
Brussels is not willing to reduce the milk quota

Milk quotas will not be reduced and the freezing of the gradual quota increase, decided last year – states the European Commission's report, which leaked to several news agencies before...

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LEI index: recession can end in the United States

The composite index of U.S. economic indicators (leading indicators), increased by 0.7 percent in June, which is higher than the expected 0.5 percent. It is the third consecutive month, that...

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The British Competition Authority against supermarket dominance

The British Competition Authority embraced the initiative, which would prevent the small local food markets against the domination of of large chains of stores. According to the Competition Authority; approximately...

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Agriculture expects one hundred billion HUF credit from banks

The Hungarian Agriculture Chamber sent a letter to Secretary-General of the Hungarian Banking Association Nyers Rezső that commercial banks to ensure the farmers' resource needs. According to experts of the...

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Great interest on the thirty-billion source

According to information provided by the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH) 3800 applications had been received from farmers for agricultural machine support. The non-final data show, that the demand...

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Hungary may take action against Slovakia

If Hungary and Slovakia, do not agre in the common usage of Tokaj name Hungary may take the case into court to challenge Tokajská, Tokajská and Tokajsky names. According to...

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International Honey Fair and Beekeeper Meeting for the twenty-second time

On the 1st of August 2009 the 22nd International Honey Fair and Apiarian Meeting will be held in Jászberény again. Those who interested can hear the presentations about bee products,...

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Hungary’s fresh fruit exports can be ground on bananas

Hungarian banana consumption steadily rising for twenty years and at the same time, the re-export. Fifty-three percent of the fresh fruit export comes from banana export in the winter months....

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Social shop to open in Paks

With the participation of the Hungarian Famers Cooperative Association and Hungarian Farmers, Tolna county’s 1st social shop opened which is the 53rd social shop int he country. Two more shops...

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The National Trade Association agrees with the President

The Secretary OKSZ agrees with letter of the President, where Sólyom László justifies the reasons why he sent back the law prohibiting the unfair distribution behavior of agricultural and food...

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Variable quality of the grain harvest

The rainfalls of June, harm the cereals: the quality of this year's barley and wheat are mixed. According to the announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture which was harvested before...

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GKI – The competitive and business environment indexes of Microsoft- 2009. July

The GKI Economic Research Ltd., with the support of Microsoft publishes a quarterly index, where Hungary's competitiveness is compared to other countries of the region, as well as domestic and...

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The amount of the nylon shopping bags halved in a two year period

With the assistance of seven leading UK retail chains, including Tesco, Asda and J Sainsbury, in Great Britain, the number of nylon shopping bags in May halved, compared to the...

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The EU's agricultural support is a threat to global food security

The European Union's agricultural support makes the agricultural development of the third world very difficult – warns EurActiv EU news portal.  On the G8 meeting in Italy the G8 countries...

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Strict Ukrainian rules for the meat-industry

Ukraine has announced that the country would only allow the delivery of meat-products that have been examined by the controllers of the authority. The new rule takes effect on 23rd...

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An increasing number of under age, foreign and organized offenders steal from the shops

According to Népszava the experiences have shown that thefts in Hungarian shops have became more organized and tend to lower-value goods than in the past. According to Fodor Attila, spokesman...

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Increasing food-prices in developing countries

Domestic food prices in developing countries remain high despite a sharp decline in international prices and overall good cereal harvests, FAO warned today in its latest Crop Prospects and Food...

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The annual retail sales of ice-lollies are over 17 billion HUF

According to Nielsen market research company; over the past 12 months between July 2008 and June 2009 – the sales of ice-lollies excessed 17 billion forints in the organized retailing....

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Consumer prices increased 3.7 percent in June over a year

In June 2009 the average consumer price increase of the month was 0.1 percent. Compared to June 2008 prices increased by 3.7 percent. In the first six months of this...

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There will be a shortage of Hungarian milk soon

Because of the crisis of the dairy sector, producers sold ten thousand breeding animals in the first part of the yaer, more than the whole of last year – said...

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In Hungary, there are still a high proportion of those who do not have capital

While inWestern Europe and the in the U.S.A. the proportion of investors, has been increased, in Central and in Eastern Europe many people do not have any investment. In Hungary...

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Hungarian companies are at the forefront on the basis of CSR rating

According to Braun & Partners Network's research on the Hungarian and Polish companies in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, Hungarian and Polish companies has the best CSR performance. The Top100...

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One billion VAT cheat disguised with cereal trade activity

According to APEH press executive; a VAT cheat excessing one billion HUF has been uncovered by the auditors of the Southern Great Plains Regional Board of APEH. The investigation found...

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Newspapers, radio, magazine then TV, is the sort of trust in traditional media ads

In order, Hungarians trust in adverts of newspapers, radio and TV among the traditional media ads. In Europe, Television is leading in front of the newspapers. According to Nielsen 's...

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Consumers' expectations are on top

After the turning point of May, for the third consecutive months, the seasonally adjusted volume of the GKI consumer confidence index is increasing. Although the improvement of July is minimal,...

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Surprisingly price decline after VAT increase

According to Privátbanká; the consequences of the VAT increase do not appear in the prices of the stores, prices even decreased. The value of the price basket of the internet...

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The ice-cream and ice lolly consumers not only like traditional flavors

Chocolate still the most favourable among the traditional flavors of ice cream consumption, but more and more new flavors appears among the favorites, such as foam ice lolly and pine...

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Sufficient fruit yield, consumer prices are not high

Despite the natural disasters domestic fruit yield, will not be bad. European yields keeps prices real. Thus, neither the purchasing nor the consumer prices are not too high. The peaches...

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Retail sales decreased by 5 percent

In the view of the traders, the increase of VAT rate and excise taxes even more decreases public consumption – stated Feiner Péter, President of the National Trade Association (OKSZ)...

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Half billion HUF fine because of misleading the consumers

For misleading the consumers 500 hundred million HUF fine has been imposed by the Economic Competition Authority this year. Compared to last year's 700 million HUF fine for the full...

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