
Higher quality PET for fruit juice

Though consumption of fruit juices dropped last year, strong brands were not particularly badly hit, because consumers appreciate innovations even in cheaper segments. Owing to increasing price consciousness, the time...

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Recession in butchers’ shops

Trends in the world market of meat and poultry are monitored by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (AKI). Data from the market price information system (PÁIR) of KSH and AKI...

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Fastest growing foods

Table. Products achieving the biggest growth in the February 2008-February 2009 period. (percentage)...

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Chains of small stores increasing their market share

According to data from the GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, decline in the market of fruit juices continued in 2008. Growth was recorded only in the nectar segment. Sales in terms of...

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Expectations reaching lowest point ever

The conjuncture index of GKI has been falling for the fifth consecutive month. According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt., the deterioration in business expectations speeded up in...

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Spring Coupon Days defying economic crisis

The Árkád and Europark malls in Budapest and malls in Eger, Nyíregyháza and Kecskemét have joined forces with the web site to multiply their Easter turnover. The success of...

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Shiny teeth – preferably with promoted products

Experts believe that mouth hygiene is still behind Western standards in Hungary, which means there is still room for development. Brand loyalty is low in the mouth care market, with...

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Sales still not dropping in terms of quantity in Spain

Spain is one of the leading European markets, with 45 million consumers. In the fourth quarter of 2008, it was still one of the ten European countries where no drop...

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Düsseldorf EuroCIS: Money still being spent on Retail IT

– The directors of retail enterprises continue to spend money on IT, as they know that modern IT is essential to all their operations – said dr. Bernd Hallier, director...

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A shiny and healthy smile from children with Gabi

The Gabi brand includes two toothpaste products, Tejfogkrém and Málnás tejfogkrém for children. Communication this year focuses on the 40 anniversary of the brand. Sales of toothpaste are highly concentrated,...

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Retail sales down almost everywhere in Europe

According to an Eurostat estimate, retail sales continued to drop in the EU in December 2008. Sales were down by 0.8 percent in the EU-27 countries on average and by...

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Farmers’ day in Mezőtúr in May

The main objective of the event to be held on 13. May is presenting Hungarian agricultural and food products. Various meetings, debates, conferences will accompany the event and there will...

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Dynamic growth in sales of 100 ml tubes

Retail sales of toothpaste were up by 4 percent in 2008, exceeding HUF 10 billion. Regarding unit size, the 51-75 ml segment remained the largest, although the 100 ml size...

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Increasing gap between active and retired households

According to KSH data, per capita consumption of food in households was nearly HUF 153, 000 in 2007, while peer capita consumption of alcohol-free beverages was over HUF 14,000. These...

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Award for TV2 BRANDcare – T-Home cooperation

In the Local Deal of the Year category of the Festival of Media Awards, the brand introduction campaign of T-Home has reached the final. This innovative BRANDcare solution based on...

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Examples for measuring the effectiveness of promotions

In times of recession, it is a good idea to support strong brands with budgets concentrated on the most effective promotional tools. Measuring the effectiveness of promotional activities has become...

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Detectable drop in retail sales

Retail sales were down by 3.9 percent in December 2008, compared to December 2007. The year on year drop was 2.1 percent in the above period. Retail sales totalled HUF...

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Hungarian foods sampled in Germany

Producers of bio products from all over the world met at the Biofach exhibition held in Nürnberg, between 19-22 February. The event was attended by 22 Hungarian companies with the...

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New service by Nielsen to help in POP promotional activity

How is my POP promotion program implemented? Have my displays been placed as agreed? What-in-store activity mix is most likely to facilitate the success of my campaign? Nielsen is planning...

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Food export up in December

Both export and import were up by 3 percent in 2008, compared to the preceding year. The balance of foreign trade showed a deficit of HUF 24 billion , which...

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Tesco, CBA and Coop leading, with Spar and Lidl catching up

Tesco, CBA and Coop lead the top list of retail companies generating the highest revenues in 2008. Tesco generated revenues of HUF 602 billion, while revenues of Héliker, the last...

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Battlefield report

I am not too worried about POS marketing which is good news for the profession and also for customers. Customers have been getting increasingly conscious for some years, but their...

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Roller coaster ride for industrial production

Industrial production was down by 22.9 percent in January 2009, compared to January 2008 and up by 2.5 percent compared to December 2008. Industrial export was down by 29.2 percent....

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Brands in battle

Guests at the meeting held by Trade Magazin Márkaklub in late February were looking for an answer to the question of what opportunities arise for brands as the result of...

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Buying beer a shameful thing?

According to eye camera research conducted by GfK Hungária, shopping decisions regarding beer take only 1-2 minutes and often cause shoppers to feel ashamed. The question of whether buying beer...

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Let’s check out!

The cash register zone is undoubtedly one of the two hottest locations in stores which deserves special attention. No other area inside stores has seen such dynamic change and development...

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Modern stores accounting for largest part of beer sales

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, the assortment of beer has widened substantially since 2004, with hyper markets producing the biggest expansion. Primarily, this expansion is due to the appearance...

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Displays for Hungarians

“The sky is the limit” was the title of the meeting held by STI Display Hungary Kft for its partners in March. Róbert Varga, managing director spoke about the company...

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Continuous innovation and finding new markets: a way out of the crisis

We have asked the president-CEO of PICK SZEGED Zrt., László Kovács about prospects for his company and the meat sector in general. The Hungarian meat industry suffered losses amounting to...

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Show me your beer and I’ll tell you who you are

Leading beer brands are becoming increasingly cautious in the shrinking market. Instead of radical innovation, they focus on improving image and communication. The policy pursued by hyper markets of selling...

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