of Private Label’ – Trade Show in Amsterdam

Europe’s deepest recession in over 50 years is leading retailers to bring new strategies to PLMA’s event, to be held 26-27 May at the RAI Centre.   Private label is...

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U.S. food groups eye emerging markets

The world's largest soup maker, Campbell Soup Co., is focused on China and Russia; processed meat group Hormel Foods Corp is looking to China, and Sara Lee Corp is eyeing...

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Bta and Hispack simultaneously in May

Bta 2009 brings together the top international machinery, technology and ingredients brands for the food and beverage industry.   Barcelona Food and Beverage Technologies (Bta) is preparing for its twelfth...

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(HU) POS Media sikerek Ukrajnában


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Food price equalised

In January 2009 the producer price level of agricultural products was 28.2% lower than in the previous year. The price level of crops and horticultural products decreased by 38.6%, while...

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(HU) Sikeres évet zárt az Öko-Kord


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Extreme fall in industry output

In January 2009, industrial gross output decreased by 22.9% compared to January 2008. The index adjusted for working days declined by 21%.   The industrial export sales declined by 29.2%...

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Succes at Barcelona Degusta

According to the organisation, Alimentaria Exhibitions, during the show a turnover of close to two million euros was generated through direct sales. The third edition of Barcelona Degusta closed its...

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Decreasing consumer trust

The sales of FMCG products will fall in West-Europe, the growing inflation and the pressure of budget cutting influences all of the supply chain.  In frame of ’Economic Current’ research...

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Euro zone Jan retail sales dip

Euro zone retail sales fell more than expected year-on-year in January and were revised down sharply for December in another sign of continued economic recession.  The European Union statistics office,...

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The concentration is faster, 1,400 less shops

According to Nielsen researches in 20008 December the number of food shops was 19,935, opposite to 2007's year's end result, 21,339 units.   Mainly the number of shops under 50...

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Hungarian bougth less consumer durables

After a balking year's end in 2007, the trend was unchanged in 2008, the total sales in volume and value was under the previous year's results.   According to GfK...

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