
Stain-free cleanness with specialised products

6-8 different types of detergents are used by average Hungarian households. Most housewives use specialised products and universal detergents at the same time. Dish washers, scrubbing powders and creams, germ...

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Hungarians worried mainly by cost of alcohol consumption

44 percent of Hungarians claim that they never consume alcohol. According to a survey conducted by the GfK group for Wall Street Journal Europe, the biggest concern for Hungarians regarding...

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Antal Zöld in Cologne for the 39th time

During the exhibition, a special celebration was held to commemorate that this was the 39th consecutive time for Antal Zöld to visit the ISM. In the 1970’s, had been in...

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Cheap food after a good harvest

According to a forecast by Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Intézet Zrt. and Agrár Európa Tanácsadó Kft., food prices will only rise moderately this year, increasing at a slower rate than inflation. The...

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Fewer households buying general detergents and floor cleaners

According to data from the ConsumerScan of GfK Hungária, different changes have taken place in various segments of households detergents, which has resulted in some shifts in their respective market...

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Domestic chains re-magnetised

According to the Shopping Monitor and Shopping Mission 2008-2009 surveys prepared about distribution channels by GfK Hungária, smaller stores continue to play an important role in Hungary. For the first...

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Escape routes

Innovation, product development, expansion of distribution channels, authentic communication without cost reduction – this is how we can sum up what has been said by participants of the Marketing Forum...

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Weak HUF good for only a few

According to Tamás Éder, chairman of ÉFOSZ, the weakness of the HUF will only benefit a very limited number of food processing enterprises. In his opinion, it is unlikely that...

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Drugstores strengthening their position in HUF 19 billion market

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, retail sales of hair care products stagnated at slightly over HUF 19 billion last year. The nearly HUF 11 billion market of shampoos remained...

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Grain prices halved

The supply price of agricultural products was down by 22,6 percent in December 2008, compared to December 2007. The price of plant products was down by 38 percent, while that...

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Efficiency has become a priority

A TOP of Mind survey has been conducted by CIES among 600 leading officers from the FMCG sectors of 54 countries about what they expect to be the issues of...

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Washing hair no longer enough

The hair care market is still dominated by shampoos but balsams have also been producing dynamic growth for years and sales of conditioners also began to soar last year. Demand...

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Romania still enjoying growth

According to an estimate by Eurostat, retail sales in the EU-27 countries were down by 0.2 percent on average, and by 1.5 percent in the Euro zone in November 2008,...

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Market expanding, growth for milk chocolate

Retail sales of Easter sweets rose again last year. Sales were up by 7 percent in terms of quantity, and by 22 percent in terms of value. Total sales were...

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Key factor for new products: proportion of people who try it

According to Jonathan Banks, research director of Nielsen UK, there are three factors influencing the development of new products at present: consumer confidence, the expansion of private labels and the...

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Fat producing highest price rise

In January 2009, consumer prices were up by 0,6 per cent on average compared to December and by 3.1 percent compared to January 2008. Food prices were up 2.2 percent,...

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Branded rabbits and eggs in leading role

Quality is the trend among seasonal sweets. Manufacturers of branded milk chocolate figures won’t have much to worry about this Easter. Last year, real milk chocolate accounted for three out...

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Trendy foods

Trends have a substantial influence on shopping decisions. Such trends also have the power to change consumer habits and the structure of demand for good. The effects of trends can...

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New orders for processing sector down by a quarter

Industrial production was down by 12 percent in November 2008, compared to November 2007. Production in the first 11 months of 2008 was up by 0.4 percent compared to the...

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Reaching for the bottle

It was announced on 16 February that the tax on alcohol is to be increased by 3-7 percent. What is wrong with this? Manufacturers are worried that this will not...

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Typical consumers of seasonal sweets are young

Sales of Easter chocolate figures continue to drop. Hyper markets remain the primary distribution channel, while the market share of small stores continues to shrink, according to data from GfK...

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Different trends for light milk and light soft drinks

According to data from the GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, the popularity of both low and high fat content milks increased in the first nine months of 2008, but that of normal...

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Modest year for hotels

Though the number of guests buying commercial accommodation services was up by 1-2 percent in 2008, they spent fewer nights there, compared to 2007. The revenues generated by accommodation services...

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Code kept warm

Food manufacturers and retailers seem to have finally reached an agreement about a Code of Ethics. Their objective has been to set a universal standard for market players to be...

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Seasonal market of cooked ham stable at HUF 12 billion

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, sales of processed meat were up by 4 percent in terms of value, while cooked ham produced stagnation in 2008. Sales of cooked ham...

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Calories in system of classification

According to the findings of several surveys, Hungarian consumers are becoming increasingly health conscious, as illustrated by the growing popularity of nutritional labelling systems and programs. Initiatives aimed at orienting...

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Discounts challenging big hyper markets

The discount channel has been expanding successfully in France as well, while the market share of bigger than 6,500 square meter hyper markets has been shrinking. Five out of the...

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On line store for Hungarian products in March

The intention of Prémium Hungaricum Egyesület is to help Hungarian SME-s from the food sector in entering the market. This is why they are planning to start up an online...

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Less imported ham – can domestic industry benefit from this?

„I have some good news and some bad” – one could say. The good news is that if the HUF will stay as weak as it is now, then domestic...

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Three-quarters of domestic production is exported

While total food consumption is declining, the consumption of bio food is growing. Bio production is based on transparent and clear regulations, which guarantee that it is compliant with specific...

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