
The economic and cultural effects of Balaton Sound

According to a survey among the festival visitors of Balaton Sound, more than two-third of the visitors travelled to the site because of the event. After 2007 and 2008, the...

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Food waste of the developed world could save the hungry

According to the most recent calculations, the population of Europe and the United States builds up enormous amounts of food waste: the amount of ordered but did not consume food...

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Information on the intake of calories quantity

The consumer protectors have long been treating as a priority target the various fast food chains. Last year in the states of California and New York, larger fast food chains...

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Coface expects larger downturn than expected

Coface expects the global economic downturn, a total of 6.6 percentage points for the period between 2007 and 2009, which is a larger downturn than formerly expected. According to the...

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Baker Festival in Komárom

Several thousand people visited the monastery-fortress of Komárom during the weekend, where the national Baker Festival took place for the seventh time. This year, the Napoleonic times was summoned by...

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The benefits of Mediterranean diet

According to studies; the Mediterranean diet strengthens the immune system, reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The basic of the diet is consist ofvegetable dishes: cereals, dry legumes, nuts,...

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In-store advertising gaining popularity in times of crisis

As clients question the effectiveness of advertising in conventional mediums, indoor advertising in supermarkets is gaining support and popularity. Marketers, retailers and media companies have attempted to make in-store advertising...

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Five-point improvement in consumer confidence in June

Nielsen market research company's consumer confidence index improved to 45 points in June after the 40-40 points of May and April, and the 37 points of March. The consumer morale...

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Adapting to recession

According to the forecast of GKI and Erste Bank, Hungary, Hungarian GDP is likely to drop by about 6.5 percent this year, but the external balance is set to improve...

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Loan guarantee for 189 billion HUF in 6 months

The Garantiqa Loan Guarantee Ltd. reported assuming guarantee for 15,532 contracts amounting to 189 billion HUF on the loans of small and medium enterprises (SME) in the first half of...

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More milk and fish, but less fruit and potatoes were consumed in 2007

According to the Central Statistical Office, food consumption per person was a total of 61 kg in 2007. The domestic meat consumption in 2007 was 63 kg per person. The...

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Melon market works well

Due to co-operation of the Hungarian Melon Association and the HungarianFruit-Vegetable Marketing Organization (FruitVeB) previous years' disturbances on melon market has been eliminated this year. According to Mártonffy Béla, Executive...

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Apricot directly from the producer

Although this year's apricot season started with high prices, Tisza-side producers continued their fruit offers in the capital. After strawberries and cherries, now they are selling apricot directly to consumers,...

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Euro zone retail decreased

The retail sales in the euro zone decreased in May higher-than-expected despite the April growth. Turnover decreased by 0.4 percent in May. The annual rate also decreased above the expected...

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This year, EU's grain production will decrease

According to the new forecast of Coceral which is the Organisation of Producers, it is expected that 285.27 million tons of grain will be harvested this year in the European...

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Agriculture Ministers and the EU, believe that freshwater and pond fishing is the future

Fishing is one of the most promising sector in agriculture. According to Ministers of the EU, freshwater and pond fishing has a greater option than sea fishing – said Gráf...

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Retail food sales increased in value, but decreased by volume

According to Nielsen market research company, retail food sales increased by 5 percent betwen June 2008 and May 2009 compared to the same period of the previous year, while volume...

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Hungarian manufacturing industry continues to decline

The seasonally adjusted volume of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI) is 45.8 percent in June, which is 0.4 percentage points higher than the to 45.4 percent volume of May, but...

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Large beer and hamburger consumption on VOLT Fest

One of the biggest festival of Hungary started on Wednesday in Sopron. This year, for the 17th time acceptable prices are expecting visitors. The beer is the most favourite product...

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Cafeteria – after the tax changes

Cafeteria providers, will not migrate out of Hungary but the expected decline in revenues will force them to re-design their cost structure and services. According to Rajné Adamecz Ildikó, partner...

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Swiss chocolate is still popular

Switzerland remains a major consumer of chocolate and chocolate-exporter The total turnover of Swiss chocolates increased by 9.3 percent, exports increased by 11 percent in 2008. According to Chocosuisse, which ...

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Preferential loan to agricultural businesses

Regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture allows institutions to help the agri businesses with preferential guarantees. At Garantiqa Loan Guarantee Ltd. applications have already been prepared for the reception. Discount...

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Economic index of GKI rises for two months

After the stagnation of April and the fall of October 2008, the GKI Economy Research Institute's economic index increasing for two months. According to GKI Economy Research Institute; the prospects...

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According to EU, the U.S. genetically modified corn is not harmfu

The European Union's Food Safety Agency (EFSA), reaffirmed that the genetically modified MON 810 corn, banned in a number of EU countries is not harmful to human, animal health and...

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Innovations in margarine dedicated to functionality

Baking margarine is the segment of the rather saturated margarine market where expansion can be expected as many consumers are turning to cooking at home. The number of categories in...

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Irish fed up with excesses produced by Celtic tiger

According to an analysis about the local effects of recession by the Irish Nielsen subsidiary, Irish consumers have quickly turned their back on the excesses produced by the Celtic tiger...

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Code or law?

The Food Product Code should have come into effect on 1. July. However, an enquiry has been launched by the Competition Office upon suspicion of the Code being contradictory to...

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Retail sales of energy drinks doubling

Retail sales of energy drinks more than doubled in the May 2008-April 2009 period, compared to the preceding 12 months, with total sales exceeding HUF 10 billion. Sales were up...

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The trend is unconventionality

Another meeting has been held by the Trade Marketing Club recently, dedicated to the topic of “ Extreme solutions in trade marketing”. Erika Pintér, managing director of Trend Budapest spoke...

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Price riddle

Farmers always seem to have problems. This year, it’s the draught, which is estimated to have caused a loss of one hundred billion forints so far. According to irrigation experts,...

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