
Beer guide

At the international price comparison site anyone can search for information, about the price of beer in more than 200 countries. The datas of the price comparison site comes...

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Consumer confidence index unexpectedly decrease in the U.S.A.

According to the survey of the University of Michigan; Contrary to the expectations, the U.S. consumer pessimism did not decreased. The Institute's consumer confidence index decreased from 66.0 points to...

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Nielsen and the Superbrands research the development opportunities of brands together

Nielsen is the marketing partner of Superbrands in 82 countries of the world including Hungary. Superbrands, is the only one brand reward system in Hungary – and one of the...

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World grain market prices significantly decreased

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, domestic and world grain market prices significantly decreased in recent months. In the last month, the price of cereals in Hungary also fell...

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Cost of Living became cheaper in the euro area

Consumer prices fell at record level in the euro zone in July, mainly due to the fact, that less need to be paid for energy and food. According to Eurostat...

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Farmer-Expo will be held again between 26th and 29th August

The Farmer-Expo – which will be held in the center of the Agricultural University of Debrecen – will provide a forum for agricultural producers, domestic and foreign firms to represent...

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Hungarians consume less biscuits than most of the citizens of the union

Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers Association assists the cereals made sweets lovers with a biscuits and muesli slice code. When eating biscuits and cornflakes from cereals, a lot of valuable nutrients get...

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So far, 40 percent of the hosts were fined

During its mid summer restaurant control, the National Consumer Protection Authority found problems at the 40 percent of the catering units. The fine was 25 million HUF. Last year, more...

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U.S. sugar stocks are on a thirty-four-year nadir

The leading U.S. food producers, such as Mars recently warned the Obama government to take immediate steps, because they will soon run out of sugar. Many jobs can be a...

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Forty-five Hungarian companies will take part on the Anuga food fair

Between 10-14 October mostly frozen food, organic and meat producers of Hungary will take part on the sector’s largest international professional food fair, the Anuga of Cologne. Fourteen of the...

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Quick report on agricultural producer prices by KSH

The level of agricultural producer prices decreased by 13 percent in June 2009, compared to the same period of the previous year. In particular, the price level of plant products...

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German and French economies are growing, while Hungarian GDP falls

According to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung referring to the Federal Statistical Office the worst recession in German history has ended.  In the second quarter of this year, the German economy increased...

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Tens of thousands forints can be saved on starting school

Parents can achieve up to 20-25 percent savings at pre-school shopping for the school year. The bid can be 50-100 thousand HUF per child, so it is important, where and...

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The inflation data has shown that traders swallowed most part of the VAT increase

The July VAT increase did not appear fully in inflation, because in the shrinking domestic market, many traders were not able to increase their prices, in addition to the seasonal...

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Selective waste collection: people declared themselves more eco-conscious than in reality

Only 18-20 percent of the plastic bottles are collected selectively in Hungary, even though 75 percent of the population is aware of environmental problems resulting from the PET bottles. According...

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Mangalica ham is popular in the United States

According to Tóth Péter President of the National Association Mangalica breeders; On the basis of sales, the turnover of the Hungarian mangalica ham can reach 1-2 thousands in the U.S....

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Record amounts of corn harvest in the United States

According to the most recent datas of the U.S. Ministry of Agriculture a record corn harvest and decrease in prices are expected.  The projections show that the corn harvest this...

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Separate shops are more preferred than plazas

According to the June research of GKI; Hungarian buyers prefer more Separate shops than shopping malls. More than one-third of the asked purchases mostly in separate shops. One quarter of...

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5.1 percent price increase in one year

According to the datas of KSH, the one month's average consumer price increase was 1.3 percent in July 2009. Compared to July 2008 the prices increased by 5.1 percent, if...

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Sziget is good for everyone

The organizers of Sziget Festival, can only calculate whether a profit has been made, after the event. But businesses can reckon on the additional economic benefits of the Festival. The...

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Hungary and Ukraine have the worst business climate in the region

According to the survey of Thomson Reuters OeKB the perception of the foreign companies operating in Eastern Europe, on their own business environment and the whole economy strongly improved. According...

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According to the Ministry of Economy, there is no need for qualified cashier

The new regulation of the Ministry of Economy would abolish the requirement of vocational training for the most of the trade jobs. The trade union fears from the obsoletion of...

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The retail sales of cleaners and hair dyes increased extremely

According to Nielsen Market Research Company, the retail turnover of household chemical goods and cosmetics grew by 3 percent approaching 300 million HUF per year. Nielsen based its survey on...

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The National Trade Association afraid of bankruptcy wave

According to Vámos György the Secretary-General of the National Trade Association, the damage caused by the two-digit VAT increase will bankrupt traders, entrepreneurs, especially retailers. One of the chain of...

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Wineries not dare to improve

Wineries’ planned investments of this year can fail. Banks cut back on their lending activities due to the crisis, so capital poor wineries will not have excess despite having successful...

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A decreasing interest on cereals

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture; wheat’s price is 30 thousand HUF per tonne due to the small demand for grain. The price of autumn barley is only 25...

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Crisis do not put a large effect on the toilet paper and paper handkerchiefs consumption

The retail sales of household paper increased by 10 percent between July 2008 and June, 2009, compared to the previous comparable period, and exceeded of 42 billion forints – states...

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Half million hectoliters less beer consumed last year than 2007

The economic crisis has reached the Hungarian brewing industry. The total sales of the breweries decreased by 7 percent, compared to the previous year. The growth trend of the previous...

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The reputation of the large Hungarian companies became measurable

The reputational ranking of the largest companies has been completed. The B & P BrandAktív measured the social assessment of 40 leading domestic companies in the last two months. The...

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It will be easier to open small shops in the future

The government would liberalize the trade activities significantly in the future. It will be enough to report to the competent notary the opening of a new shop. The simplification is...

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