
Glass-scandal still going on in Sweden

The Chief of Security for the trade federation representing Sweden’s supermarkets believes the incidents of glass found in meat products over the past fortnight may have been inserted into the...

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What sort of customers are baby-boomers?

According to data provided by KSH, 37 percent of the Hungarian population is over 50 – what are their habits as consumers?  The truth about fifty-something agrgroups is that there...

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Consumer trust index keeps deteroriating

Nearly two-thirds of those being asked are convinced that Hungarian job-possibilities are not satisfactory – a survey by Nielsen about consumer-trust.  Six people out of ten, at the age of...

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Hungary is the third biggest turkey-consumer country of the world

Even though the poultry-market is not being left untouched by the crisis, Gallicoop has reached a yield of 25 billion HUF and they are about to launch new projects in...

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Three out of four Hungarians are regular coffee-drinkers

Over 76 percent of the Hungarian population is a regular coffee-drinker, and most people – especially those over 30 – tend to drink more than one cup a day.  The...

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Agricultural chamber helping entrepreneurs to provide EU with data

The European Union makes it compulsory for each agricultural entrepreneur to provide them with data about their business, he Hungarian Agricultural Chamber may be of great help when it comes...

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Shepherds on the verge of going bankrupt in spite of the season

There is an increasing interest in sheeps, shepherds still do not make any extra cash due to the gradual weaking of forint.  Even though most seasonal products associated with the...

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Consumers “eat what tastes good” rather than what's healthy

Purchase frequency per buyer has been declining since 2005, though the crisis has brought about an upswing in the uindulgent snack-business.  However, healthier snacks have been less affected, and both...

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Professional days for experts of pálinka

The Professional Days of Agárd is a special event for those involved in the Hungarian brandy (pálinka) scene. It takes place on 7th and 8th April this year.  The traditional...

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Broccoli-sprouts against cancer?

Eating 70 grammes of baby broccoli on a daily basis for two months may protect against a common stomach bug that is linked to gastritis, ulcers and even stomach cancer,...

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If beverage-customers can't find their preferred product, they won't make a purchase

Twenty-three percent of beverage consumers won't substitute another product if they can't find the product they want – an American survey points out."That number scares me.", said Bruce Miner, director...

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Youngsters buy Easter-candy, women over 40 buy Easter-ham

Households kept by women over 40 prefer to buy smoked-ham, whereas the younger generation opts for seasonal Easter-candies in the first place – a survey by GfK Hungária ConsumerScan says....

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Customers decide about the brand in-store

Customers continue to make brand purchase decisions in the store, so capturing shoppers inside is of major major importance – a new report from Miller Zell says.More shoppers are making...

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Fall in milk consumption

Milk consumption has fallen over the past 20-25 years in many countries, although Feed For Health says milk is healthy.  In UK the fall overall has been about one third...

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Agriculural trade-show with top Hungarian food-products

Agrarexpo of Szent György-day located in Pápa is one of the most significant, specifically agricultural trade-shows of the region, with a wide spectrum of high quality food-products.  The event organized...

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Hungarian food-products available via online order

Starting from late March, stores and dealers may order Hungarian food-products online, thanks to a new website started by Premium Gastro Ltd. and Premium Hungaricum Association.  „Of course we still...

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External balance improvement under external pressure

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prepared in co-operation with Erste Bank, the global economic crisis pushed the Hungarian economy onto a new development path   External...

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Opten: 1184 liquidation proceedings announced in March

Though the number of liquidation orders in Hungary's property industry fell last month, March saw an even greater number of liquidation processes, Opten company information service has reported. Liquidation proceedings were...

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Egg-prices going through a moderate raise during the Easter-season

Egg-prices in Hungary are facing a moderate, less than 10 percent increase during the Easter-season, due to the decrease of effective demand.  This Easter, egg-prices are going through a rather...

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Customers are fed up with low quality Easter-bunnies

Last spring, over 967 tons of seasonal Easter-candies were sold, and most of these chocolate-bunnies had been made of high-quality, at least 35% percent cocoa-content.  „In the past few years,...

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Experts want soft-drink producers to use less sugar

What you drink may be more important than what you eat, according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.  Researchers believe that soft drink producers should...

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Hungarian foods sampled in Germany

Producers of bio products from all over the world met at the Biofach exhibition held in Nürnberg, between 19-22 February. The event was attended by 22 Hungarian companies with the...

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New service by Nielsen to help in POP promotional activity

How is my POP promotion program implemented? Have my displays been placed as agreed? What-in-store activity mix is most likely to facilitate the success of my campaign? Nielsen is planning...

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Food export up in December

Both export and import were up by 3 percent in 2008, compared to the preceding year. The balance of foreign trade showed a deficit of HUF 24 billion , which...

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Tesco, CBA and Coop leading, with Spar and Lidl catching up

Tesco, CBA and Coop lead the top list of retail companies generating the highest revenues in 2008. Tesco generated revenues of HUF 602 billion, while revenues of Héliker, the last...

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Battlefield report

I am not too worried about POS marketing which is good news for the profession and also for customers. Customers have been getting increasingly conscious for some years, but their...

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Roller coaster ride for industrial production

Industrial production was down by 22.9 percent in January 2009, compared to January 2008 and up by 2.5 percent compared to December 2008. Industrial export was down by 29.2 percent....

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Brands in battle

Guests at the meeting held by Trade Magazin Márkaklub in late February were looking for an answer to the question of what opportunities arise for brands as the result of...

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Buying beer a shameful thing?

According to eye camera research conducted by GfK Hungária, shopping decisions regarding beer take only 1-2 minutes and often cause shoppers to feel ashamed. The question of whether buying beer...

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Let’s check out!

The cash register zone is undoubtedly one of the two hottest locations in stores which deserves special attention. No other area inside stores has seen such dynamic change and development...

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